Need Passion Flower ID please - will trade

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone,
I received these seeds in a trade some time ago but can't find a picture.
Looked thru all of the Passiflora files already.

Would like to see a picture so I know what I have.
I only would keep 1/3 and trade the others but would love to get an ID first.

Thank you.

Thumbnail by Eglantyne
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Passiflora morifolia

they just got a letter off. its not a big passi. its a little one heres a pic of it also

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

LOL Marie,
you're the one that gave them to me ,right ? several seasons ago and I am finally going to try them.

When I went thru all of the pic's I wondered if that was the one ? I just wasn't sure because the spelling is different.
Thank you :-)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

yea i noticed it was my writing.

i always have volenteers. hope they do wonderful for you.

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