Planting by the full moon??

Shoalwater, WA, Australia

Someone recently mentioned to me that seeds germinate better if they're planted under a full moon. Has anyone else heard of that? If so, is there any credence to it, and why would that be so?



Merino, Australia

Hello Kerri. . I have read about it too and in some gardening articles you can get charts on this type of planting.

I'd be careful going out at night when there's a full moon. You never know what else is out and about. Ha Ha Ha OOoooooo

Lol yes I do think that the moon influences growth patterns in all growing things ...ask the nurses in the maternity wards.
But speaking for myself the conditions at the time of planting ie temps ...moisture etc are what I look for ...perhaps one day I may have the time to play with moon planting, but for now ...shove them in when time and good conditions allow and you should have a good outcome

(Zone 10a)

You may think I am a bit wacky being the person who mentioned planting by the moon & all, but doubting it say it says more about us than the moon itself. We live in a patriarchial society where male symbols like the sun are given extraordinary credence. When ppl talk zodiac for example, they only mean their sun sign which is the same as us carrying our father's surname & so on. But the sun is only a part of the whole story. The moon is very much an influence on life in all sorts of ways. Just think of the tides for example & the power that is behind them. Our mother moon is a hugely important force that easily influences germination & really, alll reproductive cycles throughout life. I know from working in the sports betting industry for another example, that most major boxing events are scheduled on full moons & from running hotels in my younger days, can guarantee the full moon does influence human behaviour to a very noticeable degree.
In short, the moon may often be forgotten but she is very much there & very powerful.

Merino, Australia

I'm with you Ian, our moon is a wonderful thing. Did anyone see the show on pay TV a while back , called I think, "If we had no moon"? It was a look at all the ways the moon affects us and did you know that it was once much closer to Earth and is now moving further away ? I would not like to live here when it gets too far away . Imagine the huge climate change then ?

(Zone 10a)

You bet. She is one of the many amazing coincidences that make life possible. At least, as we understand things. Our disregard for her power & influence merely reflects how out of touch with nature we have become.

Moonstruck is one of my absolute favourite movies ...:)

(Zone 10a)


What does that mean ...Imao? I am not up on puter speak ...when my grandson signed an email lol I accused him of calling me a little old lady ...

(Zone 10a)

It means I am laughing my a** off at the thought of that movie.

You must be one of the few men who actually watched it ...a chick flick my brother said ...I cared for a manic depressive relative for 12 years and believe me I knew when the moon was full even without looking.

(Zone 10a)

That makes sense about the depressive I guess. Moonstruck had Nicholas Cage in it btw, so it wasn't all bad. At least you didn't mention that show Moonlighting or that song about fighting the moonlight. It could have been worse.

Shoalwater, WA, Australia

lmao @ little old lady!

i didn't doubt you Ian, when you mentioned the full moon. having worked several jobs that primarily involve customer service, i know full well how human behaviour is affected by the moon. as a bar attendant, i always dreaded a full moon, cos it seems to bring out all the whackos. (i was just trying to cheat and get information without having to reseach for myself when i posted the question on here :P )

btw ... rofl = rolling on the floor laughing
roflmao = rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
bbl = be back later
btw = by the way

and soooo many others it'd be impossible to list. puter talk is a language all it's own. and you should see text speak, that the kids use when they sms each other :O ... totally foriegn.


(Zone 10a)

Yeah Kerri. Little old lady is good hey? No paranoia there at all, right Chrissy?

brb - be right back
afk - away from keyboard
sif - as if
There is one that means parents are watching too but I can't remember it atm. It might be just pw.

Oh, atm = at the moment


Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. I give up on all this short speak.
I get lost trying to figure out what some one means, and I can't be bothered with it all. I'm afraid I'm one of those old fashioned oldies that did learn to speak properly and still expect it of others. I have nothing against the odd abbreviation , I do it myself, but some people seem to not know how to put 2 phrases together.
I wonder at where language is heading. Will it be a universal lot of abbreviations or will real language stick around ? Just for a laugh, imagine one of your favorite stories or rhymes in this short speak.
I would imagine , for instance , j&jwuth, 2fapoH2O, Jfd&bhc&jcta.
Doesn't have the same cadence somehow, but then I don't know how to do this stuff anyway.
All this has nothing to do with the moon unless we are all being affected and going round the twist.
I used to like 'Moonlighting', Ian, lovely Bruce Willis.
Have you noticed that the birds all get out and sing on moonlit nights ?

(Zone 10a)

OK. Bruce Willis is fair enough. I hadn't really noticed about the birds, but it makes sense.
I am with you about correct grammar & stuff, but its a lost cause in a way. Correct information generally, no longer seems a priority & I suppose a lot has been said about the dumbing down of society in various places. There is also the fact that language evolves, which we must respect but I think the main factor nowdays is pictorial symbolism replacing the need for complex verbal communication. A friend told me not long ago for example, that writers are now called content providers in the sense that words more commonly accompany images & other forms of mult-media, than stand on their own.
For what its worth, I just submitted my 2nd article & its pretty wordy. You ladies should consider contacting Dave about writing for the site. There are plenty of cool ppl amongst the writers already, but I think Dave wants a slightly higher output than we are getting atm.

Sad to see the beauty of words fast being lost, as a child we were told descriptive language was very important ( I suppose because there were no TV's) but not any more. Because we grew up in an era where the entertainment was voices painting verbal pictures on the radio ...that is what we had drummed into us ..."be descriptive" . Everything has to be quick and life itself must be slotted into some kind of short handed living. I know that is the way of the future ...I hate to say it but one day even gardening (the greatest grounding lessons one can learn) will be considered "old fashioned" can see it already happening in the stiff lifeless formal McMansion
yards. Yeh I know I sound like someones grandmother :)

(Zone 10a)

Well, a good command of english gives you the power to more reliably & accurately express yourself. That is worth something, right? I mean regardless of the larger trend, orthodox communication has its own rewards. Humour is a big one; turns of phrase, playing upon words & so on. I feel sorry for ppl who miss jokes merely because they don't follow the language.

That's true ... like man ...when when I was a cooool teen we were way out! our olds didn't dig what we had to say cause they were'nt in the groove ... know what I mean? like we were waaaay out while they were like squaresville. Squares were like ... no where right ?ya dig?
lol yes I do know some of the puter/mobile stuff after all I have teenage grandchildren and one 11 ...and each teenage generation has it's own teen speak ...I respect that and still remember what it feels like, still it is the strangest thing to see them texting all the time and yet when actually sitting together there seems to be a strange silence ...nothing to say by mouth that really is something different.

(Zone 10a)

I guess. That is wierd & to be honest, it only makes me worry more about my son :(
On a happier note I started an article on lunar gardening & found a moon clock that works embedded in the page. How cool is that? A new moon started last night, so I better find out what it means, hey? :)

Shoalwater, WA, Australia

rofl chrissy ... waaay cool man :D

one thing i find sad is that kids don't seem to read anymore. when i was a kid, i'd lose myself for hours in a good book, and still do. but now, it's all visual, with no words ... television, electronic games, the computer with web pages with more graphics than words. my nephews wouldn't know what to do with a book if it came up and bit them on the bum. mind you, they are a lot more active than a lot of kids these days. my sister makes sure they're always involved in sport of one sort or another, so they don't sit inside glued to the tv or pc all the time.

reading is a dying art :(


Merino, Australia

We have wandered away from the moon haven't we ? It's hard to stay on one subject though as a thought pops up to do with something in the thread and of we go on a cook's tour.
I have been told all my life that I like to talk and tend to ramble off on a tangent, but isn't that the beauty of language and communication of so many diverse ideas ?
Back to the moon or we will have the headmaster on our tails. I'm glad we have pay TV. We can't afford a lot of the channels but really enjoy the documentrys on the moon and the universe that have been on lately. I never cease to be amazed at where we live and how it looks out there. I always feel a sense of wonder when I see Neil Armstrong put that step on the moon. I would give anything to get out there and see it all. No wonder I am a Sci Fi fan. .
Back to doing something productive , like thinking about tea. happy day all. Jean.

(Zone 10a)

It doesn't matter what you talk about. We are here to relax & be ourselves so let's have no rules. I am always get an upper cut for going off the topic, but it seems to happen so naturally. :)
Apparently its the gravitational pull of the moon on water in the soil that does the job btw. I knew there was such thing as land tides which are the same as ocean tides but imperceptible. It looks like there could be a fair but in it but we have to wait a whole moon cycle now to test it out.

Merino, Australia

Good morning Ian and all on . Another very hot day here but it's nice at the moment so a bit of work may get done early.
Talking of the gravitational pull of the moon, now we know why we wander away from the subject at times. It's all the fault of the moon pulling our brains around.
If you have any Willie Wagtails or Magpies around, go out and listen when the moon is full. They seem to be the two that are most vocal then.
My fishing sons tell me that the moon will affect fishing too. Apparently fishing is not good when there's a full moon.
I don't want to be out planting at night . You never know what else is out having a wander round the garden. Those 8 legged creatures like to roam at night and I belong inside then. They can have all the garden to themselves.
When you really look into the information about our moon , there is so much we take for granted about her. We humans don't realise how much she rules our very being. Look at our life cycle .The moon is the manager of all womens life cycles and therefore mankind.
We take our cycles for granted but even in ancient times people were aware of the power of the moon on their lives. This is where the art of planting by the moon arose as our ancestors spent more time watching nature and it's affects on their lives and more importantly their food.
Better get off the lecture platform. going outside while it's nice and cool.
Happy day all, Jean

The Sun and The moon were once considered Gods ...and we certainly can understand why ...look at the Egyptians ...the Sun and the moon held their very lives in their power ...I forget whatever huge amount of water our bodies are made of but the moon has to influence that ...if the brain swells because there is extra fluid in it, it can't go anywhere because it is encased in the skull a vice. Hence huge impact on our senses.Like you said 77 in the past people had to live by nature to survive ...we have lost touch with that "feel" except for mad keen gardeners ...and I do think there is much to be had by moon planting.
happy weekend gardening everyone

(Zone 10a)

Thanx & have a good weekend as well. I am finding out that is the new moon we are after as it is when its in Earth's shadow that it has the greatest pull. You don't have to be out there at night. Just use the next few days to plant seed. It wouldn't matter if you did it inside or out anyway. I am trying a few different seeds by a couple of different methods to see what happens.

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