Join Us! Seed Swap Seed Starting & Conversation #5

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Mine reseed all the time, but they seem to pop up late. The soil warms up much later here, so I am starting mine inside. I have never grown the black currant swirl or yellow, so I am excited to try those. I am trying all seeds all ways!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I've never soaked my Datura seeds before and never had a problem with germination as long as I had plenty of warmth. Wonder if soaking makes em come on any faster?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I have seeds to a triple white, tripple purple and the double and tripple yellow I haven't grown before, the tripple white were from last year I forgot to plant them lol Good I hope mine reseed €:-)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Seandor soaked hers and she said it's still been three weeks lol

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I understand it can take up to 60 days for them to germinate :-) I am not giving up yet!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Re: The Datura

I started about 40 Metal white on the pad under lights and finally gave up on them after about 3 weeks. I then started about 30 Lilac Dats by first keeping them warm inside a wet paper towel in a baggie. After about a week I planted them and have had germination but it's been slow going. The first 2 sprouted in about 2 weeks and the 3rd took a full month. I'm surprised I had the patience to wait it out!

Thanks for the tip on WSing the herbs Jan. I am soooo out of room in here... ....and yet I continue on.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Morning all!

I had Datura stramonium in my first year as a gardener. Only sowed it once, but still I find seedlings of it every now and then....

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I found my first canna seedling yesterday! Sown Feb.9, soaked for 2 days in H2O2 solution, and stratified with sandpaper. We had beautiful weather yesterday- the high was 72! It felt soooo good to work outside. We got a bunch of roses in the ground and I direct sowed some poppies and larkspur, then the rain started last night. I love it when that happens :-)

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

You go, girl!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Pssst Tuink. Gemini is a "you go guy" ;-)

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)


Gemini, you go guy. With all them females on this forum I automatically took you for a girl.....

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL! For some reason, it just sounds better when you say "you go, girl!"

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I can imagine............

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi, all!

I had Cannas germinate,too...I killed Tuink's, but Starlight's have all germinated. I also have a pot that says Styrax japanica (a tree) but the seedlings look like a canna with red leaves. Not sure how that will shake out, but I rarely get my tags switched, so it probably is Styrax.

I am waiting for the phone call that tells me to go pick up my monm from the hospital -- she's going home! Yay! We need to go daily to help her (my sisters and I) but I'd rather go to her house than to the hospital!


's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

You brute! How did you manage to murder my canna seeds?

Glad to hear your mum is back from the hospital!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Suzy, so glad for you and your mom that she's going home. she'll feel much better out of the hospital ... it's a place for sick people :0) how close does she live to you?

how do you know those cannas are dead as opposed to still sleeping? turned to mush?

I haven't started my cannas yet, but I bought some GA-3 (gibberellic acid) and I'm going to try it. Has anybody ever used it?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh Suzy soo glad your mom is out of the hospital! So what did she find out?

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Glad your Mom is coming home. In the 90s my siblings and I did what you and yours are doing now. Something that we do because they took care of us. The torch passes.
Lebug is doing the same. My folks have been gone 9 years and I still think of them almost daily basis.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Dad had a chest x-ray yesterday he's been coughing so much this is kind of scary, he smokes those luck strikes with no filter, I'm on pins and needles until we get the results back but I seem to think the filters are what is the harm in those cigs. He only takes about 3 or four hits off of a cig. then puts it out. Those cigs. are almost $50 a carton and he smokes one a week!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Suzy-glad to hear your mom is coming home-I think it will do her good to be in her own space w/ her own things...

Datura-I had a bizzilion seed pods-1 for each flower-I let a few ripen & gave them away, but cut the rest off. I didn't want them to reseed-I wanted to move them and put something else in there, so I am not sure...

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

I am so jealous!

I had a whole seed pod of datura..and NOT A SINGLE seed sprouted..I think I tried I can figure is that the seeds weren't mature..

This year I just ordered a plant from select seeds..hopefully I can get a seed or two or three to germinate from it next year..

glad to hear your mom is doing better..
It has been a rough winter for everyone I stepdad is on bedrest while the blood thinner clear out of his system so they can do mom is a mess for obvious reasons..seems like these cold wet winters are just terrible on folks..

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I do think people harvest them too early-the seeds should be comparable to HH seeds-almost look the same too...

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

artemiss, which datura did you get?

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

artemiss-when you come for the co-op I have some seeds for you & will show ya where I put em & what I did....

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

From Select Seeds? "black currant swirl"..
the seeds I couldn't grow? Those were a white variety..maybe the "datura inoxia"?

Fairy..that is AWESOME!! I love the daturas..I just haven't had any luck with them..I spent all of one year trying to find them back in one even KNEW what I was talking about, and when I finally got the seeds from someone who had them back in Illinois, I couldn't grow them....

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Suzy did you hang on to the canna seed I sent you during the first swap? (It's OK if you passed them on to some one else. I just wanted to tell you that they're germinators if you still have them). Glad your mom is coming we just have to get Lea's dad on the mend.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

artemiss, the datura inoxia reseeds like crazy here and that one is a perennial for me, it's a shame you can't grow it I really like mine. I've grown the black currant swril it was pretty. Fairy will put you on the right track, she's a gem :)

La, We should get the x-ray results tomorrow I hope, I seem to think he is alright just scary to have the x-ray made, although he has smoked all of his life, he hasn't lost weight or been sick, he's the healthiest 84 yr. old man that I know :) He's only on arthuritis med. and this new dr. gave him some pills that might help his memory, which is a good thing if they work.

I just WS some of your canterburry bells and your blue ornamental pepper :)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Lala_ That's the Pink Dawn, right? It must have reddish leaves because I have baby reddish cannas seedlings from it. 2 or 3 germinated, but probably more on the way.

The reason I thought I killed all the others was because the ones that germinated of Starlight's were planted a week after the ones I had soaked for so long. I figured if hers came up and the others hadn't that they weren't going to, but then I noticed a lot of germination today.

I don't get into my seedlings to see if they germinated everyday -- the lights are down LOW over them and there are 3 sets side by side. The pots are all covered with plastic bags and it's just sort of a pain to look every day. BUT the Cannas are so big you sort of notice them right away LOL..>

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Artemiss-I have the ones on my tradelist for ya-a triple white 1, inoxia and dble golden queen (have black currant, but you have that 1 already)-I am mixing mine together and putting them in between my russian sage & porcupine grass. I thought the whites, purples and yellows would look good in the middle of the purple sage and yellow barred grass....

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Yesterday I found one of my WS containers germinating! It was 72F Monday and yesterday morning I saw English Wallflowers coming up.

Did anyone else WS English Wallflowers? Wondering if they typically start this quick.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

WOW-I was praying noe of my started with all the wierd weather we've had & they didn't-phew!! Gemeini-hope your weather stays warm for them!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, I'm sure it won't, LOL. Monday was just a teaser, winter is back now. Last year I had some things germinate early like this, and they were fine, but I have no experience with Wallflowers.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Wallflowers will be fine as well. They'll just stop growing for a while. Just take care they don't get crushed by the weight of the snow.....

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, good! Thanks tuink. I have them in milk cartons, so they're safe from crushing. I love that about wintersowing, you can just walk away from them and let nature do its thing!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

That's good to know about the Wallflowers, I think I'll WS mine never even thought about doing them, if mine germinate that fast when the weather gets really bad like freezing cold I'll stick them in the garage until it's over but it's probably just as cold in there lol I wish I could have found some seeds to the orange ones this year but I didn't :(

I'm so far behind on my jugs this year, just can't kick it into gear for some reason think it's this darn depressing weather, I'll blame it on that anyway, usually by now I have all kinds of jugs out there but not this year.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi kids! Happy Wednesday!

Thanks for the well wishes for mom, everything is fine, she's back at home, and is on a beta blocker.

That darn wallflower! It wintersows like a dream, but then it goes allllllll year long, hogging space, but doesn't bloom until the next year.

I was mad I planted it so early and wish I had started it in July. I could have had a cool season crop of flowers -- Bachelor buttons, Calendula, pansies, somehting like that in the space, then sown the wallflower seeds when they went down form the heat.

I guess I didn't directly answer your question Geminii/Neal, Wallflower is green all year long, no matter what the temperature. The seedlings aren't harmed, either (I WSd it last year)

I received word from Dryad that she's out of commission becaause of a spasm in her back which makes it difficult to be upright -- sitting or standing. She thinks she's on the mend now, though.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Ouch, bless her heart! Tis the season for back pain. ((((Robin))))), Sending get well wishes from Kentucky your way!

Suzy, thanks for the warning about the wallflower, that helps me decide where to plant it. I think I've got a perfect spot for them- a distance from the house where they'll really show when they do bloom, but where I won't care that there's no color this year. I think the tall mixed snapdragons I'm starting will fill in behind them so that I won't even notice them this year!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I was wondering where Dryad was we haven't heard from her in so long, hope she's getting better :)

I have a couple different wallflowers to sow but have no idea what color they are lol The foliage goes in when it gets hot outside doesn't it Suzy? That's why I'm having a time trying to figure out where to put them for the summer, do you have any suggestion as to what to plant around it to take up the bare spot by them? I'm not very good at that :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Suzy, how tall did yours get? Good question, LeBug. I'm wondering how short a companion would need to be not to overtake the wallflower.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Well, don't buy the cheap duck tape at wally world, I did some jugs with it last night and it's already coming away from the jugs on the sides! Now what to do lol Guess I'll have to go to the store today and get some good tape! I had an extra roll last week and gave it to my son and bought this the other day, doesn't pay to try and save a dollar lol

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