ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 92 -This Isn't Spring!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/819251/

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

So what rose is that, Sis?

Good Morning!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Mornin Sweetie...That one is Blossomtime...

I'm trying to figure out how best to get the driveway cleared off..It's over 3 feet in some places...I don't think my little snow blower will do it...so I'm guessing it's going to be me and the shovel...Wish I had Bros tractor here...Gotta get it done, cause I'll need to get out in the morning...It finally stopped snowing a little after 6 last night...The neighbor next door says we got 17 inches here on top of the hill, but the drifts are really bad...I have to re-clear a path out for the little dogs...Kira could care less since she is so tall...I do hope this is the last of it for this year...

I'm off to bundle up.. it's only 16* here, so not a pleasant job...


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Yep we're off to dig out the Car too!
The roads are all cleared here now.
19° though so it will be around at least thru today.
We're looking at 62° by Thurs...... FLOOD!

We did get a little work done yesterday.
Here's the new Box MIx/Spice Cab on the right.

Off to Lowes.....HOPEFULLY! LOL!

BTW Joyce before the storm hit we had TONS of Hellebore buds!
Don't give up hope!!!


Thumbnail by henryr10

We are off to the mall to get some walking in , then HD for lights then the grocery
Yep Defoe my kids are all in one peice lol but i did yell at them and sent them to bed last night early.
its tough on them , they are outside kids all the way !!!
so off we go to the mall
take care everyone
Ric i think i need you in my kitchen ? :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, had to get DH to take me to DMIL's to fill her pill box for the week. She is on seiizure meds, and can't be without them. While I was out, I filled the bird feeders, and hope that the birds put on a show like they did yesterday.

Judy that is right, ah, those meatballs were to die for, how could they have slipped from my memory. You and Ric need to share the recipes, as he makes some yummy ones also.

Neal, did you just get all of that in the ground before this snow? I have 2 hydrangeas that I will need to put out this spring, Never have had one,so this will be a new experience.

Jules, tell me, how long does it take the witch hazels to get to blooming size? They sure are pretty, and I have the best place or two to plant some.

Dusty, Mr. B finally got up his courage, and is now just leaping into the drifts, and taking his chances about how deep it may be!!

This time is the pits, I didn't change my clocks until this morning, because church was cancelled yesterday afternoon, and I knew I didn't need to set an alarm. Glad that we will have a week to adjust to the time, before having to get up so danged early to make it to church.

Hope everybody has a good day.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

It's been a fun weekend around here! The kids got out of school early on Friday. Then Carly had a friend come over and stay until yesterday afternoon. Hubby took her home yesterday and Carly went home with her. Unfortunately, with all the snow, she was not sure exactly where her driveway was so hubby got stuck in her ditch. LOL After several tries, a friend with a truck got him out, but not without getting his own truck stuck several times because he kept sliding off the drive! They are supposed to bring her home shortly. Both girls are invited to a birthday party at a roller rink about an hour from here, but I'm still waiting to see if the party is on or not as the rink was closed yesterday.

Despite much plowing, our road is still white! We have drifts in the yard and driveway three feet high. It sure does look funny! Little birds keep going into the chicken coops to steal food. Somehow they get right in through the chickenwire but can't get out as easily. They are either confused or getting too fat from all the corn in the chicken food. LOL

Luckily, we've been pretty well stocked on food as a door to door meat pusher stopped by TWICE and we finally bought a freezer full from him. Now he's wanting to rent my other house. Where was he a year ago?? Hubby went to the store the next day and stocked up on pasta products and veggies and breakfast and lunch stuff so we were good to go. Of course, with 7 kids in the house for 24 hours and all of us home yesterday, we've run through the convenience foods. Hubby even worked from home yesterday so we saved money on gas and he put in a 12 hour day. Wish he could work from home every day!

Soccer sign ups were cancelled for today due to the roads and that was the only thing I had to do today. So who knows what the rest of the day holds??

I hope all of you that were not feeling well are getting back to normal.

Be safe and keep warm!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I've had the witchazels bloom when they are just a foot and a half tall. Bought in 1 gal. cans.

I'm lucky that I have a friend who is really good friends with a major witchazel guy up in Cleveland area. Tim Bratsman, or maybe Bratzman. He's written a book on WH's. I get all of mine through my friend. I don't have a choice of variety or shape etc.. my friend picks them out. So far, I have loved them all!

You won't want one if you are a "pruner"... they don't need any pruning in general. Deer really love them though. THey have not found mine. LOL maybe because I have a lot of woods and native habit for them, they have not really done much damage, other than bucks rubbing on small trees.

I know people though who never see the WH's bloom cause deer eat all the flowers.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

They said on the news that this area broke a record that had been set in 1968 for most snow in one fall. the record was 10.5, I think they're calling our "one fall" 14.

I remember a few years ago, the electric being out right before Christmas... but that was ice, not snow.... as long as I can get to the dentist Thursday I don't care what it does betwenn now and then.

I'm trying to study, it's not working.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Well we're BACK!
Hoad a bit of a problem getting out of the street.
After that mainly dry roads.

Kellogg and 4 Mile though are already closed for High Water.
The Ohio River is into Coney Island.... once this snow melts forget the River Houses.
They are going under BIG TIME.

Funny sight but no Camera... ALL the Post Office Trucks are buried in snow..
What happened to the Postman's Creed?


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Good afternoon everyone!
Sorry I've been AWOL for so long - first it was my back, then it was my sis. I was just about to the point (this was before the storm) where I could sit with the computer in my lap to catch up and she came up for some surgery. I got a call the afternoon of her surgery (which was also the afternoon of the storm) that said she was going to need for me to pick her up in a few hours from the doctor's - this was about the time I expected her to be calling to say she was home. Turns out she had a small artery on the right side to the front of her arm burst during surgery, so she needed to go back into surgery to have that fixed. Good thing it happened there! (I reminded her of the time Dad said he didn't feel well, drove himself to his doc's, and proceeded to have a mild heart attack right in front of the doctor. Guaranteed way to get attention is to have the doc push the wheelchair when you head into the ER...) Anyway, she has spent the past several days with me and I realized she didn't like the idea of me being on the computer. Every time I would pick it up she would start talking to me, or ask me why I spent so much time on it - so I've not been on for nearly a lifetime! It's always fun though, to spend time with my sis and for the first time in we couldn't remember how long it was just the two of us - Nora is in California visiting some of her family until this coming Saturday. So it was my sis, me and the three dogs for three days (it took her a little bit to recuperate). (The dogs do NOT like the fact that Nora isn't here....lengthy explanations have no effect on their apparent inability to believe she would WILLINGLY stay away from them for this long...)

My sis's place (about 90 miles south of here) got nailed with about a foot of snow, but we got very little of any kind of weather here - criminal really, when you consider the state of near-panic the local media worked themselves into. I think a total of 3" or so, with a hint of some sleet early on. That's the second time this year the weather has nailed KY and OH and slid right past us.

My little baby plants are doing well, some are about to outgrow their lights, so I'm going to spend a few hours repotting and shifting plantlets around.

Sorry to have been silent for so long. Hope everyone is feeling better!! I can empathize with tooth issues, last year I had a rather difficult re-do of a root canal, three crowns, and just got my teeth cleaned by someone I think is practicing to work as a torture expert - it took me two days to be able to eat anything normal again. I'm off to work on the books I couldn't because my sis was here...be careful driving out there, and stay safe and warm!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Good to see ya back Robin! Oh, bless your heart, I understand back pain all too well; glad you're upright again :-)

Bonnie, the timing was by divine intervention! Got all that stuff in the ground while it was mild, just before this crud came. To me the snow has looked like a nice, comfy blanket wrapped around all the babies- I may be going stir crazy, but at least the plants are safe, LOL.

Glad you mentioned the witch hazels again, I must check how to propagate them!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I am back!! The kitchen is ready for green paint and the lime green bedroom with the yellow, blue and turquoise circles (It was the nursery) has one coat of primer/kilz on it. I think it will need another since that is being covered in a "flax" color.

Anyway, driveway is all cleared out thanks to the Kubota and the driveway next door as well. Hope my front-wheel drive will take me to the road in the morning.

I'm ready for some lunch and a rest!

Robin, nice to see you again...I knew you were alive cause you checked to see if Beckie's grandbaby had been born! I knew you'd be back... ;o) I thought you were making a trip to Ohio while Nora went to CA. Did the snow scare you off, or did your sister??

Okay, tummy really says it wants attention.

Glad to hear everyone is surviving!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL - it's not the snow - it's them other drivers!! Serendipity actually caused me to be here so that my sis had a place to crash. I had planned to come over to OH for a visit, but haven't been able to get things coordinated to get over there with all the stuff that's popped up over here. Is that your tummy grumbling? I could have sworn it was mine!!

ooo.. witch hazels - I wish I had the space for some of those - more things to jam onto my sis's property!! I casually mentioned the possibility of putting in some cold frames at their place to my DBIL and got absolutely no response, I think he's got enough activity on his property for the time being! Their goats should be spouting out little baby goats in a few weeks here, I think, and somewhere in there she's got two of her own horses that are due to foal.

got out to the mall
got easter clothes for kids
had a yuckky chinese lunch, got very cranky
went to HD got wrong lights for my seed set up. Grrrr
got even grumpier , decided i better head home before i end up in jail . Poor kids . Yelled at them , they were just awful today. I actually gave my DD a evil eye look . !! they just wern't listening today. I got only so much patience and i was at my limit.
sent them to bed and had a cry . Missed a call from my Dh.
im just not having a good day. I hate menapause !!!! im convinced it is Gods way of getting back at me for not being nicer to my
parents as a teenager.
sorry to vent on you all
just a no good day. :( i hate this . Maybe i will go buy some more tomato seeds to make myself feel better
take care everyone
stay warm and safe
blessings to you all

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone! Ok...again...this is the THIRD time I have typed this...geesh!
Robin...good to see you again.
Well..we went skating tonight! DGD had a belated birthday party at the skating rink for her friends.
That music bout drove me crazy! I wanted to skate sooooo bad...and Dave wouldn't let me!! See...when I was younger, I went skating several times a week. And I was pretty good at it, if I do say so myself.! I loved to skate!
Anyway...I kept bugging him to let me put on skates...because I felt that I could do it.
Finally, he said..ok...but only if you stay behind the rail...and I hold on to you. Ok...he gets me some skates...puts them on for me...and I stand up. Wow! was that ever a wierd feeling!! I was very glad he was holding on to me...or was that the other way around??? So we went up and down the aisleway ..it's carpeted...and I had a terrible time just staying upright! I found out really quick...that my lower back is pretty weak...and doesn't give me much support! But I was able to stand up and walk around on them...with his help.
Then we went back to where my shoes were, and boom...down I went...almost taking him with me!! Good thing my butt is well padded! So some guy helped him to get me back up....and then we took off the skates! Guess I won't be skating any time soon again!!
But it was fun to try, even though it was disappointing!
And my son fell too, out on the floor...on his shoulder. I have a feeling he hit pretty hard, and is going to be sore tomorrow. (see...I dont have as far to fall...so I will be fine)
Then we left to go eat supper at Bob Evans. Got there...went to get out of the car...and I said...where is my purse? OMG! I left it at the skating rink!! Don't know how I did that!
I NEVER leave my purse!! It has my whole life in it...well..you ladies know what I mean!
And the skating rink was closing. We rushed back there...maybe...5 miles or so. Got there JUST as they were locking up....and yes...they had my purse!! Thank God!!
And nothing was missing.!
My son took a pic of me on the skates,and is going to send it to me in email. We'll see how bad it looks...maybe I will let you see it...LOL!!!
And that's my exciting evening...hahahahaa!!!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good evening, I hate this time!! Seemed like every time I turned around today,it was time to cook something to eat.

Marcy, oh my gosh, my heart was in my mouth reading about you skating. Girl,what got into you? Glad that the fall didn't hurt anything but the rear and the pride. So glad that you got your purse back and everything in it.

Melissa, did you say you don't have a dentist appointment till Thursday? Gosh, how are you gonna stand it for that long?

Neal, sounds like you just got in under the wire with the planting. The snow is acting as a blanket now, to help it get settled in. I read a bit about witch hazels, and they are propagated by grafting, which I know nothing about!! Any ideas?

Robin, good to see you, I had every confidence that life got in the way and you would return. Will the dogs forgive Nora when she returns?

DGD is staying the night again, as she is sure that there will be no school again tomorrow. She and a friend, with the help of the friends dad and older sister, built a 12 foot snowman. When I went to pick her up, I was amazed, didn't have my camera, but will go first thing in the morning and take a picture. With the warming we had here today, it may only be 8 foot tomorrow!!

taynors, take a deep breath. It will get better, the kids will grow up, you will get through menopause, and you will still have a brain!!

Heard a good joke today, a man bought his wife a mood ring, as she suffered PMS, and he wanted to see if he could be warned when her mood was changing. Said the ring was blue when she was in a good mood, and his forehead was red when she wasn't.

Good night.

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

Today was a nicer day here. Most of the snow is gone except our little snowman. This week should be warmer but more rain coming in tomorrow night. This has been the wettest winter I can remember in a long time.

Marcy, Good that you were willing to get out there on those skates. Shows a lot of guts, I guess. I skated often as a child too. Then I went with the kids when I was about 40ish, tried to do a fancy turn, as I was falling I caught myself by putting hand on floor. Next day I couldn't lift my arm. It was a hairline fracture in my upper arm...wore a sling for a while. I haven't tried again. Why can't I do the same things I did when I was younger...oh my!!

Bonnie, I'm glad you get to spend so much time with your GD. She will always remember that.

Melissa, Can't you tell that dentist about the pain you have been in?? Tell them to work you in somewhere. I feel for you.

I have all my clocks reset except my alarm clock. I better do that now so I can get to work in the morning.


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh I don't know Bonnie...I guess I am just a daredevil....LOL...or as Dave would say....Brainless!!!! Anyway...here is a standing up picture. Thank goodness they didn't get a pic of me fallin'!! And this is on the tile floor...NOT the carpet!!

Edited to say my son took this with his camera phone....brat! He agreed with me..that he was a brat! And he bout had a fit that Dad got me skates too!!

This message was edited Mar 9, 2008 11:25 PM

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, you are braver than I would be. I can just imagine all the broken bones that are possible doing something like that. I am too busy and have too much to do to risk being laid up with broken bones. Good pic,for a camera phone btw.

Judy, spending time with DGD was a long fought court battle of about 3 years. Nasty divorce, before DGD was a year old. Anyway, that is in the past and the ex DIL is a friend. She realizes that we can give DGD a lot more than she would be able to, and I think that tipped the scales. Anyway, learned through that ordeal that anybody can be made a friend if the proper methods are used. Never use harsh words, you may have to eat them, never threaten, your hand may be called, always temper your words with love, sugar catches more flies than vinegar. Anyway, I am glad the past is the past, and I hold no grudges, she was only doing what she thought best for DGD at the time.

Well, I am off to bed, don't have to be up for work, but have to take DGD to Frankfort and be there at 10:00. So good night everybody.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Marcy, hooooooly cow woman! I wouldn't dare get on skates now! LOL My mom got on skates the last time when she was about 75 i think... and we were all scared to death she'd fall! She didn't though.

Judy, believe me, i tried.... but this is a specialist, and everyone that goes to see him is in pain. They do have me on a "will call" list in case anyone cancels, but I'm not holding my breath.

Bonnie, I guess I just keep doing what I've been doing and eating pain killers. NOT taking anymore darvocet though... YUCK. I don't know what was worse, the pain or the way I felt after taking it. If that is what drunk feels like the day after it's no wonder I never drank! LOL
I'm pretty much resolved that I'm going to have to fork over the $200.00 to repeat the tests I'm supposed to take this coming Saturday. I try to read the text books and the words jump around on the page. I sit at the computer very long and my eyes start burning, so I know no studying is going to get done until thursday night/friday. One of the tests is all law, so there is no way I'll pass it without a lot of refreshing my memory. It just sucks because the tests are so expensive, and by the time they send me the results that I didn't pass, I'll have to pay a late registration fee on top of the testing fees.

I did go out and take a picture of the kids "igloo" that looks more like a football helmet.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, you wild woman you! Glad you came through it unhurt!

Melissa, I hate the way that stuff makes me feel too. Its hard for me to imagine people want that stuff for recreation! Best of luck on the test.

(((Sue))) Hope today is better for ya.

joyce, way to go! Any before and after pics?

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh Neal, I'm so mad...I carried my camera over there yesterday in the 15* weather and when I got ready to take the pictures, I didn't have the memory card in it! I'm hoping that Bill will do the ceiling today and maybe I can still get a picture of the white walls. Sure does look different. I think I posted some before pictures already, and I don't have any of them here...

(Marcy, you can't fool me...you just wanted to feel 4 inches taller!! =o)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL I was going to make the same joke about Marcy! It does look like she had fun though. ;)

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Happy Bithday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear RIC...happy birthday to you!! AND MANY MOOOORRRREEEEEE... ;o)

Hope you have absolutely the best BD EVER!!!


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Good morning everyone!
Melissa - I wonder if you could get a doctor's note or something that would let you at least not have to pay any late fees? I hope they get you in as soon as possible.

Happy Birthday Ric! Wha'cha gonna do to celebrate?

Nearly 40* here already this morning, and sunny out. I can hear birds chirping that might not normally be out, so I think spring may be around the corner!! Yippee skippy!!! I've been saving up some cardboard to do some "lasagna" work in the front yard to help with the transition from grass to cottage garden, so I think I'll put that out and get the layering started today.
(edited to say - Marcy, you are far braver than I am, on so many levels!)

Hope everyone has a safe day!

This message was edited Mar 10, 2008 11:22 AM

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey, everyone! I was on the computer all day yesterday, but I was trying to figure out issues with our websites and do some research and I never got around to my threads at DG.

Marcy -- LOL!! I used to be a pretty good skater, too. We flew around the rink doing dance steps to "Rapper's Delight", "Thriller" and "Stroke". That dates me, eh? I remember when the rink opened up their TV room with a huge projection TV; every time the video for "Thriller" came on MTV, us kids would crowd in and watch.

Our official snowfall was 15" in Newark. The drifts are something else. Fortunately, we were able to get our vehicles into driveways (thanks, empty house next door, for your driveway) so the plows could clear the worst of the snow from the streets. Now that the sun's out and it's melting, it's good packing snow; I don't think we'll be making any snowmen, though.

This week I'm only working two 6-hour days, Tuesday and Thursday. Best yet, I don't have to be at work until Noon each day. What a relief after all the hours last week.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey everyone! Wavin'~~~~~~~~~ good morning!!! I am so glad to see I gave everyone a good laugh to start their day!! And I am sooooooo glad to say I didn't hurt myself!!! Was a little stiff this morning...but did my exercises and worked it out! Whew!! What WAS I thinking????? There is your answer....I didn't think!!! LOL! I guess if I haven't learned it by now...I never will....to think BEFORE I act!!
Ric.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Have you caught up with me yet?????? LOL...no..I don't think so!!!! I hope your day is a really good one!
Joyce....do you always have to tell ALL my secrets?????? LOL...anyone who has seen me standing next to Dave, will know...yep...I got 4 inches taller on those skates!! What a great feeling ...to be taller!!!!! It WAS fun though!! My grandkids loved it!!! LOL!!! As did all my DS and DIL's friends!! LOL!! There is that crazy grandma again!!!!
Judy!!!! I didn't mean to ignore you! Welcome to the forum!! We are glad to have you here!
Melissa...I TOLD you to use whiskey instead of Darvocet!!!! I sure hope you get to that dentist soon!
Kimberley...geeesh...get out there and try it! I bet you can still skate!!! Ohhhhh I forgot...you have problems too...ok..better not listen to me!!
Bonnie..seee...I just never think that way...about the broken bones...until it is too late that is...lol!!
Chele...glad you got a good laugh!!! ( C'mon...I KNOW you did!!!)
Robin..it's not called 'braver'...it's called 'brain dead'!!! LOL!!
Neal...you shoulda seen the BIG guy that helped Dave pick me up!!!! LOL..he had a hard time!!!! (well..they both did!!)
Ok...I better get some lunch started here. so Dave can go shovel some more snow!
He thinks the mail carrier can't get into the driveway!
You ALL have a wonderful day out there!! Yessssssss...I agree...SPRING is on it's way!!!! My cat is shedding!!!! Good sign!!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Good Morning ((((((((Everybody))))))))

Happy B'day Ric!

Just dropping in to let you all know we finally are thawing out up this way. Thank goodness.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Happy Birthday Ric!

The snow is quickly disappearing here too.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIC (another year older and deeper in debt. LOL...country songs...)

Marcy doll, I laugh WITH you and not AT you. ;)

Glad to hear you are digging out Toni! We had a 2 hour delay again today but the roads are in good shape. I shoveled the patio and porch yesterday and it quickly melted back to the cement.

I'm finally starting some seeds! YAY!

Any chance anyone has some Pineapple and Radiator Charlie/Mortgage Lifter seeds to spare? I'm trying to get through my seeds to see what I have and what I want and still need. Then I have to get out to the greenhouse and check on the heater. I don't want all this stuff sitting inside while I'm working on drywall.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Happy birthday, Ric -- sorry I forgot to say that!

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

LOL! GW I'll have to print that off for our neighbor!!



PS Marcy there's only one way I CAN ketchup and YOU don't want that!!! LOL!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

I know it Chele!! And I am almost always laughing!!! Only way to be!!!
Ok Ric...NO...I don't want that!!! Not ready to go yet!!

Hi Everyone
today is a much better day
Marcy you crazy chic you LOL :) glad you didn't get hurt . LOL :)
wow everyone has been busy today
we had alot of fun in the snow today the kids and i.
went to the gym ,then grocerys. i m pooped
Happy birthday Ric
Robin good to see you again, glad your having fun with your sis. Oh those poor doggies , i can just imagine how abused they are tsk tsk.
Melissa wow ouch on the tooth. HOpe you get some relief soon. Hahaha i think its Tequila that kills the pain lol or so i m told . snicker
Toni how are them seeds comming along ? glad your snow is dug out for you :)
GW lol on the music and roller skating. We used to think we were soooooo coooooollllll my freinds and i . lol
I got my kids singing Melissa Ethridge woops on that one lol so my DD sings in the grocery store "somebody give me some water cuz the sweet devils got my soul" ok so i won't be winning the mother of the year award again this yr. !! ha.
so is it a bad thing if they sing "she's a brick house " lol
take care eveyone

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I forgot to add... there's another Birthday Today...

Please Welcome Jenna Marie born 13 hours ago.
Newest daughter of Dave and Sarah our Son's best friends.
(BTW I won the Baby Pool! LOL!)


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)


I left so early this morning, I didn't have time to get online to tell you, and I just got home a few ago... I'm off to the tub and my bed...I have a long one again tomorrow...

Much Love and huge hugggggs!!!

~~~~~~~~~ to everyone else, and shaking head at Marcy!!!


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks Sis!!
Sleep Well!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Ric, Happy Birthday, hope that you had a good one, and what a special gift to have a baby born on your birthday. Now you will have someone to celebrate with!!

I didn't get much accomplished today. I had to take DGD to Frankfort this morning, and when I got back, did a pick up on the house, fixed lunch, then some laundry, and then it was time to cook supper.

Did get some of the water off the swimming pool cover today, have a pump, which is a syphon type, and have to keep checking to make sure it is still draining water. The water had frozen, and today it warmed enough that some had thawed, and was able to get the majority of it drained.

DMIL called tonight and needs to go to the Dr tomorrow, so hoping that DH will take her so I can get something accomplished around the house. I need to get back to the painting, and house cleaning. But if not tomorrow then another day.

Taynors, glad that you had a better day today, was getting worried about you, I could envision some children missing arms, where you had ripped them off t beat them over the head with them!!

Kimberly, you sure dated yourself with the songs you skated to!!

Meant to mention that the starts of the clematis I had going, mysteriously died. So will be trying to start some more. I haven't a clue what happened, as they had green leaves, and were growing one day, and dead the next time I looked.

Need to get some tomato seeds going too. Melissa, how are yours doing? Since I have no where to put seedlings I deliberately start them about mid March, so that when the weather warms up, I can put them out in the garage, and get them hardened off.

Dusty, slow down!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL@Dusty!! Bonnie.....notice I did not name any tunes I danced to on skates....LOL!!...Nor will I!!
Hey everyone...I am more stiff and sore tonight! I know..I know...no one feels sorry for me...can't imagine why??????
Just wanted to say good night to everyone....and hope you have a restful night. See you all tomorrow, God willing!!

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