Join Us! Seed Swap Seed Starting & Conversation #5

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Thought I couldn't find all of you didn't you.?

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

WE were trying to hide Lorraine!!LOL

Tell Dryad to take it easy and she will have a ton to read & catch up on from us piggies when she is better-back spasms are a KILLER-I hope she is being taken care of by her DNH (n is for not)-we will all be here for here amusement!! Give her XOXOXO from us!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I've soaked my datura seeds over night so far and one has a little root coming out already they are the tripple white and these were from last year!

Welcome Lorraine I've been seeing you every where on here lol I guess you know this is the best thread to be on ;-) We weren't hiding really! LOL

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Now Fairy I just told Lorraine we weren't hiding she'll think I told a fib LOL

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yep dont pay to save a buck when it comes to duck tape , I foudn that out too the hard way. ya know they have these little books at the bookstore that all abotu duck tape and the 1001 one hilarous things you can do with it and cartoon pics to go alogn with it.

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Hey everyone! All this datura talk is making me nervous. As I said my regular white have always re-seeded, but late, so I am starting the "special ones" inside. Lea-mine had what I thought were little sprouts, so I potted them up and now NOTHING, so I'm not sure. And now I'm nervous! I soaked mine 24 hrs. and then Baggie method-it's been a week since I potted them up. We'll see....
Suzy-glad your mum is home and Lea hope your dad is all okey dokey and Robin hope your back feels better SOON!
Oh yeah-and I confess that I bought seeds AGAIN today. I have one rule for seeds that I buy-They HAVE to be direct sowers.SO today-more nasturtiums, green envy zinnias and tall climbing sweet peas.-(shhhhhhhhhhh don't tell)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh, I got a phone call today and all of dad's tests were fine and his lungs are clear wha hooooo! Everything is great!

I soaked my pepper seeds and they had tails on them and they still aren't shooting up yet either maybe it just takes them a while to adjust I still have the peppers on the heat mat though and in the seed tray it's just been a couple of days. I'm trying to make room for the daturas on the heat mat but if I don't get them there I'll just wait :) I can't remember how long it took for them to germinate the last time I tried them, but just be patient Kath they will germinate! This is the first year I'm trying to plant quite a few of them so I hope they germinate lol

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

OK now I feel better, Lea. I won't cry yet. I still need to start the yellows and purple tipped ones. Do you nick yours? I don't feel like I can do anything tonight! I'm riding my hormonal roller coaster again and it's making me feel WORN OUT! After I got my 3 month late period, I got one 2 weeks after that and now I am 2 weeks late! I swear it makes my head spin! (Sorry Neal-just ignore my womanly woes)
Suzy-My direct sow annual kick is because of you!! I'm going with it baby!!!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Robin, if you're out there reading, honey, here's a (((hug))). Take care & rest.

Can I back up a bit and ask about violas again?? do they need dark or not? is it just the cornutas? I am so confused.

Glad to hear the wallflowers can be w/s. one less to worry about in the house (yay!)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I hear you about the walflowers grampapa lol I was glad to hear that too! The violas do need dark I just stuck mine in the closet but watch them real close to see when they start germinating so they don't get leggy that's what happened to mine I kind of forgot about them, oops! Pot the babies that come up then put the seed tray back in the dark for the rest of them to germinate they won't all germinate at the same time at least mine didn't I still have some germinating :)

I'm done with all of that Kath I'm so glad 8^) I didn't nick my daturas not even sure you could or where on the seed I'm just soaking mine. They wil take forever to germinate but can't remember how long it took I think starlight is the one that said she soaked hers and planted and in three weeks she still hasn't go a sprout :( We just have to be patient, not one of my best virtues LOL My email name is impatientle1 LOL And it's true!

Robin hope your back is a little better today, we miss you on here!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

greetings :)
I was shocked to see I have two ws jugs with seedlings this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!! my very first ones :)
I know one was the cheddar pinks and the other one was....I forget at the moment! loooooooong day!!

Also, all of the violas I sowed indoors are sprouting like crazy even Weez's!!!!! very exciting day...

gram I could not find any scientific data that supported putting the violas in the dark. However, I did top the seeds with a thin layer of promix which would create 'darkness', sowed them and put them outside for 24hrs in the cold, took them in and let them sit on a table with indirect light until they sprouted, then moved them under the lights and germination is incredible. The best so far of all my seedlings. Good luck!

Dryad I hope you feel better

Suzy, so glad your mom is home and ok

LeBug, great news on your dad :)

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Congrats wind! I still can't see any of my jugs under all the snow we have been getting-except the recent ones. I have been putting them in an area that I have to traipse through the snow to get to-out of the way!. Walking to them won't be a chore after the snow is gone though.
Lea-I read somewhere that nicking the seeds helps germ. tonight I'm tooo tired but maybe tomorrow I'll check again. That's right I forgot your email-that is so funny!
Night all!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

thanks, LeBug and wind, it sounds like you are both doing great with your violas. thanks for the advice.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

That sound like a good way to start your violets Wind, I'll have to remember that for next year, all of mine are almost up now :)

Good luck grampapa!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)


You can pop your datura seeds just into the soil and put them on a window sill. Mine have germinated already.
Maybe the ones you have aren't viable. This happened to me last year......

Oh, and if you want to get rid of those hormonal roller coasters: get yourself an implanon or mirena. Which means no more periods = no more fuss! Only if you don't want to have childeren anymore, of course. I got one a year ago and it was the best thing that happened to me in a long time!

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Thanks tuink-I know this is true for the whites, but is it true for the other types? They came from a pretty reliable source,soI'm hoping they are good. I REALLY want the black currant swirl to come up. I'll look into the hormonal roller coaster solution-my babies are 16 and 12, so no more, no more! Thanks!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I have a white and a yellow one sprouting now. Still have to sow the black currant swirl but want that very badly too!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Mornin' all! I did 3 different hardy hibiscus with Robynz boiling water method. I had lots of tails on a dark red and a Texas star. Planted those this morning (yay!) But not a one on the 'Southern Belle' from critter. None of them sank, so that's good. I think I'll try some GA-3 on them.

critter, if you're out there...any suggestions?

now I have to start my datura. I want that Black Current to succeed, too. I've never grown them before, but I had a gift of a white one in a pot last year from a DGer (kassia) who visited me. got a nice pod of seeds from that one. and some others in trades. so I'm hooked LOL

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I did my hibiscus on Saturday w/ Robynz method and have't seen anything-how long does it take??

Also, I was supposed to soak some of the seeds and some are floating in the H20 & some aren't...what is the deal??

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I think you're supposed to leave them for no more than 48 hrs after the boiling water. are you sure there's nothing, fairy? did you look close?

everybody, correct me if I'm wrong, but the floaters are the good ones? they should be swollen too. if they sink and are still the same size don't bother planting them.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I wintersowed the Black Currant Swirl last year, after growing one called Belle Blanche. It came up, grew like a weed (which it is), and bloomed, and as soon as it bloomed, I yanked it out. I was so terribly disappointed in it compared to the big white flowers of Belle Blanche --BCS was all foliage and little flowers.

It was so out of place where I planted it, too -- it really did look like a gigantic weed. I don't know if you're supposed to prune them or not, but I suspect you are.

Gram, on most seeds, the sinkers are the good ones and the floaters are either bad or need more water in them.


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Suzy, thanks. I thought that sounded backwards. but the hibiscus with the tails floated and the rest sank.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

They did? Oh, well, that's weird, mine sank then got a tail and stayed sunken. They were Hibiscus Pink Swirl, but I don't know the species.

Gram, Did yours originally sink and then float up when they got the tails? Or did they start out floating, then get a tail while they stayed floating?

Just curious. Fairy, I don't know what to tell you except hang tite.


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

they stayed floating and got the tails. none of the ones that sank got tails, on either species, h. moscheutos or h. coccineus. I think one of the rules is, the seeds don't know the rules LOL

so now I don't know what to think about the Southern Belle, but I think I'll just let them soak a while longer.

that's disappointing about the BCS datura, but we all have to try it anyway.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

One of the problems with it is it was sort of a very wide V shape -- just 2 big ole long branches/canes that came up in a very wide V shape and looked just crazy. I really think they need to be pruned. The flowers, well, you know I don't like that lavender color, so I was predisposed to dislike it, I'm afraid.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I guess I'll plant my daturas today and I forgot to plant my pineapple sage that was soaking and it's getting tails already :) I'm going to start soaking my hibiscus today if I get around to it lol

I have some seeds to a 'pink peony tree' is that a perennial for here? I can't remember who I got it from, anybody? How do I start these I wonder? Soak them until they get tails maybe? Then what? HELP? LOL

Also the White Veined Dutchman's Pipe Aristolochia fimbriata, how do I go about getting this one to germinate? Seems like I read it takes a while? Guess I start out by soaking? and this thing only gets about 12" tall, that's not a vine LOL

Suzy, I prune my Inoxia sometimes when it gets a branch in the way of a plant trying to get some sun it doesn't hurt it, I really chopped on one last year cause it popped up where it didn't need to be but it was in the front yard and it smelled so good in the evenings, not sure if I'll let it live there or not when it comes back this year, just not the right spot for it. I had a tatula come up out back probably because I dump all of my old seeds that I don't want there and it was like a tree, these things just get too huge for me, I did let one grow in a new bed that I made last year so I figure I'll have lots to pull there this year lol I wish those tatula would grow in part shade then I could plant them to shade my sunny shade garden it would be a good one to provide shade where you want it, they get about 7' tall! they are a lot taller than me anyway lol

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi friends
Just had to tell someone about my excitement. I know this thread is not about wsing but I think I am seeing green. Imagine after the winter we have had!!! Since I am a wsing newbie I just had to tell someone and you guys are THE ONES.
Also I sowed my salvia seed on Tuesday along with my ornamental pepper and some are beginning to sprout. These were in my little heated greenhouse kit. This is what I call my hot box. Probably not correct terminology. But I am on cloud nine.
I know you all are way more advanced than I in seed sowing (when you are talking about all the things you do to get seed to sprout I wonder if thaat will be me someday lol)
Dryad I miss you and hope you are up and at the computer soon; and planting!!!
Thanks Suzy for the tips you gave me about my annuals. I'm waiting for April1 to begin wsing a few annuals just like you told me to.
An excited gardener

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

LeBug, I planted my Dutchman's Pipe Aristolochia fimbriata straight in the soil. Just lightly covered them. I planted about 5 seeds and have 2 healthy babies. Took about a week, maybe aweek and a half to come up.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Here's their little pictures. Aren't they cute? lol : ) I didn't have good seed planting soil at the time, so I use regular soil, I had laying around.

Thumbnail by BlueGlancer
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I hate it when you have a post to send then look at one of the pictures and lose your post! LOL

Lucy are you planning on moving those to the ground or are you going to keep them in a pot? Maybe I'll do that :) I'll have to wait a bit longer to do it outside though it's a little colder here :-P

Veronica, it's so exciting to see those little seeds grow into plants isn't it and you'll be excited all year about them while you are watching them grow and then when you go to collect seeds at the end of the summer you can say 'I grew that' with a big smile, it never gets old you'll be excited every year with what you grow and watching those tiny seedlings grow into something beautiful with your tender loving care 8^) And yes you'll be soaking those seeds and giving advice just like us :)

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Lea, I'll probably put one in a pot, and plant the other the ground. Well, that's the plan, anyway. lol

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Lucy, was that you that I got the seeds for the peony tree from? I wish I would write the names on these seeds when I get them lol Have you ever grown them from seed before I just wonder if I plant it 1/4" deep do you know or anyone else?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I don't even know what a peony tree is. lol Wasn't me. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm not sure either I looked it up in the plantfiles and it gets about 5-6', part sun and it's a perennial so I'll take it! LOL

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Don't know much about them but I have seen tree peonys at Stream Cliff Farm. they are quite pricey.......Stream Cliff Farm is a place near Madison, In and I put it in the Go Gardening here at DG. One of my favorite hang outs!!!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Veronica, So they are pretty? I have no idea what color this one is. Do they get pretty full at the top like a tree, I'm getting seeds out of the soak so if I'm not right here after you post I'll be here :)

I had 19 pineapple sage seeds to sprout I just finished putting them in the seed tray to finish :)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Lea, I only have a second, but on peonies,they have a 2-step germination process. You put them in a baggie with a little barely damp potting soil and leave them on the kitchen counter for 6 weeks-3 months -- then put them in the fridge for 6 weeks-3 months to start germinating. Then prick them out as they germinate and put them i the ground -- the timing should be perfect.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh no Suzy, now I'm intimidated before even starting lol Why do they have to be so much trouble lol I should have started them a long time ago I guess, well better stop planting and get these started, thanks! This is what happens when we don't get instructions with them huh? :)

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

How long do I let them float B4 they are just not viable?? I have some hellebore and another 1 (can't remember now) that are all still floating.

I will have to look more closely at the Hibiscus-they have all these bubbles around them, so I gues it would be hard to tell if they had TINY tails..

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Fairy, They are telling me three days, and I believe it -- just plant them after 3 days.


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