Melusine or Rembrandt van Rijn?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Look at these two blooms side by side. The left one is Melusine from Royal Colors, which is currently in bloom. The right one is Rembrandt van Rijn, which was in bloom about 6 weeks ago. I think I got it from M & Z, though truthfully I don't remember. They sure look alike to me. Anyone want to venture an opinion as to what they are.

Thumbnail by bsharf
Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

Bsharf your presumption is correct.
The issue was discussed, recently, on the GardenWebHippeastrumForum
I firstly voted for Melusine and I was so amazed that a closer inspection of the color profile gives evidence that it was not Melusine.
Melusine and Pembrandt v.Rijn have basically the same color profile.
Both have nice, plump cigar shaped greenish buds with a conspicuous brown venation. (The bud sof Rembrandt are a little bit more plump)
But, in the open flower of Melusine, the green midrib is longer, and the red venations around the midrib are more emphasized and kind of "feathery" - and the entire flower is coverd with miniature pink freckles.

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

My Rembrandt is about to open so I'm looking forward to seeing how the bloom compares to your pics here. I haven't had Melusine but I think you have 2 Rembrandts there..

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

This is interesting, because this is the first time I have ever gotten a mislabelled bulb from Royal Colors. I could understand them substituting Rembrandt van Rijn for the out of stock Melusine,and labeling it as a substitution. But the bag was definately labelled Melusine. I have tried for 3 years to get a Melusine from different sources, and each time the Melusine has been mislabelled. Melusine joins Chianti,Salmon Pearl, as jinxed (for me) cultivars.

Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

Certainly the question "who's the culprit" is interesting, but I predict that we shall not find that out - and if this is your first experience with that reputable company then I presume that the culprit is the bulb producers. Another question is whether Royal Colors can verify the exact identity of a particular conseignment of bulbs by forcing some random samples prior to release the bulk into the sale.

My Melusine...

Thumbnail by

Rembrandt van Rijn

Thumbnail by
Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

Now, YOUR "version" of Melusine is equipped with RED filaments.
That is so amazing!

At first I thought that it was the hybrid "Grand soleil d'Or" because the color pattern reminded me of this cultivar which has seemingly already been discontinued.

This message was edited Mar 7, 2008 11:39 PM

This message was edited Mar 7, 2008 11:39 PM

Thumbnail by haweha
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


Your Melusine looks like many of the pictures I have seen of Misty.


Aschaffenburg, Germany

@Sir Hans alias Haweha

Question: Is Pembrandt v.Rijn a new type??

Also, in AT times...false prophets used to be do beware of false prophecies in this forum when you say things such as: I predict...

(The bud sof Rembrandt are a little bit more plump)

Don't quite understand what your trying to say ... could you illucidate on that one, perhaps?


Solingen, Germany(Zone 7a)

Gosh, am I glad that we do not live in these "good ole ages" ;)

But now Robert, you did it!

At first I would not believe, because the "butterfly wings" (segments 5 and 6) did not appear broad enough, in relation zu the segments below. And, certainly, because the color of this version is rather pale and greenish.
But go-figure I discovered a series of pictures and these do absolutely match:

Ewing, VA

My Rembrant Van Rijn from JS...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm going to email Royal Colors today, and let them know about the mislabelling, and see what they have to say. I imagine that they wouldn't know that they have a mislabelled batch of Melusine, unless someone tells them. I've ordered dozens of bulbs from them, and never had a problem before.

Sik 'em tiger!!!


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Well Royal Colors certainly has decent customer service. Within an hour of my email, a Daphne Ligtenberg of RC's Customer Services, replied, apologizing, and offering me a credit for what she called a "true" Melusine next year. So we shall see. Most companies won't even reply to your complaints about mislabelled bulbs.

Of all the Amaryllis merchants, I've found Royal Colors to be the best. Good size, health, and now - customer service.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I gave up on getting a true Melusine this year after ordering it 3 times from John Scheepers in the past. They were very nice, let me keep what I had gotten in error and sent me a replacement each fall. That's how my collection started swelling! This year I asked for another hippeastrum instead which was the correct one.

Ewing, VA

Geeezzzz...I wonder how my Melusine from RC would look like. Another Rembrant like bsharf's? What a lovely mistake if ever...

I totally agree with Gordo about Royal Colors. It's the BEST!!!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Here is mine Rembrant Van Rijn , the second spike, which is kind of short. I missed the first one which was tall, as I went on vacation just as it was opening. I left a camera with the dog sitter, but need to develop the film. But it is lovely. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd

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