SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Houston area DGers interested in donating your surplus vegetable / flower seedlings, and/or gardening items for the school childrens' Earthboxes / School Garden should post what you have to donate (and how many of each) on this thread. I will consolidate the list and forward to the School Garden Representative. Then, we'll coordinate a drop-off date.

Thank you, all!

Stay tuned for more info, as I receive it!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hmm. I've got some extra tomato plants.

Missouri City, TX

I have dill, cilantro, mustard, and chili pequino seed.

How much space do they have? Do they need a teepee?

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I understand they have a huge vacant lot catty corner to the school. The intent is to turn it into a school/community garden. Not sure if they're using it yet, but I'll ask if they need a teepee.

BTW, I'm definitely planting out this weekend. Can't wait to put my beans down. 4-5 seeds at each leg, right? Do I need to put some fertilizer down into each hole, too? Also, I'm concerned my bed isn't deep enough. Another DGer is bringing me a bale of Pro-Mix on Friday. I'm thinking of mixing this with some store bought compost and some cheap topsoil, and then top dressing the sifted compost that's in the bed. I definitely don't want all my fine compost to blow away or wash away with the rain. LMK what you think or if I need to do this differently.


Missouri City, TX

You are over thinking your beans. Mix as much "extras" as you want, then plant away. As rich as your compost looks, you should have seedlings in a week -10 days.

Don't know why mine haven't popped yet - maybe I should have soaked them overnight before planting - but I did not do that last time, and everything was fine - maybe the soil was not warm enough.

Did find a small snake skin when I was checking them Sunday.

Tonto Basin, AZ

What soil temp do pole beans such as Kentucky Wonder need to germinate?


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Soaking beans overnight could cause them to split. At least that's what I have heard. I soak them in weak fish emulsion for an hour or so before planting.

Beans are really supposed to be planted when most of the risk of frost is over. I won't be planting beans here in NW. Houston for another week or two. Dr. Randall suggests waiting another week or two after bush beans before planting pole beans as perhaps they like warmer temps.

Pole beans, what I've seen (not personal experience) is 6-8 beans planted in a circle around each pole. I don't buy into the idea that beans get "everything they need" without fertilizer, but they don't need a ton of it either. I use slow release (Osmocote) and compost and then I give a foliar feed with fish emulsion and seaweed when they are setting the first flush of flowers.

Considering all the 38 degree (or less!) mornings I've been having, I'm in no rush to plant beans.

This message was edited Mar 5, 2008 7:53 AM

This message was edited Mar 5, 2008 7:54 AM

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

If I remember correctly, when we were little and growing "beans" we just wrapped them in a damp paper towel till they sprouted. Then we planted them in a pot. I think I need to stop soaking and start wrapping. At least they'll have a head start for when the soil gets warm. I could still sprout them and put them into styro cups. Then, just plant the plug. Yeah...

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