A couple of pictures

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Look what has happened since you left Christi...

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

No path left...the apricot brug is still blooming from when you were here...

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

This is a new one for me - Jesse Noel. Mom is holding the bloom up for me, it's now one of her favorites.

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Found this fella on the screen door this morning, he is enormous! I wonder if he is responsible for all the pods on the brugs.

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Beautiful Jen!!!!!! Just lovely!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks Jeanne, can't really take any credit though as I haven't been spending any time in the garden for about a month....Ain't Mother Nature grand!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Definately! I can't wait until I can put things back outside again! Hopefully a couple of more weeks!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, Jenny. You definitely live in paradise. I thought everything was as beautiful as it could be when I was there. No choice I will just have to come right back and see for myself. The Jesse Noel looks to be the size of a basketball. Mike froze some "store bought" mangoes today. He purchased them at Costco and they were just so so. The bananas are turning brown as they aren't the same either. Makes my heart beat faster now just remembering those wonderful days with you, Frank and Margaret. And can't forget Michael and Carol. Too wound up to sleep. Will just remember Maui. Thank you for sharing the beauty...and everything else.

Mahalo Aloha

Kilikina forever

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

With all the pots of brugs in the back coming along, where will you ever put them all? Need a picture of the morning glories, please. We had snow yesterday and 27 degrees last night, barely 50 today and below freezing again tonight. I shall close my eyes and chant "Maui". Dream of whales and dancers.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

We musn't tell anyone that you had about 100 feet or more of bouganvillia dug up this week. sigh

Thumbnail by LouC
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Christi! What on earth are you doing up so late! Yes, all the bougies along the back are toast, what a huge prickly mess that was. Luckily they still have the backhoe here and the whole shebang was heaved over the wall onto a truck in my neighbors driveway and hauled off to the green waste center. I am going to have to give my neighbors a gift certificate for diner out because of all their patience.
Front lava wall coming along nicely, those old fellas can really work if Dave is not involved - LOL!
The brugs in the pots are only going to be kept if they are special or unique, If they turn out to be ordinary they will have to go to good homes or to the brug heaven. They grow far too big here to keep each and every one of them - besides that, I have enough to sink a battleship!
I has the orchid tree in the back taken out (I know you loved it) and now I will have a perfect space for the new Abiu tree if I have any luck with the germination. Wish you had tasted that fruit, it was wonderful!
Sorry there is such miserable weather still hanging around on the Mainland, I hate to say our weather has been gorgeous and right now we are having a few sprinkles (Gods Blessings)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Time change today, loose a whole hour until next fall. It is all so silly. Read this week that it has cost more instead of less. Well, of course, it was a government personell idea.

All I have blooming is 4 little bedraggled jonquils. The EE's had put out new growth and it is all mush once again. yuk! Sun is out so there is hope today may be a little warmer. Two weeks till Easter and then it will officially be spring.

Enjoy your day. We went and played with Erin last night and I know why I will never be able to move away. She now greets us at the door so excited and giving us "sugar". Hard to beat that with a stick.

Love to all,


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lovely, lovely pictures Jenny.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Please...anyone...send rain!!!! 4 weeks of beautiful sunny weather. Watering 12 acres by hand is a bear!!! Today will go out and trim back all the brugs as they hurt with so many leaves and flowers!!!

Your brugs are gorgeous, Jen....a friend of mine used to call that first one "Grannies Panties"!!!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Carol, we had hail, rain, sleet and snow in 48 hours. Rained so much it washed many of my seeds up in the veggie garden. anything that had pushed above ground was freeze burned. Lots of things dead or dying. I really wish I could shift this rain to you. 1" in less than 2 hours. 27 degrees yesterday morning. Noon today it is almost 70.


BTW I thought you lived on the rainy side of the island. I remember the recent 45 inches. Sometimes it is just the pits!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

How on earth do you water 12 acres by hand, I hope you have some kind of tanker Carol - no hose could stretch that far! Isn't it quite unusual for you to go so long without rain?
How far do you trim your brugs back? I have found that a light trim only helps for a week or so - do you take them right back to the trunk? Direction please! I am going to try to root some of the branches (at least to nubbies) to send out because I think Spring has started to spring for some of you folks...
Love the name Grannies Panties!
My chores today include cleaning out the two pond filters (hate that job), loading the truck up with the cut cypress to take to the greenfill, planting out some brugs that haven't yet bloomed (to see if they are keepers) in the space left from the huge palm the guys took down, and fixing the broken watering pipes from all the excavation. Then there is the house....
Have a lovely day everyone.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Christi, what a bummer! Hope you are going to be settled enough for your plant box!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yes...we live the wet side: "in the summer it rains every day, in the winter it rains all day"....but these spring weather pattern transition sometimes takes its' toll.

Jenny...we fill a 50 gal. barrel with water in the bucket of the tractor...then drive the tractor around and .....pain in the okole!!

When I prune my brugs I take them back to where I want the new growth to come from...trying to shape them into a standard shape....

Have fun...our days are busy!!


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Carol, am praying you get some rain, Christi, I am praying we all start getting some great spring weather, we're due HUH? Jen, I pray you get your yard done as quick as they can and Jeanne I am also praying for your health.

I do love those brug pics that apricot color is so pretty. Grannies Panties, love it.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Jenny, that Jesse Noel looks huge! It's beautiful! thanks for sharing the pics.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Could that be one of the butterflies that might have escape from Jurassic Park????LOL

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh Jenny, they are just beautiful! Sure wish mine would bloom! It is going strong, but not a flower to be seen yet.

Carol, we have been getting way more rain than we usually do, and you less! Odd!!

Christi - sure hope it settles down for you soon...but I do love the jonquils.

Yokwe everyone!

Clarence, NY

Jen in Hawaii, your Brugmansias, like ALL your flowers are breathtaking. I have a commrad in St. Croix who grows them, so maybe I'll get lucky next year.

Think that big moth is a Sphinx Moth. Do you have Frangipanis? Their caterpillars love Frangipani leaves, but do no harm to the tree. Ever see this guy?


Thumbnail by DebSTX
Clarence, NY

He turns into this guy. Camouflaged up in the rafters, have to zoom in. Lousy shot, sorry.


Thumbnail by DebSTX
Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Happy Birthday Shari. Have a great Day.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Happy Burthday!!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Debbie, and all. Gosh, I had to look hard to see that moth, it DOES have great camoflage! I haven't noticed any caterpillars like that one on the frangipani, but there again I probably wouldn't have because they quite tall trees here, way above my head. I did notice the other day that a couple of the frangipani have seed pods on them again, I usually don't notice them until they have fallen to the ground and sprouted...Anybody want to try the seeds? Couldn't possibly tell you what they are crossed with as there are quite a few frangipani around the neighborhood.

We have been having an awful time at work with the two airline carriers going bankrupt, lots of people stranded here and horrible price gouging going on with the other airlines. My daughter and son in law took what was to be one of the last flights out to the islands on ATA, and now they will be staying until the 14th instead of going home on the 8th as they had planned. Can't say I am sorry about that, although for most of the visitors it isn't just a fun, extended vacation, although many have told me that if they were going to get stranded anywhere they are glad it is here, it's so nice when people have good attitudes in a bad situation.

Given that he now has extra time, my SIL, Brian, has started to build me a sturdy trellis along the side of the house for my red jade plant which is quickly outgrowing it's pot. Even the dogs eat their dinner quickly in case the four foot tendrils grab them and start to twine around their legs!

Have a lovely day everyone, especialy Shari!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

HOHOHO...Hoppy Birdsday to Shari!!!!

Yes...the airline mess is a cat's breakfast!!!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Happy Birthday Shari! On my way to dearest daughter's so have a great day Y'all!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Here I am away for 3 days and everything happens. Didn't know it was sweet Shari's birthday. I always have good intentions to have a birthday calendar, but then it is just intentions, never seem to do it.

Soooo, hhhhmmmm (tuning up)

Happy BirthDay to You, Happy BIRTHDAY to you, Happy BBBBIIIIRRRTTTHHHDAY, Dear Shari.

Happy birthday to you.

Princess Kilikina

Sorry I am late. Still love you.

Goodness, Jen. Looks like we made a good selection on the dates. Howsomever,
I would really like to have been stranded on Maui.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

No worries, PK...thank you bunches! Hope you had a great weekend!

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