question about dormancy in sarracenia

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I have my first sarracenia and have been reading about them. I have learned a lot from all of you here.

I am still confused about the dormancy for them. I have only had mine for a week. It came in a little plastic terrarium from a garden center. So I don't know if it was kept in a cool place or not. I now have it in my house by a window (I took it out of the terrarium it came in) Is it dormate now? Is now a good time to repot? (It is in a 3.5 pot right now) Its almost March, so what is the best care for it now.


There's a lot more to dormancy than just temperature. Don't worry about it right now. It's a little plant and the days are lengthening so might as well forgo dormancy this year. Next year, it will need a dormancy.

Since you've got a seedling there, why not just repot it in a slightly larger pot and place it in a drip tray to allow water to wick up. You can use a Canadian sphagnum peat and perlite mix for now. Then place the little one back up on your window sill and wait it out until you can move it outside for the summer.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

thanks so much for you help. That is what I had planned, so sounds like I was on the right track.

Those plants that come in those little plexiglass coffins aren't always the healthiest so try not to get too upset if it goes to plant heaven.

I see you are in KY. Any way you could place a basin under a downspout to collect water for your plant? If not, please use distilled water.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, this plant is what someone else on here called a "lowes rescue" It was on the clearance rack. It is a nice sized plant. Pretty tall, around 3 or 4 inches and has around 4 pitchers on it and one long leaf. It has a lot of what looks like dead material around the outside of the base of the plant. Its hard to tell if its dead material or that moss they put on top. With this being my first, its hard to tell what is normal and what is not. I will just pat its little head and wipe its little nose and hope my mommy instinct can keep it

Thanks again

With this being my first, its hard to tell what is normal and what is not. I will just pat its little head and wipe its little nose and hope my mommy instinct can keep it going...
No, thank you. That was pretty funny. So funny in fact that I'm sitting on the phone reading it to a CP geek friend of mine.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Mommy instinct comes in handy for a lot things sometimes..........never hurts to

Chesapeake, VA

My neph is either biting the dust or becoming dormant-as-a-doormat. Should I cut it back?

If it was your intent to type Nep for Nepenthes, you may be in trouble. Although their growth may slow during some times of the year, they don't go dormant per se. Are you able to post photos?

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