carnivorous videos

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

I wish i could remember where i first saw this link, may have even been somewhere on this site, but i found it so entertaining , thought i would post it here (hopefully not a repeat here tho). After the video, you can see more from that page. enjoy...

If you have to question if something this good is a repeat... it's time to post the link again even if it was ever posted before.

Excellent time lapse photography. You found a great video. I'm saving it to my harddrive.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

I couldn't get over the sound of the traps opening. That's enough to bring the excitement of my inner child out... I'm ready for spring!

I've already let the kids watch it. We all got a kick out of the same sounds! I've watched it twice now and I sent the link out to several friends who aren't subscribers here. That's a really great video.

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