Rhus microphylla - Littleleaf Sumac

This shrub is one of the most abundant found growing in the wild here. It provides great cover for all kinds of birds and small mammals even after the leaves have fallen. The berries are tart and you can make a lemonade-like drink from them. I'm going to try it some day. I've got a picture of two ants carrying off one of the berries that I will also post. The leaves turn all sorts of colors in the fall; yellow, pink, orange and every shade of red.

Thumbnail by angele

harvest teamwork - I don't think they were planning on a lemonade stand :-)

Thumbnail by angele
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Ant's are amazing.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Angele, that is just beautiful and the ants are amazing, almost as hardworking as us gardeners.
Thank you for providing the link, I see there that the shrub is also native to Texas and I don't have one of those, I will have to get myself one, as soon as possible.

Wonderful photos, Angele
Great capture of the ants and thanks for all the info. This shrub must be very striking looking during the Fall.

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