Rion Greenhouse extension

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

My DH and I put an extension on my Rion greenhouse. It took most of the weekend, mostly because my ground isn't flat so we had to dig down about a foot to make it level. Then extend the foundation which is 4X8 pressure treated. After that putting the extension on wasn't that hard. It didn't come with any instruction so I called them and they sort of said it should be self explanatory. Yeh right. I finally dug out our original instructions and used that. The 4 feet made a hugh difference. I will post a picture so soon as I take one. Putting those roof pieces on was so hard. Thank goodness my DH is strong. I also learned a few new swear words lol.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

I want to get an extension for my Rion, but it sounds really complicated. How did you do it?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL @ the swear words!

I've always wondered how easy or hard it would be to put the extensions in/on as the parts don't really want to come apart once they are together.

I have 2 of the 8x12 and really thought hard about joining them when the second arrived. Due to the very wet ground and orientation of the first, I decided against it. I thought it would be awesome to have a door at both ends of a 24' greenhouse! Now they are selling them with that as an option. I'm always a day late with my ideas. ;)

Did you break any parts taking an end off the older unit? That is my fear.

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

It really wasn't any harder than putting it up the first time. We took the doors and front section off, added the new sections and then put the front and doors back on. The hardest part to me was putting the roof glazing on. Because you can't put the additional section together and then put them on it was a little different than putting it together the first time. Not any harder though.
My dh and i put it together in less than a day, but we had to dig and level the ground first. (I hate living on a hill). I was amazed at how nice and clean the new sections are. Guess I better get out the soap so it looks like it goes together.
Wow 2 greenhouses am I green(with envy). Mine is now 20' long and thats all the flat room I have unless I put the other some on the other side of our house.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Linda,

I'm glad to hear you didn't have any problems! Are you saying you have to build the roof piece by piece ON the unit rather than do it on the ground and add it? I know it's a royal pain if you have to replace one piece...

I keep looking at mine, thinking about connecting them. LOL I have one of mine on 4x4 and the other on railroad ties. I'd have to remove the front section to add them together then totally take one apart and rebuild it after adding more 4x4 framing. It sounds daunting but I'll probably do it this summer or fall. Running from one to the other can be a real pain!

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

My DH wanted me to get the 24 footer in the first place, but I said "no, 16 is enough". Why didn't I listen to him! Now if I tell him I want an extension I'll get the "I told you so". I hate it when he's right. I guess I'll have to keep it stuffed with plants and maybe he'll suggest an extension is needed.

It doesn't sound too complicated to add on, but he's the one who will have to do it, so I'll let him think it's his idea.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL If there is one thing I've learned about greenhouses-they are NEVER big enough. LOL Anyone that has one will tell you to get the largest you can afford. Definitely let it be his idea. ;)

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Yep, never big enough. I had the 16' and added the 4' extension but to tell you the truth I could use 2 20' greenhouses. I get so much enjoyment from the greenhouse. If I ever move I think I'd opt for the smaller house and bigger greenhouse.
Back to the addition. It really wasn't that hard. I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. I think it took longer that it should have because we didn't have directions.
I was wondering if you could just keep adding on. Don't know how cost effective that would be either. My be cheaper to just buy 2 and put them together.
Looking forward to seeing pictures of yours Badseed.

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