Join Us! Seed Swap Seed Starting & Conversation #5

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi Kids!

Gram, The article was wonderful! You made it sound like so much fun! Thank you!

The senior living center where my mom lives called this morning to tell me they were taking her to the hospital as a precautionary measure for a fast heart beat, so I was there nearly all day with her. Nothing overly worrisome, except everyt hing they have to do to her has to be in baby steps because she's so little and so old. LOL! A few days they said, to do some tests, get her meds straightened out, and get the heartbeat slowed down a bit and she'll be good as new.

As soon as they told her she really was sick (her heart, but her only sympton was dizziness, and I don't think she really wanted to go to the hospital at all) she started in on looking and acting sick, so I made her get out of bed and wash her face and brush her teeth and I fixed her hair and put make up on her to snap her out of it, which worked, BTW, so don't be thinking I am a mean daughter...she sat in a chair for the rest of the afternoon, but then I could see she was legitimately getting tired and gave her a break.

ANYWAY, Ben, welcome to the group!!! YES! You must join Distantkin's swap, and I sent a bunch of seed to her, so go ahead and tell Distantkin that you want some good stuff and I told you to ask her for it. :)

SGL, The Lobelia coccinea 'Chinook' seed came from
If you're going to grow the Bells of Ireland, it must be witersown or sown with a 6 week cooling period in the refrigerator before it will germinate at room temperature. There are 2 kinds of Helicrysm (strawflower). One is short, about 12-14", the more common and cheaper kind is "tall" (that's the pic in the link you sent) and it is TAL, about 3 1/2 feet tall, but very small footprint. Just TALL. It is used most commonly as a cut flower for market growers and a dried flower for wreath makers.

On the white mold, if it's the same as mine, which also is new this year and I've never had it before, you can actually pinch it with your fingers and pull it right up. It doesn't come up like a carpet, but it does basically come up and doesn't return (or hasn't here yet). I don't know why it happens, though, but I dont' sterilize, or even wash, anything. I don't actually even rinse anything off to be honest, but sometimes I do. I also have been putting bone meal in my potting mix, and that has to have a bunch of bacteria. Basically I am mean to everything except the ones that I know will be in the same pots and mix for over a month -- the geraniums and begonias...the rest are on their own.

Neal, interesting on the fan and the snaps. There have been studies on various plants, and one study said a daily "petting" of sedlings will help them grow stronger. Sort of caressing them daily, or like a Chia pet, running your hands across the tops a couple of times...supposedly strengthens the stems. Yours is similar, I think.

Lala_Jane, The Torenia from Critter is a bush-form, not trailing. The trailing kinds are sterile and propogated from cuttings only.

Lucy/Blueglancer, The Butterflies didn't like my Cactus Zinnias last year. They loved the Zinnia Liliputs, but I wasn't too fond of them. The California Giants were the best of both worlds because we *both* loved them :)

Cold here for the next 10 days -- but next weekend I might put up my plastic "green house"...still thinking about the pros and cons of setting up in the cold. Does anybody have any stories to share -- good or bad, about setting it up before the weather settles more?


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey ya'll, glad to be amusing.. laughter is good :)

Suzy, hope your mom is well.. I will go check out that link for those seeds.. It's good for a wet site?? You know how some women have hundreds of shoes and others just don't get it? I do plants and flowers :)

And thanks to you and Deborah for the info on helichrysum. I'll look it up now :)


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

La, I grew critter's Torenia seed last year (and loved it! doing many more this year), and had some in full shade and some in partial shade growing very happily. They're the bushy type, not trailing, so better for bedding than hanging baskets (although combined with some lovely trailing foliage would be pretty!). Mine stayed short and neat looking.

Suzy, I've read that about petting them too. It was a relief because I do it anyway, I can't stop myself- have to touch the babies everyday, lol. When I first got into the floral business, some of the old school designers cringed because I'm always touching the flowers. They were taught just touching petals caused bruising, but now its accepted that only certain delicate blooms shouldn't be touched, which we gardeners know.

...speaking of touching plants, I was reminded of a humorous article title I ran across one time while doing research. It was called "Cactus for the Blind".........Doesn't that sound like a cruel joke, LOL!

This white mold does just as yours Suzy, come up easily, but not like a carpet. Its only happening in that batch of potting mix. The stuff I mix myself is doing fine.

I've read closely Wallaby1's methods of seed starting, and have been amazed at all the exotic seed she successfully starts using home compost and no sterilization. A milder climate and an unheated greenhouse have a lot to do with it I think, but I've adopted her way of thinking as to how Mother Nature does it.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Suzy-glad your mom is OK...we had something similar-our 100 year old grandpa broke his L3 vertibrae and mom had to go & stay with him for 10 weeks to take care of him-apparantly he fell on his bottom & it broke-all the Drs were afraid to do surgery cuz he is soooo old & fragile-mom made em though and 2 weeks later she was home!! He lives in an independant retirement living center and he was in their health center, but the nurses weren't doing a good job and so she stayed to take care of him-he couldn't use the potty by himslef, of get dressed or cut his food-he was in SUCH pain!!:( All better now-same old grandpa-playing cards and singing and all...

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

?????-can I put my seedlings in a window that has direct sunlight??

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Suzy, not mean to your mom at all. I'm sure that's exactly what she needed. If you treat her like she's sick she'll be sick. Even tho she has a legitimate problem. It's too easy to be overly sympathetic and baby them because it's your mom. Good for you. Hope she's better soon.

Thanks for the kudos on the article. Hope it's ok that I didn't mention you directly. I know most everyone here knows it was you. And I didn't give direct credit to Robin for the pics either. I could still mention it. I was trying to keep the whole thing a bit anonymous. I just had the feeling that you might have people coming to you directly for seeds and stuff. I know you're more than happy to help out and give a push in the right direction, but I didn't want to be responsible for making you the seed mother of the whole internet LOL

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

First Illustrious Illoquin, then Queen Piggie, now Seed Mama of all!!!LOL

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Suzy, why do you put bonemeal in your dirt? Do you do it for the seeds you are sowing in the house? I've never heard of that before...I'm afraid to try and pinch my mold off I'm afraid I will lose seeds that way...Sounds like you did the right thing with your mom Suzy, I used to have the same problem with my mom, I think she just had too much time on her hands so she thought she was sick all of the time but your mom does have heart problems? It still should make her feel better to get out of bed and clean up a bit :) My mom had heart problems, we used to go shopping every Monday and out to lunch and it got to where after we got in a store for about 5 min. she would be too tired to walk thru the rest so eventually we had to quit going shopping and just have lunch she ended up having a quad bypass and never snaped out of the anastesia because she had old timers so she never came home from the heart operation, life can change in an instant :(

You know I planted my coleus in the same tray, three of them, and the two are up but the other one hasn't started germinating yet and the others are starting to reach for the light so now I guess I'm going to have to transplant them when they are so small, I hate that!

Hi soulgardenlove :) I'm the same way the neighbors think I'm nuts cause I have so many flowers but just wait until they are all in bloom then they will be jealous lol

Fairy do you have any cold air coming from your window, there is no way I could do that with my seedlings just too much cold air, still they still might get leggy being in the window and you need to watch the sun on them the sun light is a lot different than the light from your lights :)

BTW Suzy, when I transplanted my osteospermum, they had a real loooong root on them too!

This message was edited Mar 1, 2008 11:47 AM

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I don't have lights-there is a little air from the windows, but not much-I have thme in an upside down clean storage container as a mock GH w/ some cuttings I am rooting...That is why I was asking-direct or indirect light??

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'd say direct light if you have them in that storage container just watch them if the sun hits on them so it doesn't burn them but the sides of the storage container will probably keep them from burning not sure really I've never put my seedlings in the window, our drafts are too much around our windows! Even when I stuff paper in between the window and the sill lol

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

OK-I will just keep a close eye on them....thanks!!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

LeBug, planted more of your columbine seeds today. Did you have a 'Zen' moment while I thought such nice thoughts of you??.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Aw t, I sure hope they all come up for you and don't do like I did and give them away like I did last year cause I'm really regretting it this year LOL Sometimes I'm just too kind with my plants but I just felt sorry for them being in the pots for soo long before I can get to them to plant them then before I know it I've given them all away LOL I thought I had a little warm feeling that must have been you thinking of me, thank you 8^)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Ya, know, Lea, I see an opportunity here that you need to take advantage of...Instead of saying "Take this and this", You need to say, "You can take this, if you plant this." Get them into the ground, THEN if they are in the wrong place, you can move them later.

The thing is, most of the people who come over to see gardens and plants are actually trained help, not like getting some guys over for $10.00 an hour who stomp all over things.

Since you'll be having company at the end of April, and you've already offered me a pussy willow, then two, you need to tell me I can have ONE *if* I plant the other two for you. Sometimes you have to get creative with your guests!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Heck Suzy, when I get company that knows about plants I just want to get on my hands and knees and thank the Lord there is someone to share the gab with LOL But now I am thinking hmmmmmmmmmm But Robin has already offered to help me get that shrub out of the pot and I would be happy as a lark just to get that done before it dies :)

Just came in from outside again never did find the dog tie so I used an old one, Max is excited as I am to get out for a while now it's back to planting and hoping my dad doesn't want to go out and eat! LOL Plants are way more important of course!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Suzy, we have those bad winds in March do you? I have four of the big lot's greenhouses set up already but I don't put the covers on them until the weather settles after March sometime, but then that's not really a greenhouse like you are talking about, we have such winds here and I think a tornado almost got us on that last big storm, we lost two big old red oak trees in that storm out back or our neighbor did anyway, one was about four foot around and it broke it! It was an old tree but mind you it was the thickest part that broke on it on the trunk. There was metal from a house across the road behind us too that had blown off a garage roof or something too, a lot of people have those metal roofs on their garages here. I have my little greenhouses staked of course, and when I put the covers on I have twine to tie around them so they don’t blow away, those winds we had lately were worse than we have ever had I bet it had something to do with having the storms in the winter.

I found some of my notes from planting last year, yeah!!! And I didn't start my morning glories until it was almost time to take seedlings out to harden off, then put them outside to get a little bigger. It was April 13th, can’t believe it was the 13th lol I don’t even send seeds with a count of 13, little lone plant plants or seeds on the 13th usually, I’m really superstitious about the 13th! And I don’t send $13 dollars for anything I just add another dollar LOL I’m silly I know :)

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

LeBug, I had to chuckle when you said that about friends with gardening interests....same here!

I think I posted this before, but when we have our company over, I often take them for a garden tour and the looks on their faces is sort of, well I never quite know how to take it...all I know is the wildlife love our gardens.

I think many people can't stand the sight of a weed, and we have our share of weeds here and there. I really don't do many mulched beds! and I never do mulch volcanos which are quite popular around every tree in town! Frankly, it appears to me that the trees are not thriving. Especially the ones under the red and black dyed mulches. just my op. and I certainly don't mean to offend any mulch volcano lovers.

Suzy, do you think you could repost the link to what seeds should be frozen please? I think I may have some here I should get back into the freezor, but can't remember which

thank you! hope your mom is better :)

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

LeBug, Sounds like you're in a tornado alley there! Be sure to tie down those greenhouses well! I expect to get over to your place and shop a little bit this spring and I want to see a nice inventory! And I'll bring my son to do a little digging for you!

By the way, would you like for me to send back some of those columbine seeds for your garden? I don't have yellows but you sent me about every other kind and I have plenty to share! LOL Send me a d-mail if you need them back!

Planted a couple more seed flats and set up more lights today. --Feeling very 'fertile', as I told my kids, and they told me to 'shut up'! Oh, well...I think these will grow.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Wind I always take people on a garden tour soon as they get here as they are getting out of the car I'm telling them we are going to take a walk lol My friends aren't into plants at all except for one and she can't walk all around and wishes she could :) I've got her set up with plants from coops this year can't wait to see her face when I take them in town and plant them for her.

I see those trees with 3' of mulch on them too and worry about them if they knew anything about trees they should know not to pile it up so high but they will find out when the trees die from it, I don't want to offend anyone either but I figure the people on here wouldn't do that :)

Oh, there was a link posted for seeds that need to be frozen? Gosh I'd love to see that too I must have missed that post! Please Suzy do post it again? I froze my Monk's Hood seeds just because I saw a post about that and didn't know better I'm wondering now when I should start them? They were fresh off of the plant :)

t, I think you misunderstood me, I have plenty of seeds it's just the plants that I give too many away :) I was tickled to send you those seeds for your birthday surprise! I though I sent you some yellow, hmmm usually our winds aren't THAT bad, but it was pretty scary this year! I always though we would be alright on this hill but now I have a new way of thinking, the weather is changing way too much!

Do you think you might come by this year? That would be so cool! No shopping this year when I'm not selling they are free LOL And little boys are always welcome to dig around here they can dig anywhere they want and I can plop a plant in, eventually it's all going to get planted anyway :) Where are you going that you would be so close? This is going to be a great year! I love it, I don't get out much because of my dad and my friends don't come out as often as I would like them to cause they say it's so far out so feel free to stop by anytime :) And I love little boys!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

OH, I'm always out 'wandering Indiana'. You are over near Louisville, right? It might be sooner or later when I stop by, we'll see!

And my 'little boy' is not so little. He's 25 and he can really dig a nice hole!

Yes, I knew you said columbine 'plants' but then I thought maybe you had given away all your seeds, too (since you gave me so many!). You gave me 'roman bronze' is that the yellow one?

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

LeBug--I googled for 'frozen seed starting'...didn't get the list, but did get this blurb from Hume seeds that said that biennials and perennials can be successfully frozen to hasten germination. Here's how:

"Many of the seeds of biennials and perennials are hard-shelled and sometimes difficult to germinate. The process of nicking or filing through the outer hard shell has been used for years in assisting in germination.

Today, one of the most convenient methods to aid in seed germination is that of freezing the seed. Freezing has many advantages, as it helps the seeds germinate more rapidly, easily and more evenly. Simply use the ice cube tray from your refrigerator for this process.

Fill the tray half-full of mater, then freeze. Remove the tray when it is frozen. Scatter the seeds on top of the ice cubes, leaving the tray out until the cubes begin to thaw. Then fill the tray with water and put it back in the refrigerator to freeze again. This process will encase the seeds in ice. Seeds treated in this manner should remain in the freezer for at least two days, after which time they are ready to be thawed and planted."

More on Hume's Seed web page:

I put some baggies of seeds in planting mix in the freezer and I've been fooling around with them taking them in and out trying to replicate Mother Nature (only better!) so we shall see how it goes...mostly wildflower seeds like liatris, eupatorium, mexican hats and so forth...

Maybe when you come this way you can stop at my house? I don't have much of a garden but I make a nice iced tea and lemon cake! Or lunch, too! (-:

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Here is roman bronze:

The one I was talking about was yellow star:

Maybe if you wonder to Indiana this summer I may have some in jugs :) I've already planted what seeds I had left to that one sorry :)

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, my. That roman bronze is quite sylish! And the yellow is pretty too.

Well, I think I'll have more than enough columbines this spring. I think I should be bringing you some! Thanks for the offer, though. You are too generous (as you know!) (-:

So the freezing method sounds pretty easy and fast for perennials, doesn't it? Maybe I'll try it.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh, I had that link before I got a virus and it's gone now Thanks!

I keep aiming to do the baggie thing but I'm afraid I'll forget them lol But I guess with them it won't hurt to forget them once in a while but I'm hoping I'm going to fill all 5 of my plantstand up so may have to try it after I get all of the seeds that I want to plant downstairs planted there are so many LOL

I've got an aunt that lives in Brookville and I've been trying to get to see her so that's your way somehow but now dad is where I can't leave him for that long and don't have a babysitter for him, I have a sister but she won't do it she never even comes to visit only to visit the house when we are gone to raid it for goodies but that's another story :) I used to spend the night with a friend of mine once in a while to get away for a day but haven't done that for about four years now, would love to get away and visit if I could but I'm lucky to get to go to the grocery and then dad is so out of it by the time I get home he isn't his self until the next day lol

I got to go find something to eat in the fridge, about to starve lol B back later :)

Had to edit because I can't spell LOL

This message was edited Mar 1, 2008 7:45 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh my.. sittign here cracking up with that remark somebody made about tellign their kids they very fertile. LOL Had a good chuckle with that.

Lebug, if ya haven't pulled that mold off, do it. your not gonan find good fungi on top your pot. Get it off before it gets your seedlings roots. If ya can't pic it off with your fingers get a pair of tweezers adn pull it gently out and then give a mild hydrogen peroxide/water bath to your seedlings.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

The mold is on top of the seeds and no germination yet I think it's too late but I'll take the tweezers to it can't hurt it now I guess or better yet maybe they will germinate then! I've sprayed twice with the H202 twice but afraid to spray again dont want them to be too wet and wouldn't you know it it's on my lantana tray! I have some more of the fruit loops lantana think I'll just start over with them but I know I've lost my Lisianthus a girl was suppose to send more for a trade but I haven't gotten them yet so I'm afraid it's too late for them :( I wonder if I take the lantana out and plant them again after cleaning them in the H202 solution if that would work, it's worth a try anyway, I thought they were germinating cause the mold is just like the fuzz they get before they germinate but it's in the tray cause I can see it in between the lantana seeds. Thanks for your help Star!

I've got a couple of trays I want to plant then I'll operate, I'll let you know how I did later :) I just can't imagine getting this mold off with tweezers lol

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Star let me ask you another thing :) My violas germinated and I remembered them too late, I really sound like a bad mommy don't I LOL Some of the seedlings are like an inch tall do you think it would hurt them to plant them up close to their leaves? I've done some more sturdier seedlings this way and it worked fine but their stems are so thin almost like a hair so I'm afraid to do it or o you think I should wait until they get a little sturdier? I know better than to put seed trays under the bed and in closets and I thought I would remember even had a note by my computer to check on them lol

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I love popping on here to catch up. This is my official "break place" whilst playing in the dirt this weekend. I thought I was seeing light at the end of my planting tunnel, and I just now found 2 more full bags of seeds. LOL!

I can so relate to the garden tours with your friends and family. My friends can appreciate a "pretty garden," but none of them really get into it. It's almost a disappointment for me as they generally lack the enthusiasm that I think is my garden's due. I guess it takes a fellow gardner to notice how you stratigically under planted the japanese maple with hakone grass or how beautifully that black coleus works with the lime zinger. Or else I'm too anal for my own good. :-P

I was talking to a friend in Nebraska this afternoon (an extreme non-gardner) and I said "it's too bad you aren't into seeds and planting. I could make your mouth water with the stash I have sitting in front of me. To my huge surprise she agreed to let me design a flower bed for her. This is perfect. I am running out of space, and I will surely run out of time to get my plants in the ground come May. I am going to have to slow down soon, so I appreciate the fact that I will get to do some virtual gardening when I can no longer physically do so. Would it not be a hoot if I turned her into one of "us?" Isn't that how we all got started?

Specific question to Lea: I have some veronica seed from you. I think you might have described it to me in a DMail way back when, but I can't find it. Can you tell me the color?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh, I missunderstood La lol Hre I've got a link to those veronica seeds lol :

That's great that you are doing a garden for your friend, I've tried to talk non gardening people into planting with me providing the plants and they still won't do it lol My neighbor does a lot for his church and I offered him plants for the church and to plant them plus I'm trying to talk him into a couple of crape myrtles for his back yard and all he says they look pretty but I don't want to take care of them! DUH, now I ask you can crape myrtles (at least) be that much trouble? LOL

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, it sounds like your friends are very lucky to have such great sources for plants! And it's too bad that fellow has no time for a crape myrtle! His loss, for sure!

I am thrilled that my two sisters have moved into houses with yards needing attention and I have a lot of new space for my baby seedlings! And I'm lucky that my sisters love to garden and appreciate it (but they are too busy with work and kids to fuss right now (or is the correct word 'obsess'? with seed starting!)

Lala Jane--well, don't you feel a bit 'fertile' when you sow the seeds and see them sprouting? I feel like Mother Earth herself! (and I don't need my estrogen patch anymore!)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

La, LOL, I now remember you stopping in on the Ohio River Valley forum....the closer spring gets, the more absent minded I'm getting! Too many things to do whizzing around in my head.

LeBug, are you considering coming to the RU? I'd love to come shopping too!

I've got Rhodochiton (Purple bell vine) germinating, right through the white mold. Any of you grow it (purple bell vine, not the mold, lol)? This is my first go at it, but looks like a fun plant.

I accidentally started some kind of morning glory and they're about 2-3" tall. I must have mixed up 2 packets, which means I wintersowed some Pineapple lilies somewhere! If that's what happened, they're Orange Noah. Is there any use trying to keep them going under lights this early? I don't want to waste space on them if they're unlikely to make it anyway.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

t, LOL "(and I don't need my estrogen patch anymore!)" Do your sisters live close by? What a great thing to share!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, I love that Purple Bell Vine. I saw it in another seed catalog and can't remember/I hope I ordered those seeds...(from 'Specialty Perennials' notoriously slow on delivery). I did start some cobea (?) another purple viney thing but it hasn't sprouted.

I hope your Ipomeoa will do OK under lights since I started cypress vine (by accident, too) and some Japanese Morning Glories under lights because I saw a thread recommending growing morning glories indoors.

I want to do some fun things with vines this year...I'm collecting good small limbs and branches to make picturesque trellises and forms for them...

And I want to combine them with other perennials and shrubbies like roses and sunflowers and I just recently saw a DGer grew morning glories up her hollyhocks which was fun!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Neal, that purple bell vine is so pretty. I intended to have lots of pretty vines last year. I w/s'd them and most didn't germinate. So I'm starting them inside this year. Have some new mg's including some Japanese, some new colors of BES vine (that was one that did good for last year, but I did start it inside). I have hops, but no idea where I'd put it.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

These were sown on February 9, and just started yesterday. They sounded a bit exotic, so I didn't want to take chances with wintersowing.

Branches as trellises is a great idea! I like to see them growing in natural, irregular forms anyway, and theres no way I could buy or build enough to hold all the vines I'd like to grow. Morning glories up hollyhocks! that sounds really pretty too!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

This is quoted from another thread:

dbsmith2 wrote:
"I just thought of something. I go to Griffins Greenhouse Expo (yes, I buy enough from them that I get to go on a bus for free to Mass.) every August. And you know who comes there with samples of all their plants to tempt the Northeast nurserymen? Representatives from just about every major plug grower. And I can talk to Griffins plant broker too. Shoot, if you give me a list at the beginning of August, I could talk to Tom and potentially shop the list at the expo. It is an incredibly cool show, even if it is geared toward commercial nurseries."

Okay folks, here is the info on the Expo from their web site:

Griffin Northern Grower Expo: August 13, 2008 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Eastern States Expo. Center's Better Living Center building
1305 Memorial Ave
West Springfield, MA 01089

Thanks to the positive customer response to last year’s new location, The Griffin Northern Grower Expo will be held again at the Eastern States Exposition Center in
West Springfield, MA. This venue is able to offer our customers a central location and a large amount of top quality vendors. Look forward to even more exhibitors this year which include New Plant Varieties and Nursery Stock suppliers. Our educational seminars will include topics such as, High Demand Plants, Shrinkage and Pricing; Profitability, Saving Money with Pesticides and Energy Efficiency. There will also be our annual white elephant sale with many opportunities for great savings. Throughout the day you will have many chances to win some outstanding prizes including a fabulous trip! So mark your calendars and plan on attending the Griffin Grower Expo to learn about new products and technologies for all of your growing needs.

P.S. I live in Springfield - and I have a guest bedroom, if you aren't expecting 5 star hotel treatment :-)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lebug... If your seeds haven't germinated yet. Take them out, and give them a good solid bath in some dish soap. rub the dish soap aroudn the seeds and then give them a good , good rinse with clear semi warm water. I suggest doign this over a collendar cuz they gonan be slippery in your hands and nothign worse than watchign a prized seed go down the drain. LOL

Once ya got them washed and rinsed real good give a uick soak in samll cup of hydrogen peroxide and water for a few minutes then plant in almost dry soil again. Usually that wil work and through out the soil with the fungus amongus in it.

On yoru violas, nope it should hurt, but not allthe way up to the leaves, maybe about halfway up the stem. Keep em semi dry til they take hold about 2 weeks so that they don't rot.

Mistign is the best, cuz all the roots are near the top of the soil, so if ya just keep the top inch or so moist it lots better than keepign your whole pot wet.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

gemini, I couldn't come to the RU I'd love to but I take care of my 84 yr. old father and have no baby sitter for him :) You are welcome to stop by anytime, I'm not selling this year but I know I will have plants to get rid of I always do and I get kind of tired of waiting on my friends to come by and pick them up so I'm not offering to them this year unless they come by I think they want me to grow them take care of them all summer then plant them for them lol I know if you all come those plants will get into the ground at least lol I can't bare to throw seedlings out that I WS or extras from downstairs, just doesn't seem right, so I always pot them up and hope to find a home for them lol

Starlight told me to take some tweezers if I couldn't get the white mold off with my fingers and pull that mold off before it got to the roots of my plants gemini so I would get rid of it, I haven't had time to do mine yet hopefully some time today.

I'd hang on to the morning glory and just try and trim it once in a while since it's already started or if you have a well lit window you could put a trellis in it and grow it on until you could get it outside but I wouldn't mess with the roots put it in a bigger pot and just plant the dirt with it when you do plant it. People on here in the MG forum have them in there living room all of the time until it's time to take it outside.

t, I want to try some different ways to grow the MG's this year too, I have a purple plum and have some seeds to the Orange Noah I think or the other one that's close to that one and thought it would look pretty growing up that tree. I take old tires and put a pole in them with chicken wire on them and grow a few like that, I found an old gate to a chain link fence in our outhouse and plan on putting that somewhere this year and putting MG’s on it and have an old lantern on a stand that I grew MG’s on last year that still needs to be cleaned off for this year lol And grow MG’s on the side of my garage where I have lattice. I tried to grow some up my corkscrew willow last year but they wouldn’t grow much don’t know what the problem was there, I don’t really have that much luck with MG’s maybe I need to take a MG class lol

I have two trellises that I bought at a strawberry festival a few years back made out of cedar and plan on doing my Moon Vine with one of those the other has a wisteria on it, I don't know how much longer they will last they were guaranteed for 10 years and i think I'm past that lol But I'm trying to get my wisteria into a tree so when the trellis breaks I'm hoping it won't have to be staked does anybody know? It's about four years old this year. Wouldn't MG's weigh the hollyhocks down? They don't seem that sturdy to me. I am going to try and grow them up the sunflowers this year cause that sounds pretty cool and maybe up my butterfly bushes.

Seandor, that expo sounds pretty good wish I lived closer :) I can't even enjoy a day when they have the flowers shows at the convention center anymore cause I'm here with dad and can't leave him that long, I really miss outings like that :)

I thought it was suppose to be pretty today and it's raining AGAIN! If my plants make it thru this wet winter it will be a miracle with this clay soil we have, already I've had to take the pots up out of the ground that I had sunk in cause the water was just standing in them then the ice wouldn't melt either and when I pulled the pots up there was 3 or 4" of water standing in the hole then I put them on pallets and they had ice and water standing on them then! If my plants make it this year I will bend down and kiss the ground!!!!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Star, Soon as I get the rest of my seeds sown for today I'll do just that, just didn't find the time yesterday :)

Well on my way out to take dad out to eat and take my grandson home see ya later :)

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

I just remembered someone here on DG grew MG's up her KMOTGG. I'll have to see if I can find that pic. I'll be back!

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