What kind of Ant am I?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

This came on a plant from Queensland. If Kennedy is out there, or anyone with some anty insecty experience, (other than the bitey ones) can help Id it. It was About a centimetre in the body length and a green colour. It was accompanied by smaller paler ants with bottoms that were raised aggressively! I had to spray them, as I couldn't risk letting anything pesky/new in the garden.

Thumbnail by weed_woman

I don't know what it is ...but it does not sound good ...did you put it in a jar (along with the other aggresive sounding ants) or did it get away? You didn't find any eveil looking toads in them did you?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I had them, and the plant in a bucket in a sink of water, so they couldn't get away. I killed them with mortien or something. They were a bit scarey. The plant I recieved was in very poor condition, and in fact, I had to throw it away! It was rotten right through. Remember the thread about the most extravagant purchases? Well my dead plant cost me $40! I've been onto the vendor and am expecting a delivery of something in much better condition!
Either that or I'll blacken his name on Ebay! I'm off for a hot bath with epsom salts! Aahhhh!

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Enjoy Sue ...my Foxtel has just gone out again (huge storm ...pwer may be next!) sigh ...Sun lasted a day or two but it's flooding again.
Gee you would think that someone would be a little more careful with their stuff wouldn't you ...was it a brom?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yes, and there is no way being in the post from Monday till Thursday (one day down the newsagents in air-con) could have rotted it so quick. I was a bit annoyed to see dead leaves on it, as I've always been told to clean up any old leaves from things like Broms, agapanthus, lilies, grasses and such! The ants were just the fly in the soup!
This is the Brom in question after I peeled back lots of leaves and the root just fell off it. no saving it I'm afraid as I kept peeling and all that was left was leaves, no stem what so ever!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Merino, Australia

I have seen green ants when visiting my son in Darwin. They are bitey and jump. Yours could be a queen with attendants from this same type.
How awful for you. The plant is a disgrace isn't it. Imagine sending a plant like that to anyone especially an expensive plant.
I hope the replacement is better.
We on here all try to do the right thing plant wise when sending plants, you would think a seller would have more regard.
Must get off here and look domestic. Jean.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I was going to wait for the replacement and then leave neutral feedback so that people are aware all is not 'roses' with that seller, so to speak, but apparently if you do that, they then leave bad feedback against me as a buyer. What can I do? I guess, if the next couple of plants (one I already purchased before the arrival of the first, and the replacement plant) arrive in good condition, I can at least say he was accommodating and open to mediation, but he posted the second one before I complained, so it might not be in the best condition either! Also, he posted it thursday! So it'll be sitting in the P.O as we speak! Hopefully any bugs in it will die before it gets here! LOL (not funny really) I'm now very wary! On a bright note, I met an ebay seller at the plant fair and he gave me his private email so I can order directly and at a better price. We had quite an animated discussion about bromeliads, much to the confusion of my shopping buddy, as she had no idea what we were talking about!

Oh you have been having fun haven't you ...Broms and Brugs whoopee! ...hope your other stuff arrives without any residents and in good health ...don't forget to let us know how you go.

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