Plant suggestions needed for "Emily"

Thomson, GA

My DD and SIL blessed us with our first grandchild in December, meet Emily Nicole. Of course, Grandma plans to spoil her rotten and in the process lure her into the wonderful world of gardening. I am seeking plant suggestions with "Emily" in the name for a small garden I am making for her, complete with a little bench and all that stuff. One of the daylily's I found - Emily Rose - is an old one and I can't find a supplier for it. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks.

Thumbnail by guardians
Jefferson, GA(Zone 7b)

I have 3.
There is a pink rose called emily's rose.
A pink daylily called emily's joy
A lavender daylily called lady emily
I think for a little girl, I would plant them all and they would be soooo appropriate especially the first 2.

This message was edited Feb 26, 2008 10:54 AM

Jefferson, GA(Zone 7b)

I also found another with no picture called papa's princess emily.

just go to plant files and search. I put no plant information in but for cultivar put emily. any plant with emily in the name will come up. you should certainly find something that way. then even if you cant find it through daves, then what I do is do a google search for the plant and suppliers. after I find one who has it, I come back to dave's to check their rating until I find one either that is good or has no rating on dave's and they look good. then I will try them out and give daves a rating on them.

There is a peach daylily auction on eBay right now for a cultivar named "Emily Hawthorne". And there is also one for the daylily you want, it is actually reversed "Rose Emily". Look it up. It's pretty!!

I have purchased lots of different daylilies from all sorts of different vendors on eBay with great success!!


Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

Guardians, what a precious baby girl!! I have no knowledge of plants named Emily but just had to congratulate you on that wee one. Emily's garden will no doubt be beautiful for her. My three have "gone forth and multiplied".............LOL and now there are seven..............what wonderful grandflowers they all are. They call me Grams.

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