Join Us! Seed Swap Seed Starting & Conversation #4

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Fairy, and who else is in Michigan?

Here is a nursery where you can work a day and get free perennials. Doesn't that sound like the greatest idea?

Maybe I could do that here: Help me plant my plants this April, and you can go home with all the extras from each WS milkjug/pot! OMG! I need to figure out a way to advertise this -- Craig's List? Would they let me advertise that on Craig's list? Is that too scary? Anybody could show up. Mr. Clean would have a heart attack. LOL!

The sad part is, this lady is selling 1 year old bareroot or field grown (not sure) perennial 6 plants for $20.00, That's $4.00 each, so why am I busting my chops with these seeds? Since I mostly do annuals, I only want one or two of everythig I am sowing, anyway. DUMB!


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Yes, critter you sure did and I'm so excited about them (Heliopsis helianthoides v. scabra)! I've wintersown those and have a home picked out for them. Do those tolerate a little shade?

This message was edited Feb 27, 2008 5:37 AM

toronto, Canada

Meridith, I wondered the same thing about the Red Hot Poker and checked the seed site aswell (great site it is book marked), I simply pulled off the tail and planted the seed, I think it may have just been the old stem left one so we could find the small seed. I also have some feverfew floro peno from a trade if you find your seeds were not what you wanted. KD

All I have sprouts!!!! A few confederate rose I received from Cordeldawg and other hibiscus in the sunroom! I could not be more excited :-)) I have been absent as I have been wintersowing, ran out of plastic jugs, but have move to 1 gallon ziploc bags per the method on the wintersown site, which is going so much faster (I did 30 in a few hours start to finish) I just hope they hold till spring. Hope to get more sowing done today, but it is going down to -19C tonight, so I think I will leave them in the garage. I am wondering has anyone germinated WZ's menocopsis poppies yet? I have mine in the dark in the coldroom. KD

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Geminii -- I stand corrected! Yes, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they started mixing and matching those guys in a similar way they did the coneflowers. The first thing they'd probably do, though, is not make a pretty pink feverfew, oh, no, they'll make the old painted daisy, Pyrethrums doubles like the double feverfew...big and fluffy and double-gaudy like those double decker coneflowers!

Meredith, despite the name similarity, I am nearly 100% positive you have Painted daisies which used to be Pyrethrum, the colored daisies like this:

Wind, I am nearly positive they are the you know what Rue graveolens foliage looks like? It's very distinctive.

LeBug -- That is CRAZY on the cat!

Geminii -- I don't think it was me, or if it was, I didn't get confirmation from you that I had what you wanted....I will look for some of the big ones -- Indian Summer is one I know I have, but it's a small pack, not a jumbo pack. I should have some Cherokee Sunset here, and some "giant double gold" and stuff like that, but I'm afraid I might have sent it off to Cat or Distantkin....these seeds don't last forever and I had a bumper crop last year.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Suzy, it wasn't you, but it seems like you were in on the talk about them. Remember comparing Irish Eyes and the other one? I recall you liked the looser petaled one that looked more like the pic with verbena and tassel flower- does that ring a bell?

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, sorry, Yes It was Prairie Sun.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

good morning
congrats on your seedlings kd :)

thanks Suzy, I've seen rue and like it alot...I just wasn't sure if there was a 'wild' version that was diff. Also, I wanted to ask you about your blue vervain (verbena hastata);is yours in a moist area?

...would you all believe, I am STILL sorting my seeds from the swap!!! I have ALOT to sow yet and am wondering where in the world I'm going to put all the transplants once I start repotting them up :0

I'm loving the second set of leaves on the geranium from the swa-op swap, it's fuzzy/hairy! wish I had a better camera for close ups.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

No, My Verbena hastata is actually in the hottest, driest part of my garden. I figured if I were going to grow a weed, I 'd better not try to give it the conditions it likes.

It bloomed the first year and was lovely -- a bright blue! I am waiting to see how big around it is this year, though. I might have given you a pig in a poke, but I can say the first year fro WS it was wonderful.

I have 10 Pink Swirl Hibiscus that just germinated (after Robynz's soaking instructions) These puppies are BIG when they are blooming size, and I have room for one of the 10. LOL! I think I am going to pawn them (and anything else extra) off on Dryad. ---unless i really do advertise on Craig's list...I am really thinking about that idea.


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)


I have ruta graveolens. It's a pretty plant I w/s last year. I hope it blooms this year. But I think there is a wild rue that is different. there is meadowrue (the thalictrums) and a Syrian rue which is also called wild rue (Peganum harmala). But maybe it's just called wild because it is rue that was growing in the wild. it is a wildflower

kd, congrats! I did ziplocs last year. they hold up just fine. easy to open & close, too.

I have babies!! these are really from the SWA-OP, but I can't keep up with 2 threads LOL. my Lilac Cascade petunias came up in 3 days on the heat mat. this is my first time with the heat mat and I'm sold. the web site said 10-20 days.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

could you offer your extras to your local garden club? that is what I do with mine after everyone I know is asked and/or given some

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

gosh gram, I googled syrian rue and sure enough, that is what I have here! I don't know why I didn't think to see if the seeds looked alike.

The seeds I have for the regular rue were in a manilla envie; upon seed comparison: the regular rue seeds are medium black, a little smaller than garlic chives and the Syrian rue is like the photo, beige medium-large half moons that come to a point on the ends, they may be1/8" from point to point.

gram, glad to hear such success with your heat mat! I'm going to put a heat mat on my wish list :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Or instead of using Crag's list . If you end up having way more than you plan on keeping, you could just hold a plant garage sale in your driveway. Might get ya lots more local traffic.

Ok, I want to know who took away all the sunshine and warmth and brought in the cold. We supposed to be in the 60's and instead it 19F with the wind here and gonna be getting down even lower than that tonight.

I spent hours in the cold last night slinging pots all together to try and get them covered, so the poor litle roots wouldn't be out there just a shivering in the cold all night especially after an ice cold bath and 50 mile an hour winds yesterday. Some of themare looking like they got bad hair days. Poor babies. : (

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I am really batting 0 for 600 in the last couple days. Sorry, Wind.

That wikipedia is getting to be awesome, isn't it? I can't wait for the day they have us all inputting data and then decide it's $20.00 a year to be able to access it.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Holy Cow, Starlight! 19 in Alabama and getting LOWER? How far along is your spring? Are the daffodils blooming?

I had some good news, no, great news! DD#1 got a job and it pays enough that she can not only afford to pay her outrageous Chicago rent, but also EAT! Yay! LOL! Times have changed....she doesn't need to spend 1000s of dollars like I did when I first started working on clothing -- everything is business casual.


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

good golly, starlight. I don't feel so sorry for myself with our 13* this morning. Hope all your little guys make it ok.

wind, I figured the Syrian was the least likely candidate. you never know ;0) glad you found it.

Suzy, so happy for your DD. and now mama can relax a little.

definitely going to try Robynz's method for the hibiscus. I did ok with w/s last year. I got one of each kind I sowed which was exactly what I wanted. But I can't count on those odds continuing. and I really, really want the Texas star.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

yep, a blister cold day . Surprised ya can't hear my knees knockign together while i sitting here tryign to type with semi-froze fingers. Got two sweaters and a ski hat onand still shivering.

Daffs have been up, fruit trees loaded with newly emerging buds, which I hoep the figs make it through ok and my Daylilies was springing up all over the place.

My Saliva elegan ' Pineapple Salvia's ' are having fits. They are not happy campers.

Oh Dryad.... heheheheheh here what I spent the weekend cleanign up from the last cold and frost and getting ready to divide and repot. Drool now and be envious . hahahahha Course after yesterday and tonight and tommorro wnight , my blooms are probably mush. ; (

I'll be envious of all you Northerners when we swelterign in the heat and begging ya to send us a few drops of rain as we watch out plants slowly croak from drought over the summer.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Here one of the blooms on this cultivar that I love. Such a beautiful true solid bright pink. These are Gerbera Daisies that are for cut flowering. They have the big plants and tall stalks.

Thanks, I tryig to figure out whether some plants got wind burn or just got too cold right now.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

granmpapa do you not have any of the red or white Texas star seeds???? I have some if ya need some.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Neal, my H. hel. v. scabra are planted where they get sun most of the day (I mostly have full sun here), but I think a couple of folks have reported that they're doing find with half-day sun.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Good morning! Happy for everyone with good jobs and pretty flowers and all!!
Thank you everyone with help on the seeds! I was wondering on the ?painted daisy? because if that's what they are I'd probably start em now, but if they were feverfew they seem like they could be put off to start a little longer. The red hot pokers seed pic looks similar to what I thought, as long as the size is lifelike. thank you for that as well. This morning I checked out the flat on top of the fridge and found 2 Canna babies! These bad boys are gonna need to be potted up fairly quickly I think. I could already see a ton of roots in the cup! I also had 2 sprouts of verbena bonariensis, these ones are a pain! They germinate very eradic and I just stuck the whole pack under lights. Hopefully more will germinate there.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

My heliopsis heliantoides only gets 2 hours sun a day and does well. But I've seen them in places in full sun and they were doing fine too! It's just a very useful plant, I guess......

Yes, transplant those canna-babies soon, they're growing their sox off in this stage of their life. Good for you that you managed to get a Verbena to germinate. I've given up!

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Hello and Good Morning everyone!
I used the baggie method last night on a bunch of stuff that I want to see germinating! Just small batches and mostly perennials (actually mostly unusual cranesbill geraniums) except for some Ipomeoa nil's and black currant swirl daturas. I was up til 2 a.m..
Mer-Up in the hills of Nelson we got ANOTHER 10" of snow. How did you fare? There is sooo much snow on the ground. My hubby has had to bring the tractor out 3X this year to move around the snow and make room for more! They say Friday we are in for some more, but I don't know how much yet.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Flower- We got about 4" then it turned to rain! We have a big slushy mesh for my DH to clean up, when he gets up, he was out plowing all night.

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

My hubby was out plowing last night too, so I was up planting seeds until 2 a.m.! I'm TIRED! Sorry yours turned to rain that stinks-it's sooo heavy when it's rained upon. We had a little bit of sleet at soem point, but mostly it was fluffy!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Tuink, thanks for that info! I'll have to start putting "part shade to full sun" on the labels for those seeds... It's a very useful plant, indeed! I'm liking it better than the black eyed susans, at least in a border where it doesn't matter if a plant looks a little rangy or scruffy (BES seem more shapely, almost like a little shrub I think)... it just doesn't stop blooming from pretty early in summer until frost!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Okay I have a dilemmia - I was just pre moistening some pro mix and I found a chunk that didn't want to break apart. When I tried to break it up I realized it was cat poop! My darn cat must have thought it would make nice liter! This kitty has a fetish for using things I don't want him to for a potty! What should I do? Just toss the whole bag or can I fix it some how?

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

ooooooooooooh! I don't think I have advice on that one! Maybe for WSing it will be OK.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Ya maybe that would work. I hope I can find another bag! The last time I went they only had small bags which are a lot more expensive!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh Meredith, I feel your pain...I had the same experience a few days ago, only I stuck my finger right in to the stinking mess!..yes, it was stomach turns just thinking about it, LOL. I've gone ahead and used the rest of the bag for wintersowing, after scooping out the nasty spot. I put it in the containers and watered a few times to try and leach out any remaining nasty.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Poo you can just scoop out (stick some cotton wool in your nostrils and you won't smell it). If she's peed you can just as well throw it all away......
BTW, my kitty had a nice surprise too: throwing up all over the dining room table and just missing my seed box. Pfew!

Last year I mixed Heliopsis with BES Gloriosa Daisy Mix. And Glorious it was!

Lots of babies have now been born. Just look!

Thumbnail by Tuinkabouter
's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Some have been pricked out already.

Thumbnail by Tuinkabouter
's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Others, that I sowed too thickly, had to be thinned out!

I always sow them small seeds to thickly!

Thumbnail by Tuinkabouter
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, I forgot earlier to thank you Tuink for that report on the Heliopsis. That is great to hear! I've got a most splendid home in mind for them!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thank you everyone. I am not sure if he peed in there, but it is a posibility. I couldn't really smell anything ,but I am coming down with a bug, so I may not have my full sense of smell. I think I will not take a chance and use it for the winter sowing.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I think in the future I will get a plastic container with a snap on lid to keep it in! That way he can't do this again. Oh and gemini I am glad you admitted to getting your fingers in the poop because I sstarted breaking it apart with bare hands thinking it was a clump of mix! EEEEW!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Tunik, Love your babies! I have some of your cascading petunias germinating from you downstairs :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Tuink - I can't believe how many babies you have already! Congratulations mommy!:)

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I can so relate to the cat poop in house plants. Eeeew me too!

Tuink, my babies you helped me save the other night are putting out first true leaves. Yea!
No telling how many seeds I would have lost.
Now for minute size and dust like seeds, I use an old salt shaker with the same amount of sand inside as the seeds. Does a pretty good job of distributing an even amount of seeds in my cells (now cups)

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

YEAH!!!!!! I HAVE MY FIRST BABIES!!!! I have 1 Rudbeckia Indian Summer & a whole crap load of Pink Baby's Breath!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suzy-got your Sashay and 2 each of the echies like you wanted....

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