Help!Identify iris?

Greenwich, OH

Here is a photo of a iris that I have.Anyone know the name?

Thumbnail by skimper
College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I don't know but I know that I'd like to call it Anne's iris. lol


Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Maybe Rare Treat?

Greenwich, OH

Looks like rare treat iris.I dug this iris from a vacant lot about 6 yrs.ago.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm with you annie but lets call it living in Gloria' s gardenLOL:0)

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

That was my first guess too: RARE TREAT. No guarantee though as there are others that look so similar. it would be best if you purchased a true to name - - Rare Treat - - from a dependable iris Garden and grow it side by side to be sure.


Greenwich, OH

I will check around for the rare treat irises at our gardening centers or order it.I like this irises colors and the light blue beard.

South Hamilton, MA

Raretreat is a Schreiners plant if you can't fine it elsewhere. Probably a lower price other gardens as it is almost 20 yrs. old.

Greenwich, OH

I will check schreiners website out.
Thank You!

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

NO,NO,NO Let's call it 'Rare Treat' in Elaine's Garden... LOL
It really is beautiful. Of course, I never see an Iris that isn't..

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I spent all afternoon looking (and drooling) at Schreiners. There's a Rare Quality, but alas no Rare Treat.


Santa Ynez, CA

there are alot of iris that look like that, you might look at Hemstitched, Classic look, Kissing circle, some are really hard to tell, there could be some small difference. good luck.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I marked Hemstitched as one that I'm going to buy.


Greenwich, OH

I sawa few irises,I may just buy this year.So many to choose from.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Hate to say this but there are so many blue plicata that it would be nearly impossible to say which it is even if you grew them side by side. Also It seems plicata are more susceptible to localities. Earl of Essex has always shown a brown shoulder for me yet at shows I have only seen it from one other location.
This probably doesn't make sense but hope it will help.
Some times the best thing is to grow what you think it might be right next to it or replace it with something similar that you know what the name is if that is your interest. If you love it just as it is then the name really does not matter.
It looks sturdy, and beautiful

Thumbnail by avmoran
Santa Ynez, CA

that is why some are so hard to identify some of these iris, like this awesome pink, I absoloutely love it, but don't know the name

Thumbnail by makj
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Yes, I gather it is very difficult to identify iris, particularly over the internet. They tell me it helps if you count the number of branches and buds and measure the height. But nothing is for sure. I find I want to do a CSI Crime Scene number on them and compare their DNA!

Santa Ynez, CA

no kidding, I am not that fussy, but as I tell peolple they might want to keep the name of the iris as they may find they want more of that iris and if they don't have the name well you know the story.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I religiously keep the names of my iris -- but I didn't always so I have some older ones that I am not 100% what they are. And then there are those that came misnamed from the nursery. And then there are the ones that I tagged or bought with tags that either dissolved in the rain or totally bleached out in the sun.
I am getting better and better at the tagging, but it took a long time to learn a) to tag b) to not use paper tags. c) that even permanent black marker fades and d) that sometimes the labels disappear for no reason whatsoever that I can detect.
And for me knowing the name is important because I just like knowing what they are, but I suspect knowing the real name of an iris is really important for hybridizing.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Found Rare Treat at Napa Valley Iris!!!!! Oh yeah, it's gonna be Anne's iris.


Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

good for you

Lebanon, OR

Something on labeling might help. Depends on how dark you want them and what type you use, but I have or use one of the following, EON labels, label BACKSIDE with a number 2 pencil and the front with either a paint pen or a black china marker.

If using the plastic stakes make on the part that goes into the ground with the #2 pencil and about ground with either of the markers

Wooden surveyor stakes with metal blinds on them on the side you can see use pencil and on the side you can either the paint pen or the china marker.

This way with pencil somewhere it will NEVER not be there, faint but it will never not be there. Paint pens the ones By Deco Art last here in Oregon about 3 years, the china markers depends on how well I did anywhere from 3-6 years.

Hope this helps


Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

No, No, Anne,, that's going to be Elaine's Iris TOO,,,, I want them ALL....and I will just call them Elaine's Lovelies. LOL
Good tips D on markers.. going to make myself a note.. thanks,

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Are china markers those kind of grease pencils that sometimes come with metal markers?

Lebanon, OR

Yup! that be the one.

I use both paint pen and china/grease pencil depending on what I am writing on. Finding the Macore 7" stakes that the tractor does not break does better with the grease pencil


South Hamilton, MA

I think that it was a different thread that I said that we use metal markers and P-touch labels. Those have been readable for several yrs. Some people with plastic use label makers, the raised letters wear down after awhile. Plastic markers here get broken by snow or ice. A friends uses garden marker pens and plastic kitchen knives as they have to move stock around quite a bit.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I got a P-Touch and am currently trying it out. I have used a grease/china pen but I don't write so well with it. the garden marker pens fade pretty fast in full sun for me. That's why I got the P-Touch.

South Hamilton, MA

I would guess that your sun is stronger for longer time than ours.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

It probably is stronger than yours because our atmosphere is so thin at this altitude. For longer? Maybe because of lack of trees. I could really see the difference in fading after one winter between the shady end of a bed and the sunny end of the same bed. I expect our winter days are longer than yours and our summer days are shorter, because we are farther south. We probably get the same amount of sun totaled over a year. But you probably grow trees a lot easier than we do.

Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

I love p-touch with the industrial strength tapes, never had any of them fade....I buy old metal thin slatted window blinds at thrift stores mostly...they are somewhat flexible.....cut them up into 6 to 8 in lengths.....label them and stick a few inches into my sandy soil.....they work much better for me than the metal markers that are constantly getting hung on the hose or something else and pull right out of the ground.

South Hamilton, MA

I hate to admit that metal markers can come off the stakes & edges can cut, but we have used them for yrs. so will keep on.

Santa Ynez, CA

I finally broke down and bought a labeler the kind that is weather proof and they really are great. stakes that are metal seem to be the best for me.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi there, I'm late to this thread (and you are on to labels), but also Rare Treat is available here:

This is a local place for me. It's nice to go out and SEE everything before I buy. But OH the choices.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I agree that seeing the irises in bloom makes a huge difference in what one chooses to buy. Going to the AIS Convention last year cost me a small fortune and I am still going back this year! I will soon be in the poor house, but I will have my month or so of iris bloom first!
Hope you see what you think you want and I know you will see still more things that you now want but wouldn't have known you wanted if you hadn't seen them in purpose.
At least, that is what happened to me.

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