New forum for breeding/hybridization being discussed

(Zone 7a)

If this link doesn't work, the thread is located in the Dave's Garden forum, it's called "New Groups Possible?", and it's led by bwilliams.

Everyone come on over - it's for those who are involved in the processes of breeding as well as for those who'd like to learn and possibly do it themselves.

Now, who - among us cottage gardeners - has not contemplated or actually piffled about with pollen?

Where would any of us be without our beloved Shirley poppies, that - back in the 19th century - Reverend Shirley selectively bred in his English vicarage by saving seed from one poppy that had unusual markings, and then sowing and selecting its progeny over a few generations until he arrived at what we now know as Shirley poppies?

When we save seed, aren't we sometimes already saving seed with certain characteristics that interest us? That is selective breeding; so, since we're already on the road to breeding, why not go whole-hog (as Suzy would say) and oink right over to this potential forum?


ps - I've missed you guys, and can see light at the end of my tunnel so I can rejoin you soon.

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