NE Flower Show Time!!!

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a) anyone going? I'd love to meet up with you!
Besides our members, unique weather, and quantity of Glacial Till, it's one of those things that make the North East special!!! I will be the first to state that it's seen better days (anybody remember Horticultural Hall?), but it's a rite of Spring. Even though it's in winter!!!

I just flew in from Geneva, and boy are my arms tired. And everything else. 13 hours- NO FUN. I have been so jetlagged, I've spent hours just staring at my suitcases of dirty laundry while Jax is turning himself inside-out purring and kneading the air. In 10 days I've visited Geneva, Bern, Lucerne (sp?), Montreaux, and Chamonix. It's beautiful, but not worth the 26 travel hours and 6 trip through customs (we had to connect in Zurich). I'm looking through the suitcases to find my camera, but all I'm finding are dirty clothes. I will probably find it when I do the wash.

I saw a gardening store in Berne and went in- I bought about 10 seed packs. I was hoping to buy something that we can't get over here- not likely! BUT the writing on the packs are in Swiss-German, French and Lord knows what- no English- so I can't be sure what I bought (except where the picture is obvious). When I find my camera, I'll post a pic. I'm not writing this from Guantanamo, so I got through customs OK!!!

Switzerland seems to be about zone 8 ish; Montreux has gorgeous plantings of hardy palms and the Camelias were in full bloom! Lovely!! The Geneva Botanical Gardens aren't what they should be. They seem under-funded and the help there lacked "spark"- as if working in a botanical garden was just a job!!!!

I was asked (in the "What's new this year" thread) for the site where the directions for the do-it-yourself "Earthbox" style containers were posted- it's The Earthbox co. has ordered a "cease and desist" for him to refer to their product!!!

I've been reading all the buzz! A Spring roundup! I hope there is no family crisis so I may be actually be able to go. (Wait- my family IS a crisis!!!)

I forgot how to spell over my trip. And Jax is lying on top of my mouse and hand- he is not letting me do anything but pay attention to him!!!

Glad to be back!!!


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Welcome back Melissa! I am extremely jealous of your trip. Must have been beautiful.

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Victor! It was beautiful. I took pictures of the alps as you fly from Zurich to Geneva- luckily it was a clear day. It still can't find my camera....

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Please post the pics!

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Welcome back!
i can't wait to see your pics, it sounds like it was a great trip!
So, about that flower show... Anyone else looking at going?


South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Welcome back Melissa! You made me laugh with "I just flew in from Geneva, and boy are my arms tired."
Your trip sounds lovely, can't wait to see the pics! Sad to hear the Botanical Gardens lacked luster and by the sounds of it...Love! I would do nothing short of groveling to have the privilege to work in a B.G. They don't know how lucky they are!!
I'm sure Jax missed you terribley and since he's sitting on the mouse... the message is pretty clear, isn't it? LOL

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I usually don't go - so little to see between other people's knees. But you all can come back to my house for cocoa afterward, unless someone has a press pass or something so we could get in without everyone else! Melissa, it sounds like a lovely vacation.

xx, Carrie

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

There should be a special pass to the show for DG'ers! Maybe someday, the Dave can give a talk, or have a roundup in conjunction w/ the show. Maybe a booth??? We local members can help run it! We could sell memberships, articles, calenders, t-shirts and autographed pictures of us!
Amy, are you going?

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Only if i can find carpoolers. DH is working all weekend, and it's farther than i want to drive alone.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I might go check out this one this weekend... not sure how big it is

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

It seems as if one person were a member of the Mass. Horticultural Society, we maybe could all go during one of the early morning times when it's less crowded. x, Carrie

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

I used to buy a membership to the Mass Hort for those coveted hours, but those were the days when I was working outside the home. Now I can go at any hour, so I make use of the mid-day work week. As full-time Cat Valet, I can time my Flower Show trip to Jax's nap time.
IMHO, I found there to be no use for a MassHort membership. They used to throw in a subscription to "Horticulture" plus the flower show tix, but then they stopped- so it wasn't worth it. Maybe they've changed. I used to think that the membership card would be valuable, as most local growers give a certain % off- but it turns out it's on plants only, and then it's not on discounted plants. I spend all of my local gardening dollars on containers/mulch/compost; I usually buy my plants on the 'net, so the discount is pretty worthless to me.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I've never been when it wasn't mobbed. Maybe it's different now, maybe I never went midday midweek. Wanna go like Monday at 11 or 12? ♫ Carrie

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

How about Tuesday? I have my rockin' Thai KB class on Monday.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Anyone from 'round here going?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Jax, I forgot - I have no car, how could I go? Never mind. Sorry. ♫♫ Carrie

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I won't be going anywhere for quite awhile as I just put $1,100 into my car, $700 into my mouth (crown) and $150 into new glasses. Thank goodness for seeds!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ouch having that dental work, never mind the money! (The money ouch too.)
xxx ((AYC)), Carrie

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I went. Not planning on it, but I was driving down from Maine and heard an ad on the radio and realized I was driving by it, so I stopped. 12 bucks parking, 20 bucks to get in. I saw a few nice displays, but mostly just stuff for sale. I could have bought a nice shrub. But it was nice to see color and people happy about plants. I had not been in years, and I thought I remember more gardens and less merchandise. I bought two cool red glass hummingbird feeders from a glass blower from NH. So that was worth it, but if I had known about his work I could have ordered them on line and got 3. Bathroom lines weren't long. And it broke my drive up too. I took some pictures on my cell. Now have to learn how to download them. I will post them if they are any good. Some of the plants looked tired on Sunday already. Patti

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the report, Patti! I found my camera, but I can't recharge the battery b/c I can't find the adapter cable!!!
I know the cost to go is ridiculous. BUT, the few years I didn't go left me wondering if I "missed something"!
One way to save $$ is to make a wish list of plants/seeds/garden decor, anything that you think may be on sale at the show. Then, look 'em up on ebay, and write the going prices down (don't forget the shipping), and remember to bring the list into the vendor area. I am on the market for a calla Zantedeschia aethiopica. I can get one on ebay for $21. If I find a good one at the show for $25 or less, I will get it. I've also bought mini african violets there- I adore tham, and figure they aren't good candidates for shipping.

I think the main reason I go is to see the amateur exhibits. I particulary enjoy the childrens' projects and the "saved from the garbage" exhibit!!! It makes me remember how I got into this crazy obsession of mine- sprouting seeds in Dixie cups on my bedroom windowsill, w/ my Mom saying I was making a mess- 40 years later, I still am making messes, and Mom is still complaining- albeit I can send her home w/ a bouquet of flowers!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL LOL LOL. Smile. xx, Carrie

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Jax4ever, Yes, the kids stuff was great. Some charming and dear, others very accomplished. The biggest sales area of plants seem to be Orchids, bonsai, cactus and herbs. But I did see some A.V. and a some cut spring flowers. I saw a few calla lilies, but I ordered a mess from a coop which did great last year for me and so I ordered more again in this springs 4paws coop. I stored the bulbs so I may have tons this year, fingers crossed. I have a large Green Goddess that I brought in for the winter and it has not stopped blooming. There was one bulb dealer, but nothing I can't find at the local Ag-way or a good garden shop.

I would go back, but not unless it was part of a trip to Boston. I ran into my BIL and his wife, so it wasn't too crowded for a first Sunday afternoon. I picked up a few fliers and will visit a couple of the growers later in the spring. Greenriver Orchids of Deerfield was there and very busy. He is such a nice man. I met him through Boojum. I was tempted by a couple, but I thought it better to wait until it wasn't so windy outside. It was howling and with a nip in the air, plus I had to park across the street. I still can't get my pictures off my cell. I am waiting for my son to call to give me the story. I even read the book and I can't seem to do it, except for one picture that showed up, so I am close. I did take a couple to show DH.

I found the least interesting exhibits were the strange floral arrangement by adults. Hotel lobby type things that became less about the flowers and more about the structure. I think they were all shouting "look at me" and I found them a bit much. But I probably would love to try to build one as that might be fun and a challenge. It does showcase that type of flower arranging. Kind of like those fashion shows they have for fancy hairdos or couture design. But I could do with some "weeding" of the vendors. Pashmina shawls? Who gardens in those? Patti

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Glad you enjoyed our Junior Horticulture exhibit. We won a MHS Gold Medal for it. I spent over 24 hours putting that exhibit together from 265 entries, along with my committee, of course. The kids are always exciting to work with as they definitely have a different eye towards things. This is my 5th Gold Medal as chairperson and our 9th over the last 10 years.
did you see the moose?

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

I would love to teach kids to garden someday.
Can I exhibit as a kid next year??? ;0) (I'm sprouting grocery-store taros as we speak!)

Patti, I TOTALLY agree about the stupid flower arrangements. One of these years, I'm going to enter a 2x4 with some straw glued on it. As long as I tell 'em I studied with Supreme Master Woo Flung Dung in Japan, I'm golden!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Martha, that is way exceptional and a very special gift to do for young gardeners. I did see the moose. How could you miss him? I like the huge chocolate one in Scarborough Maine better, but then I am a chocoholic.

Here is a video site for seeing some of the show. And another of some pictures. Jump past the very long and boring intro.

I forgot to say that one of my favorite exhibits was from the Hingham Garden Club. Lots of hellebore, and moss. Charming, attainable, and perfectly staged. My winner. Patti

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Congratulations Martha and children!!!!! I'm sorry I missed it this year.

Melissa, I love your idea for your flower arrangement! You got my vote!!!


Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I know the Hingham folks patti, and I will pass your compliment along! One of their junior gardeners took a blue ribbon and a major junior award for her dish garden that they did in clementine boxes. This is a picture of the major award winner's dish garden.

Design is on the "other side". I don't get the arrangements but the arrangers were knocking down the door at 6 am friday morning to get them set up. They are given parameters and a theme and get to go to it. I like the miniatures that they do better. I think they get carried away with the big ones.
Are we in the second childhood or the third, Jax? I am chairperson, I can pass you in!


Thumbnail by gardenmart
Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Martha, I'm mentally frozen at about age 12- I think Beavis and Butt-Head are funny. Can we go by maturity level, not actual years???

I'm putting some annuals in commercial containers this year. I got large cans w/ tomato labels and fruit nectar from an Hispanic store; they'll make a colorful ensemble. The clementine boxes will hold pots w/ orange marigolds!!!

Where is my camera adapter cable??!!!

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

i think i proved my sadly low maturity level with this picture of caladiums at HD yesterday...

Thumbnail by amethystsm
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

We have about twenty camera adapter cables - and I still can never find one when I want it! I've always loved those Clementine boxes ... great design, garden, arrangement, etc. My complements to the chef. xx, Carrie

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Amy, I must have a very low maturity level as well, cause you got me laughing. My son came over and laughed too. : )

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

"John Peed" heh-heh-heh-heh (My best "Butt-Head" laugh)

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

OK, on to less mature activities! Namely BUYING THINGS at the Show!!!
I went today. Same old, same old in the exhibit dept. Although, I wonder why the gardening clubs were given windows this year, while they are usually given more space (as I recall). I thought individual home gardeners were given the bay window exhibits. (I want to do one someday).
What I bought at the Flower Show:
1 Helleborus 'Silvermoon' $18 (GORGEOUS-huge plant, they were almost out)
1 Prickily(sp?) Pear Cactus (hardy!) $8
Milkweed seeds (for attracting Monarch b'flys) $2
A Steam Mop (as seen on TV!!!) $129
A pole that holds multiple pots for a tiered garden effect $20
An AWESOME deer deterrent water jet- it's solar powered!!!- $149
A magazine subscription, "Garden Gate" $20
A set of King size sheets (go figure- cheap sheets at a flower show?) $20
A membership to the MassHort. *Sigh*- 2 free tix plus "Horticulture" $50
Parking $12
One Diet Pepsi-$3

I have no idea if I can afford what I spent! I spent in relation to How Angry I Am at DH right now. Actually, I just bought what I HAD to have. Maybe I'll go back and buy what I want, too!!!
I am really thrilled w/ that deer repeller! It has to be shipped to me, so it's not in hand as yet. Hopefully I can wright up a review or something. No power cord is a huge deal.

Oh, I almost forgot... I have an appointment w/ a rep from "Leaf Guard" gutters. . another must that DH hasn't let me get...

I bought a disposable camera and took lotsa pix. I have to get them converted to e-media b/f I can post.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Dear Jax,
They put the square gardens over by the performance stage near Amateur Horticulture. These have always been a garden club thing. {We TOLD them people would notice they weren't over by Juniors and the North door!} Structures {windows and plant rooms done by amateurs} are almost always done by a group. It is a huge committment of resources and plant material to do this. They usually require someone in the group have access to major greenhouse space somewhere. They register for this over the late summer and early fall and they work on it right up until the show date. This year, one plant room was done by the Begonia society, one bay window by the Primrose Society, new this year, one Bay window by the cactus and succulent society and another new one was the Carnivourous Plant society bay window. the rest of the structures were done by Garden clubs, except the window box ones which are usually individuals. The one that had the show hosta in it was done by a friend of mine. An individual could do a room or a window but it would be a huge amount of work for one person. and they commit to doing the structure. Which means the group puts it up even if an individual can't follow through on the committment. Though they are groups or clubs, they are still amateurs.
In the way distant past, these societies would have their own booths at the show. Now, they utilize the structure system to showcase their favorites. The cactus window has plants that the owner has exhibited individually in the past. He has forgotten more about cacti and succulents than I will ever know! Some of his plants are old friends.
I am glad you were so successful shopping! Garden gate keeps sending me issues in the mail hoping I will buy a subscription. The last three pertained to gardening subjects I am totally interested in and I haven't had to buy it yet! One was a huge article on Hosta. They have to stop sending the whole magazine! I love the pictures they have in it.
I thought the show was a little too green {given the theme} this year. Not as many blooming plants, though there were a couple of tree peonies in bloom on tuesday that might be found in the trunk of my car come closing day, if the owners were looking for them!! I loved the moose!

Thumbnail by gardenmart
Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Martha!
When I went to the sign up window, I asked about volunteering someday. I told the lady there that I had a cyber-friend that did the children's exhibit. She said "Oh, Martha -x-?!" (I can't remember the last name she used) but I said "I guess so- she's a cyber-buddy!!!" The lady raved about you. I want to volunteer on the Greenway project and maybe the van, when it visits the NS.
Um, yeah, there was lots of moss, lichen and rock- it looked a lot like places everywhere around here that aren't cultivated. It's not to say I don't love moss and lichen, but nature arranges it very well w/o our help, and it's pretty hard to walk 3 ft. anywhere w/o seeing it. Maybe the goal was to let people know that it's OK to have a garden and leave the natural stuff there, too.
I swear individuals used to have some type of display, and the Garden clubs had something larger. I guess I'm losin' it!
I adored the kids' mosaics using dried beans... brings back memories!!! You haven't had a childhood if you didn't get to make a picture w/ dried beans and macaroni!!!!

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL Jax. The kids can use dried beans on the collages but no macaroni. It's like a mini tournament of roses except with dried natural materials.
The kids are very creative. We even had Wally, the Green Monster up there on one of them singing "Take me out to the Ball Game" according to the artist. To go with the "Rhapsody" theme. Last year a kid made the Hatch Shell out of a tree mushroom. There's the picture of it! I liked Wally too, because it was a faithful representation out of green split peas! I will get a picture of it tomorrow and put it on here.
It may be that individuals did the windows and such many moons ago. I never participated in that part of the Amateur competition. I was a worker bee for the adult competition for about 5 years or so. Then, because I had both kids entering, I went to work for Juniors and worked my way up the ladder to Chairperson. My kids are now entering things in the adult competition. My son has a cactus up there at the moment and I have one of my Jade plants, 'Hobbit' as well. I will know how they did tomorrow.

Thumbnail by gardenmart
Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

I guess I should try to get my money back from the person who sold me the macaroni seeds, then ;0)

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Also love the moose. That is very inventive with natural things to make the Hatch Shell. It's nice to see some kids still have imaginations. I like the note that "Kieth Lockhart is conducting". Sounds like fun and I agree the last one I went to had a lot of streams and ponds and green but not much blooming. Can't wait to see the split pea Wally.

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

What was the moose made of? Chocolate? (har)

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