Stressbaby's baby

West Bridgewater, MA


I thought I'd show everyone this picture of a J.Mitiderm that is one of your children.
It came into bloom for the first time and I finally got a picture before it was too late.

It is a very delicate & sweet smelling little thing.
I give it some Neptune's harvest Fish/Kelp spray and it seems pretty happy to me.

Can you help me out with some more knowledge about your offspring?

Most everything has really grown and doubled in size since repotting. The passionflower is
about 6 feet long now...

Thank's again Stresssbaby you are "one of a kind"...............

Wishing all well,

Thumbnail by keywest5
West Bridgewater, MA

Flower's are almost gone................

SB, .common name?


Thumbnail by keywest5
West Bridgewater, MA

When it was a baby, September 2007.


Thumbnail by keywest5
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The Latin name is actually Jasminum nitidum, and I think the common name is angel wing jasmine.

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Yup. ecrane called it, on both accounts. =)

Fulton, MO

Hey, KW!

Glad things are doing well. Mine is blooming now, too. Nice scent, yes?

I need to make clearer labels!

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)


The one you gave me is getting HUGE! And, has profusely bloomed all winter long. Thanks again, man. =)

Fulton, MO

Ja, mon.

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