Kingwood Center, Mansfield, Ohio, a break from the snow!

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Unfortunately I did not get to spend as long here as I wanted to. I had twenty minutes to do a quick run through. I spent the most time in the desert house. I got to run through the tropicals before the two harried workers who had apparently had enough of plants for one day told me "sir, you have to leave *now*."

This is the breezeway connecting all three areas, the desert room, the courtyard, and the tropicals. In a few more weeks this breezeway will be filled with hundreds of Easter lilies. It has to be experienced to be believed. The fragrance is astonishing.


Thumbnail by joegee
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

This is a large variegated cactus directly inside the door of the desert room. Yes, I am amiss. I forgot to photograph all of the name plates. :( I did not have time. I promise to return when I do, and take more photos for here.


Thumbnail by joegee
Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

This is a different view of the same very tall cactus. Again, the variegation to me is striking.


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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

A mixed group of succulents and desert plants.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)


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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

The crown of thorns was blooming.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

A beautiful cactus, also quite large.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Some of his friends.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

So many nice, large cacti.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

A view to the south down the west side of the desert room.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Such incredible succulents.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

This is a lovely grouping. I wish I could do this in the middle of one of my rooms.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Another ENORMOUS barrel cactus. He was probably three feet tall. I love barrel cactus.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Some euphorbias, and a few odds and ends. Thus ends the ten minute run-through of the desert room. The clock was ticking.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

A lovely fuschia in the tropical room. So very few plants were blooming.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

A pretty begonia.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Who is this sitting all quiet in the corner? A nice brugmansia.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Not much fragrance here, but at least it's GREEN, and it's BLOOMING. :)

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Looking to the west. Some cordylines, etc.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi there, tall, skinny, and wierd-haired. Not everyone in Mansfield, Ohio looks like this.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

This vine doesn't look that impressive.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

But look at the detail of her flowers. I believe this is called a bleeding heart vine?

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Something orange. I love orange flowers.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Lovely color.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

A philodendron, and a night-blooming cereus hiding in the background. Actually, if I had a distance shot it would loom more than appearing to hide. Much like my cereus down in the basement, Audrey II.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

A fishtail palm?

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Give me a hand.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

A croton. Obscuring a worker whose life depended on leaving the greenhouse at precisely 4:30 PM EST.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

The bird of paradise says "goodbye". The woman glaring over the flower says "get out now." :)

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Thus concludes the twenty minute tour of exactly one half of the Kingwood Center greenhouse. The other half is the retail section. Orchids, orchids, and more orchids. I have no pix right now.

This bird of paradise was quite friendly, outside in the snow.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

He was trying to impress the ladies, who were playing hard to get.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Wouldn't this have been an awful place to live? The gardens surround this mansion. The Kingwood Estate is now public property. The grounds towards the house from this view are the perennial gardens.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

This was the peacock's buddy. He was out for a nibble.

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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

One more view of ther estate, including the back drive. This summer I'll get you some lovely pictures of the grounds. If I get there fifteen minutes before the place closes ...


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Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

One pic I missed from the desert house. Look at the lovely color of these plants. And the place smelled ALIVE. I wouldn't have a hard time staying in this place. I'd have a hard time LEAVING. :)

Hope everyone enjoyed this. I enjoyed taking you with me. Next time we'll hopefully be able to spend a bit more time looking around, and I'll remember to photograph the little identification plates.


Joe G.

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Hammond, LA(Zone 8b)

Oh. my. goodness.

(Zone 1)

Wow! That looks like one Amazing place ... not to spend 15 minutes, but an entire day! Lovely photo's .... Thank you for sharing! Can't wait to see some pic's this summer! Please, post more when you get them!

The tall, skinny weird haired plant in your post # 4589330 looks like a mature specimen Pony Tail Palm:

and the orange flowered plant in your post # 4589342 looks to be something folks grow as a landscape plant down here in the south called Crossandra or Firecracker Flower:

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Here's a link to Kingwood. It IS an amazing place. It's a treasure here in Central Ohio, and so many people locally don't even know it's here! I like to sit on the front lawn and read. :)


(Zone 1)

Beautiful Place! A shame that a lot of locals don't even know it's there!

Thanks for the link!

Loudonville , OH(Zone 5b)

During the summer the rose gardens, peony gardens, and outdoor flower beds are great to browse through. The plants are all labeled so you can wander around and make notes of varieties that you want for your own gardens. There have been many weddings performed at Kingwood over the years. There are also some wonderful plant sales and shows that are held there.
Not too many miles from Kingwood is the Wade Gardens which is a gardeners heaven. They specialize in Hostas & Daylilies but have many greenhouses full of any kind of perennial you could possibly want. Again, the gardens are beautiful and are a great place to see your plants in bloom. Definitely a place worth a trip to visit.

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