Only three more months!

Winnetka, IL

I found this pic today. Such fond memories : )

Any other wistful gardeners with pics from past springs and summers?

Thumbnail by plantaholic186
St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

How lovely, hurry spring!

Winnetka, IL

Yes, but Cathy, you actually get a spring in St. L! I grew up in Clayton, and therefore was used to a whole month of spring. Here, we usually get...well, maybe a week of spring : ( But at least all those peonies in that pic have had a year to get settled in, so I'll hopefully get a good show this May.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I just love that picture! Some of my plants have been poking out of the ground this weekend including lilies and spring bulbs, and I finally got all the spring cleanup and leave shredding done ( I dump that back into the gardens). We have pin oaks in our yard that wait until spring to dump all of their leaves. Here is my side border from last summer.

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
Winnetka, IL

That is beautiful! Do you have any problems with the morning glory taking over the world? I had one once that set seedlings EVERYWHERE. But they're so pretty!
And what is that pretty flowering plant roughly in the center with the mauve-ish flower?

I have some daffodils daring to start up, and actually have Galanthus up Yay! My Hellebores are starting up. But not only are we getting rain dumped on us today, it's supposed to snow tomorrow. ARGH!

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Sure do... I had to "throw down" with star of yelta many times lol. In fact if you look at the large size of the pic on the right is a shambling mound of mg's and that is yelta on a shepherds hook with a hummingbird feeder, feeder no where to be seen! I have double purple datura in the back of the border and balsam in the center front.

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