Anyone like some free - rare - seeds?

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I'm growing 120 heirloom, open-pollinated, non-hybrid tomatoes, mostly gained from the wonderful HDRA Seed Exchange. Now I have more seeds than even they can use.

Anyobody like some, in trade for genuine heirloom tomatoes - or for any other rare heirloom vegetable seed?

Tomato seeds I have include:

Aunt Madge ~ an incredibly prolific red plum, very sweet cherry tomato. (Average size: 1 inch wide, like a large pigeon's egg.) The most indestructible tomato I have ever grown. Grows anywhere, in anything....

It has far outgrown my Abe Lincoln, Fab, Alicante and Salt Spring Sunrise tomatoes, and one lusty plant is now 5 foot tall - growing through a crack in my concrete drive!

Abraham Lincoln ~ Indeterminate. Big beefsteak tomato.

Fab ~ legendary yellow cherry tomato (the actual name is long and unpronounceable). Indeterminate. Very sweet, delicious, and low in acid, so good for arthritics.

Salt Spring Sunrise ~ orange/red tomato. Big (2.5 inch ave diam). Juicy. (Bush habit, though it's best if staked.) Very rare. Allegedly the very first plant was found growing through a crack in a Californian sidewalk.

Let me know if you have anything exotic to trade ie. other heirloom tomatoes, or any unusual vegetable seed whatever.

The Village Guild

This message was edited Saturday, Nov 23rd 1:30 PM

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

I have been trying to get someone to help me get started with heirlooms. If you have extra seeds and would consider letting me get some for postage I would be most grateful. You can see my trade list here at daves. I really don't have anything exotic to trade but who knows you may find something. Please let me know. thanks janet

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i'd like to try some 'aunt madge' - they sound lovely!

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