Mexican Flame Vine

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I just bought 6 of these in 4-inch pots today for 1.49 each at a local nursery in Westlake (part of Austin). Does anyone know how long it takes a plant to reach the top of a fence?

Any advice on these? I saw one blooming last summer at ANOTHER nursery and fell in love with the profusion of orange daisy-like flowers.

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

This was a cutting I received from a friend last March. I did not plant it until August. It grows very fast. I am continually cutting it back.

Thumbnail by toy747
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow...that is a really great price.

They are definitely sunlovers, and (as with most plants that really like a lot of water(which these do), they root very easily in a cup of water, also.

They are very cheery, but I've heard in zone 9 or 10 they can get away from you like trumpet vine.

After I heard that, I went to dig mine up, and there were root runners going everywhere!

That said, my neighbor put hers in the ground, and has never complained about it being invasive...

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Toy....oh my...your GORGEOUS flame vine makes me want to "fast-forward" time and see mine look that good!!

Phoenix, AZ

They grow very fast! I've never had it become invasive tho ?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

The honeysuckle is definitely invasive here but the Mexican flame vine dies every winter!

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

I had this one too, and it was very pretty, but the ants, snails, and mealy bugs loved it too, and it required too much pruning for my low-maintenance desires so I took it out.

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I guess I've been very lucky as I haven't had any garden pests yet! I wonder if certain plants "attract" them...and this is one of them?

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