Join Us! Seed Swap Seed Starting & Conversation #5

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

What is this? I got some seeds last year and they were labeled daylilies. Looks like some kind of iris to me. The plants grow in a V shape, and this one has put out a long stalk kinda pointy on the top.

Picture is not very good, but maybe you can see what it is.

Thumbnail by BlueGlancer
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Maybe a blackberry lily or a candy lily

belamcanda chinensis or pardancanda chinensis ?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I agree with t, or maybe they could be irises have you planted any seeds to those? But they are probably candy lily, didn't I send you some seeds to those earlier last year? I bet that's them :)

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Gosh, I hope so, tab. Those would be pretty. : )

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

These seeds didn't come from you, LeBug. The name on the plastic bag said daylily. I knew they weren't daylilies cause the seeds were brown, and had flat sides.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Yep, sounds like irises :)

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Not Candy lily-those seeds look like small daylily seeds and have VERY wide fans-exactly like an iris-not thin like those...what about a siberian iris??

BTW-I of course didn't look at my seeds yesterday-kinda the "watching the pot doesn't make it boil faster"thing and guess what I found after my last post?? I had tails on all my hib, 1 of each var of LLupine and the others had swelled and once I picked up the glass all of them sank (there was only a couple that hadn't sunk over the last day)!!! YEAH!!! I got them all planted along with about 30 other things!!YEAH!!! OH HAPPY DAY!!!

I also had some others that I planted germinating!!! YEAH!!! I tell ya my cheap little set up of the upside down clear sterlite containers is really working!!!!!! (jumping up & down for joy)!!!!

Sorry so many !, I am just super thrilled!!!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Just want ya'll to know I'm still lurking around here. My eyes are all over this thread, so be careful.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I'm thrilled with you Fairy! Isn't it fun to see little seedlings that you planted so exciting! :)

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I think you got it, Fairy, and LeBug. They look like siberian irises. I didn't know they grew down here. I'll take a picture when it blooms. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

My siberian irises have taller, darker leaves to them like these not the flat lighter green ones :

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

What about widows tears??

Yes I am excited-I have 3 var of HH blooming, A TON of pech & white jacobs ladder, indian summer rudbeckia, Cushion spurge, and a couple others I can't remember right off hand!!:)

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Mine are so buried under snow-I'm jealous of all these babies. I want to dig around!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

We're going to be buried under snow after tonite in a day or so starting tonite we're suppose to get 3-6 inches! I got groceries, cigs, seeds and my jugs no body can call me to run them anywhere, I might actually get some planting done LOL

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Lea, The tree peonys are very beautiful. As I remember and it has been a while they about 5 ft tall and looked like a small tree with flowers on them. Just like the name says. The lady that owns Stream Cliff said at the time they were her favorites but if I had all that gorgeous stuff I would get a new favorite every year
We didn't go to the store today so if the big snow comes tonight we will just do without and make do.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

You'll be eating peanutbutter and jelly Veronica I think you are getting more snow than us lol I wonder how much Suzy will get.

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

I watached Kevin on Channel 3 and it looked like a band just North of Louisville will be getting the most. I was surprised and you and my son who lives at Charlestown are in that band.......Hope we all get small amounts. I am so ready to get outside.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Okay, can't help it, have to say something. lol

Would some of you guys go over to the thread about the patriotic seed trade. We need more people. The last one we did, every one got a sandwich bag full of seeds.
Now, don't talk bad., just an idea. Just an idea. Please don't go, do not go to that site!!!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I wonder if the snow will hit Cincinnati. I've been watching it on the radar weather site. Might just miss our house--hope so.

Sounds like you're ready for it though, LeBug!

Lorraine--thanks for the info on the seed swap-- I'm not much of a swapper but I'm sure you'll get plenty of traders for it. Sounds fun.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Veronica, I'm so ready to get outside too and ready for spring but I do enjoy a good snow, it's so beautiful coming down and it brings all of the birds to my feeders and I have one right by my bedroom window that has been pretty intertaining so far so I can't wait for the snow to bring more...

It's been a few years since we've had a really good snow so I'm hoping for one this time, I bought the neighbor's boy a snowman kit from big lots for Christmas, it has the carrot, a neck scarf and some plastic charcoal in it so I hope he gets to use it this weekend lol I kind of figured with the wet winter we were having we would have at least one good snow this year :) I'll get the old sleds out of the garage that I used to use when I was a kid for the kids here that don't have any and we'll have all kinds of kids out front going down the hill, I love to watch those kids in the snow lol

Yep t, I'm ready lol The only thing though I forgot to go to the liquor store and get my XX beer lol Already have a coffee date with the neighbor in the morning at 9 to watch it snow and she bought some fancy coffee for us to sip LOL Did I say I would get caught up on my seeds with this snow here? I may not lol

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Lea you have your snow day all planned lol. We will probably get sledders here also if they can get here. A good snow brings out the kid in all of us, right. My DH just told me we might get wind. Tha t means snow drifts for our lane and we may be stuck. Need to go get milk if I get up before the snow starts.....

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I went sledding once when I was 6, and lived in North Carolina. Being from FL, my dad had no sled for me, so he took the inside out of an old cooler that was alumiun(sp), and I sat in it. He pushed me down the hill, and into the basement, where I proceeded to crash and burn. lol : )

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Aroound here anything that will slide on packed snow can be used. Have to be creative when you don't ever have enough sleds to go around!!!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I tried ice skating once, too. THAT.... was not pretty.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Ice skating that makes your ankles so sore! lol I've been once, no thank you for the day after but it was fun at the time, just don't think I'm coordinated enough for that lol

Veronica, There is alway wind when it snows it seems like there are always snow drifts :) We used to build igloos and forts when I was a kid and the biggest snowmen, it was nothing to have 3 and 4' snows here then. I've got a picture when we had one snow of dad and I, we made a snowman that was about 7' tall lol And you can see part of a fort us kids had started building it took a long time but we had snow for a long time when we did :) After the hill got packed down from the sleds we would get big pieces of cardboard if we could find it and more than one kid could slide down together on it lol Inner tubes were fun too. We had to be able to stear whatever we were riding or control it somehow because if we didn't make it to the yard at the bottom of the hill we went out on one of the main streets and there was quite a bit of traffic lol One girl friend of mine used to have sled riding parties and have bonfires when I was in my teens, as you can tell probably I have some fond memories of the snow when I was a kid lol

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Lea, you are too cute! Are you sure you won't be tempted to jump on one of those sleds with the kids? Even though we always have lots of snow here in NH in the winter I know what you mean about the difference between "now and then". I grew up outside of Pittsburgh and we always had a lot of snow as kids, but now if my folks get any snow it melts within a couple days. The snow melted a lot with these couple 40 degree days here, but we still have a few feet on the ground. Crazy, isn't it?

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Blue, DH and friends talked me into ice skating. bought new skates. they left me alone on the ice and of course I fell. couldn't get up and the zamboni was headed right for me. crawled off the ice. major humiliation and skates in the next garage sale. does that beat your story?

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Ice skating is our Nr. 1 national sport in winter. But what to do now frost seems to be a thing of the past?

Fortunately i'm not into skating. Absolutely no sense of balance, I'm afraid!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey everybody lol I'm at my neighbor's and don't go out there the wind is blowing like crazy! It blew me all the way up to the trailer, hate to see what it's going to do on my way down the hill going back home, no sled riding in his stuff, the kids aren't even out! I think Wind's DH was right, we will have drifts like crazy today, I bet it's at least 45 milh and it's 22 out! I'm glad I came for coffee but I don't want to go back out, my neighbor said to tell you I'm gonna be here all day LOL

Kath, if this wind stops and the kids get out there I just might go down the hill a couple of times, I went down the last time it snowed lol You are never too old to sled ride ;-) I don't think I would want to deal with snow as much as you probably do there for sure! The best time to go is after it's all over with and the snow is packed down from the cars going up and down the hill, if they come to clean the streets we just use the field, when the kids are up there by themselves, I have to watch them though so they don't ride over my plants!

Tuink, I thought snow was a thing of the past here but this wet winter brought us some this year, I just know it because of this wet winter, I just can't imagine not even getting frost, I sure would like to, it wouldn't hurt my feelings a bit if we stayed warm all of the time lol

grampapa, I did manage to stay up on the ice skates, were your ankles sore the next day? I could hardly walk! lol No embarrassment in falling down everybody does it, I bet it was a funny site though, sorry I'm laughing lol

I wonder if Suzy is getting some snow....oh Suzzzy! Are you getting snowed in??? She's too busy doing what we should be doing sowing seeds lol

hi there
gads i am so behind...too many things going on here and im gonna be a grammy again late summer :))
my geraniums are up and so are my tomatoes and the gerberas..i need to fill up the trays
gonna re read the threads at night and get some inspiration going..thanks you all

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hey all, just wanted to let ya know that I don't know how long I gonna be off line for.

We had storm last night and about 1:30 I jumped out of th ebed at hearing a big noise, thought my transformer had blown. The tv didnt go off, but i noticed my computer screen had somethign funky on it.

The screen was totally black and in the corner had this stuff that said, pc partial error and a whole list of things. I have a surge protector, but don't know what happened.

Stupid puter wouldnt shut off, so i unplugged it and let it rest the rest of the night, but when i plugged it back up this morning it wouldn't come on, so it at the puter place now.

Hopefully, it won't be bad and they get it back soon. So til then just have amemory bugging the back of your head for now. : )

See ya when I get back on line, Will try and check in when I at school a couple days a week.


South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

grampapa, I didn't buy any new skates. I went to an ice skating rink here in FL. I figured since I could rollerskate pretty good, surely, I could do ice. The entire time I was there, I had a death grip on the rail, and moved no further than 5 ft from where I started. My ankles were buckled, like someone had broke them. lol

I have a new appreciation for anyone who can do that. I think it's one of those things that you have to learn at a very early age, altho I was probably only 16, when I tried it.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh Ella-that sucks!!! LMK if there is anytihg I can do for you or you need in case your puter doesn't want to give ya back all the stuff on it....

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh gosh I hope Ella backs up better than I do, it sure would be a shame if she lost all of her information on her! If you need anything Ella I'm sure we are all here for you! I for one know how it is when you lose all of your germination information!

Lucy, I was in my 20's when I tried to ice skate for the first time and it is definitely a sport that should be learned and your ankles get used to before you get too old lol The person I was with took me out in the middle of the rink and I was terrified LOL I didn't fall down, I was well taken care of but I will just ponder on that memory and not worry about trying it again for sure LOL

They changed our forcast to 6-12" Wa Hoooooo! LOL I really should have gotten that case of beer!

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

Ella..I had something very similar happen a few years ago..lightning came in through my internet connection (cable at the time) and fried my motherboard. I now have wireless, but that router is hooked up through a (pricey) surge protector that covers not only the electrical stuff, but the internet connections as was well worth the $ since I not only lost all my files, but thamotherbaord wasn't cheap to replace (and I had a friend cover the labour.. yikes!)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi all --

As you guessed, I have been with my mom, helping her take a shower and having lunch with her....easy stuff, but I always have to get dressed up when I go to her place. I also had to work on the Daffodil Society Newsletter.

LeBug, a little snow, maybe 2" total when we're finished? They originally said 9", I'm told. I kept having people tell me 8 - 9" and I could NOT figure out what the were blabbering about! It never showed up on my weather when I looked, and you know I look at the weather this time of year every single day.

Ella, That is terrible about your computer. Back ups! What a reminder, and sorry it happened to you, but whenever I hear of somebody's computer frying, I think: Oh, yeah, back up! I'd better write some CDs tomorrow.

When I was born, we lived on a lake, so my sisters had every size of ice skates for every age, so I always had skates, no matter how old I was. (And ice skates are the one thing that haven't gone out of style in 50 years! You should have seen my giganitic orthopedic-looking hand-me-down black tap shoes!) When we moved to Indiana, we used to ice skate on the streets...tore up the blades, but then my dad would sharpen them for the neighborhood and we were good to go again. We also roller skated on the streets -- 4 rollers, not the inline skates that are so much easier. You cannot do stuff on roller skates that you can do on ice skates!!!

Fast forward 25 or 30 years when my kids were in Brownies & Girl Scouts and we kept going on ice skating parties. (Me with my own skates from 1968) That ice in a rink is very smooth -- very slick! The first time I could hardly stand up in the skates because there were no ridges from car tires and no sand or grit from the sand trucks! LOL!

No sledding in Indianapolis, hardly, at least not on the north side -- 2 hills and one was built on. LOL! The hill that's left is pathetic. I am pretty sure you all (except Lucy, Florida is pretty flat, too) would howl with laughter if you saw it...a bare incline. Sleds won't go down, but we use those saucer things and cafeteria trays.

I also have been sowing more seeds, transplanting seedlings and LOOKING for seeds I know I have! The swa-op geraniums are extremely large. I'm not sure what the heck Stokes was talking about starting them so early, but I will have a full-fledged hanging basket in another month! Then I have to wait another 3 weeks after that to put them out!!! The poor baby petunias I sowed to go with them won't stand a chance.

I joined the Bulb and Plant Coop mailing list (BnP) on Yahoo, and am getting some cool stuff; unfortunately it's all perennials. And really unfortunately, I think it's mostly perennials that don't set seed (from Tissue Culture) Not sure until I sow them next year, I guess. Then wait another year or two for them to bloom. I'm not sure I understand what you all do with a zillion perennials from seed -- don't you get bored with 20 daisies or Catnips? Isn't there a point where you just want one of somehting and it's so much faster and probably cheaper to buy it?

DD#2 is on Spring Break and leaving for Florida tomorrow at the crack of dawn, so we got almost 24 hours with her. Sheesh! She has straight As at midterm, so I'm pretty proud of her. Her resume as a freshman beats the heck out of mine as a senior, so I hope the economy bounces back by 2011!

That's the sum total of the last 3 days --


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Suzy, thanks for the update. Perennials...I would probably only want 2 or 3 shastas, but a bunch of aquilegias or campanula. And you have to start more than you really want (as you well know LOL). I don't know about other folks, but I have that new (last year) 70' cottage garden to fill, plus a lot of bare spots in some other gardens. No way could I have afforded to buy enough perennials to fill it.

Congrats on DD! I have to brag, too. My DDIL just found out she got a great Civil Service job (she got 100 on the exam) making more than twice what she was at her old job. She's a pre-school teacher in charge of a program at a Catholic school, but it's in danger of closing so it's a good time for her to move on.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Grampapa, sounds like your DDIL is on a roll too. Good jobs are hard to come by right now, so she is really blessed (and smart, too)!

Yes, Illoquin, I hope your DD gets off on her trip OK. And then has a good time basking in the sunshine.

It's very blow-y outside now and we did get a nice dose of snow last night here after all the hype on TV. My DH is off to Key Largo, FLA tomorrow and they are afraid they won't be able to get out of Cincy airport. Hope the weather clears by then. We have the fires going and the hot chocolate made (and some bourbon in the cupboard for later in the day). It's very cozy here.

The birds are crazy for the feeders and they are fun to watch but I have to put some suet out for them now. Everything seems to be covered in snow and they are coming to the window asking me to get with it!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Suzy, Not only do I have lots of space to fill now (...happy grin..), I'm too cheap to buy perennials I can start from seed, LOL. Its fun to have extras to swap too :-) I hope to be able to show up with a load at the RU.

Today I must start transplanting. I've been putting it off till I got more lights, which we picked up yesterday. I knew I'd have no room for them otherwise. Those snapdragons have gone nuts since the fan has been blowing on them! These are as big now as last years were in May, started at the same time.

2 more of my Cannas are up! What fun to see those big pips pushing up!

I was thinking I'd start some Cuphia today, is this a good time to start them?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Morning All 8^)

Well Suzy you are the first one to say you could ice skate and oh how it must have been to skate on the roads, I'm from the country and have never seen someone to do that lol they did used to skate on the ponds in the knobs and I would imagine that would be a lot easier than a road any day, esp. with the plowing and all of the ridges and cinders they put on them, so you must have been good lol They have declared a state emergency here and telling everyone to stay off of the roads today.

So your mom must be doing good, I hope so :)

I have one of those saucer things to sled ride with had it when I was a kid so is it antique LOL The only thing is with those things you have to make or have a path to go down which isn't a problem if you go down where the cars have been. It's kind of funny around here when the snow plows do the road out front, the kids throw snow back on out of the yards onto the roads again so they can sled ride lol Haven't seen any of them out yet just been too cold!

I've been looking for seeds too and just can't imagine not finding the ones I want when I want them when I only have about 15 different baggies in the fridge lol I still haven't found my whopper green pepper seeds so I just planted some calif. wonder peppers but the whopper peppers are always so much bigger! I'll run into them when I get done sowing seeds lol

Suzy, I don't think it's cheaper to buy perennials than it is to grow them and so much more fun cause you get to see them grow from seed but I'm beginning to think it's cheaper to go out and buy them then trade anymore because of the postage unless you do a big trade, after this spring I'm not sure if I will do much trading anymore unless it's for something that I really want and the thing about that is we don't have anything around here at our nursuries but the same old stuff so it's either trade or buy from a catalog and it is cheaper to trade. I think the only time I do have patients is waiting for the perennials to bloom from seed only because I know that flower would have at least cost me $15, and no I don't get bored with them if I grow 15 of them I end up giving most of them away and those are for people that come by like some nice DG'ers that might come by in April 8^) Whenever I have a million seeds coming up from downstairs I'm calling a friend out here and in Ramsey seeing if they are going to want them so I don't have to throw the seedlings away but one lady has developed an alergy to plants and she can't grow them out in the house anymore so now I have to grow them out for her until the spring kind of defeating the purpose of trying to get rid of the seedlings and making room for the others :)

Suzy you have raised a smart daughter there I'm sure you are very proud and deserve to be, no matter what the economy will be I'm sure she will get a good job when she is ready :)

grampapa, congrads on your daughter too, they need to have a good education to make in this world anymore! 100 on the exam that is soo great!!! I'll brag on my son cause he probably has the 'bum' award for the year, he's my son and I love him but ain't worth didly squat lol I don't think he will ever grow up!!!

The wind finally quit blowing here sometime in the night but it's still very very cold out! It says it's only getting to 24 today so out in the country it probably won't get much warmer than it is right now at about 19, it's always colder out here.

That's what happened with my geraniums when I grew them the last time they were so big by the time I got them outside, way past my lights and I was late starting them like I was this year and they still didn't bloom for a while. I think the shower geraniums are suppose to be shorter so I'm hoping I won't be fighting the lights with them, how tall are yours Suzy? My petunias are only up about an inch so far :)

Well t, the starlings have discoverd my bird feeder again and usually I can open the back door and clap my hands but either they are so hungry that they don't care or they are just getting used to the sound lol It's suppose to sound like a gun going off and scare them away! Doesn't bother the other birds they must know I'm trying to help them :)

Oh, how cold did I say it was? It's 13!!! I don't like this cold weather LOL

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