Best/Worse/What did I learn today? Pt.33 Visit with Friends

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, so tired last night from 'partying' that I fell asleep on you all..
Tried to take a photo to show it's true beauty but camera not capturing it..Thought what I might do this weekend is see if they can copy in color to true color and I'll send you all one...

It's worthy of having and so much work went into it...

Must get ready for work..

Hated to start a new thread, just like Gita, but it's much too long thanks to some

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

lol...perfect! I don't have to be self-conscious at all about my picture being posted, thanks Betty! teehee

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Morning all,
I just can't get over the amazing idea of that painting....this summer I will see it for myself.

Thanks for the new was very slow..I am still on dial-up.. oh joy...cable is coming to my road. The trucks are out there putting cable in. Don't know how long it will take to be finished. My incoming speed with a 56k modem is only 36kbps. Can't wait.

I went outside to see the eclipse for a bit..tried to take a pic..but it didn't work.
My youngest Grandaughter Dana who is 9 is in a talent show at school today..she is singing a Mylie Cyrus song ..and I am going to watch.

Have a great day everyone.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Wasn't the painting a fabulous very creative those 2 are!!!!

Loved the photo of your grandaughter Carol and you'll be a proud grandma watching Dana sing...does she get her musical talent from you???

Got home last night, tired/tired and took a bath (didn't tell Judy I was in the bath all the time I was talking to her - now that would be a picture!) lol and by the time we finished I had forgotten all about it..however, on our way home from work the moon was so bright but as we neared home the skies were really covered not sure what I would have seen..

Finally go through to Jeff and told him all about my birthday party (hint/hint) and he said that you were all pretty terrific for doing this for me..I agree...

Trop you look lovely in the photo, what you talking about..all pretty ladies and of course we have our King Herbie with us..should have put him in the middle with all his harem...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Just got a call from Greg, my nephew's son just got flown to Toronto Sick Children Hospital..spinal menengitus (?) not doing very well..he's 10 years, keep him in your prayers please....

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear this Betty....
Prayers for sure.

Victoria Harbour, ON

My mom called from Florida to say she was talking to my was late last night when they flew him in and he came out of the operation at up on what they thought it could be but can't figure out why the need to operate? So will wait for further updates..

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Not sure about surgery either??? Although they would have done a spinal tap, but don't think that is considered surgery.

Glenview, IL

Oh Goodness Betty, Prayers going up.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Shar, whatever they did they said he was in surgery for 4 hrs. so guess I'll just have to wait tofind out..thanks Shar and Judy for your prayers..never nice to see young children ill..

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Oh Betty..I am so sorry....will say a litlte prayer for him.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Brought some wool in today and am making 'swifter pads' for the 'swifter' just take them off and throw it in the laundry and no need to purchase any more sheets..easy will keep me occupied today and tomorrow..perhaps I'll get a few done..excellent way to rid yourself of odds/ you have to purchase more because you run out of odd/ends..vicious

And what is going on in your world today..

Glenview, IL

Hi...taking a short lunch break today.

Your too funny Betty,LOL I have done lots of things while chatting but can't say I have ever chatted while bathing...

Last I saw last night was Tropi talking about the eclipse...I did look but we had overcast so I didn't even get to see the moon. Had dinner and went to bed at 9:00 P.M.!! That my friends is a record for me...Slept all the way to 7:00 AM too, so I guess it all did catch up to me...would do it again in a heartbeat.

Well, so to catch you up with what has been going on with me...Got a sick kid, poor baby...bad cold, now I am thinking maybe I should make a doc appt. just to be on the safe side. I tell you these kids run around in just little bitty jackets and then wonder how they could be sick...Then, oldest got not one but 3 tickets...LOL what do I know tho, only been driving for 18 years now. Another head shake. And then the little guy, Had to go shopping for a new binder...hahah, i was purely impressed...Took each of the choices and went through each one to see if it fit his needs. The ones that didn't were put back..and the ones that did were gone through again till he made his choice. I just stood and watched with eyes wide open, didn't know to cry(he is growing up so fast) or just grin, LOL I did the latter...Dh is starting to get really busy again, so will be busy with the last of school year taking care of some business.
Will tell you this...We made a decision for one of my kids and I am so sorry it was the wrong one...Now I am battling with the school to get her into the right curriculum, I am so frustraded...Some things are just learned by mistakes made, golly too bad my kid is paying for My mistake. Well then MIL fell again, slipped on some ice and now has a double Fractures in her foot. In a cast, Walking on crutches...We all have adjusted ourselves to go and help her with laundry shopping etc...DN is coming with the baby, i am so nervous, maybe he should not because of the cold running around my house. Will leave it up to him.
Work is pretty good almost done getting things put away and ready for the last on slaught of the selling season...Will get really quiet then.
Me, myself...I am just so happy and healthy and glad to visit with all of you.

Carol, I can just picture you in the audiance watching your GD singing in the talent show...How fun, I hope you take pictures to share. And I hope she just has a grand time.

Shar, are you feeling better today? How is your article going? can't wait to see it.

Liz, LOL depends on where i am heading before i pack...I have been known to pack up the entire family in a half hour time or just Me in a matter of minutes...Big cheesy smile..LOL know that doesn't help you but I am sure you will have it done in plenty of time.

Well...See you in a bit. forgot my lunch in the car so got to scoot, getting hungry!
Enjoy your days all and HI Everyone.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Wow Judy, your life sounds so, thought you might have heard the water running to warm it up..was getting cold with all our chatting...

Judy, sure hope you can get things worked out with the school...
You say DS got 3 tickets, these tickets are NOT for a special event right, they are 'speeding tickets' omg..your insurance is sure to 'tripple', better take away the keys..just don't tell him I said so...

Darlene just called, she's my girlfriend that had an accident years ago and will end up in wheel chair and is fighting pain all the time, they inject 'botox' frequently and that seems to help..but she's on morphine I think and it comes in patches (is that right?-maybe it's something else) but know it's really a strong drug..well the last 3 or 4 weeks she's been in severe pain, cancelled painting a couple times, no sleep, just so terrible for her and usually with these meds and botox she's able to lead a fairly active life - except for lately..

she called to tell me the pharmacy called to say all the patches (because she gets 3 months at a time) are being recalled, apparently there is a small slit in the patch and so when she puts it on, her skin absorbs the entire thing, on a high for a few hours and then the next 2 days no pain at least knowing why she's been so ill has made her feel better...

Jeannine, well she's buying up 1/2 the Quilt Show..and if she doesn't Mom will...looking forward to seeing her treasures..hope her DD is feeling better...

Liz, you be careful travelling those will be nice for your MIL and FIL to visit your Uncle before he passes...

Suzanne's in a metting and it's lunch hour..always enjoy it when we take a later lunch..i.e. 2:00 pm so that we are back at 3:00 and makes for short/short aft.

We have to stop in Barrie tonight, Suzanne has a few things to do so I'll be out looking for an 'easter egg' procelain and/or chocolate for my swap..needs to go out by Sat.

Glenview, IL

Yahooo, great jubilee...
I am rich, I'm rich...just going through my wallet for a note and I found 20 whole dollars!!! Here I have been saving my lunch money to get this new crafting tool,
So never made it to car for lunch...skipped right over to Tom Thumb craft store.
Not only that but I got 2 tools with the extra money...Can't wait to check them out...Think DH will be happy I won't be using his can of Cooking spray for a roller.
...Hahaha, will be fighting with DS who gets to use it first...think I'll hide it, LOL

Gosh Betty, I sure hope they get something to help Bernice in the meantime.
..good luck with Easter egg.

Victoria Harbour, ON

What kind of tools did you buy, come on share, might be one I don't

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

morning all.

got my new top on... actually have hardly taken it off!! its soooo comfortable!! the best thing i have!!

had my DD over yesterday... she waxed my legs, eyebrows and lip!! yeoouuuuchhhhh! lol smooth as a babies butt now tho. lol

we are getting on well for now.....

My DH is working 13 and 14 hours a day god love him... he's such a good man. i found a sewing machine on ebay and he has given me the money to buy it so i am getting that today. just an old second hand one but i dont mind at all.

well off i go, i have a DR appointment today...


p.s sending happy thoughts for the little guy...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yuk, lost my post in cybrespace...

Laura, so very pleased you and DD are getting along better and what a sweetheart, DH giving you $$$ for sewing machine..

Youch, I don't mind using the razor on my legs, underarms etc. but lordy no waxing for me..must have a low threshold for pain..that's just plain torture..

We're still at work, Suzanne still doing an application so must wait for her or walk..think I'll wait..1/2 day tomorrow..just too bad we could work 4 hrs. tonight and not come in tomorrow, wouldn't that be wonderful...

Glad you like the top Laura..let me know if you want a few more..I can easily pick them up and sense you spending those big dollars in Australia for them..such pretty styles..guess I shouldn't have sent a white top right?

Good luck at the Dr.'s

Victoria Harbour, ON

Brrrrr it's cold out there..just got in..long day at the office...
Moon is brilliant but there is a 'SunDog' surrounding it so there's a storm brewing in the next few days..never fails...

Victoria Harbour, ON

No wonder I'm saying 'brrrr it's cold' furnace is only throwing cold air..not sure what's happening..called DS Greg, that's what he does, he's a manager at a commercial heating refrigeration company so if he can't fix, he's got men who can' lol...on his way...thank goodness for 2 fireplaces..

Glenview, IL

Oh my Goodness Betty,
You betty snuggle under some warm blankets.

..Have a nice cup of warm tea too.

Hi Wonder, how nice you had a good visit. Had my eyebrows done once...hurt like heck, lol only special occassions.
Bet you looked beautiful in new blousE.

Be back in a few.

Pacifica, CA

evening all, well i got the toilitry products packed in a small suitcase lol
saw some round tables from a bar big thrown out dh is on his way home i think i'll have to barder a deal to go look at them they have a sign free please take hes home got to go

Victoria Harbour, ON

Off you go Liz before someone else picks them up...hurry/ I'm sure you need them...

Do have a safe trip..did you have any trouble getting the time did move it forward did you not...

Furnace started up, called Greg to tell him 'forget it' but he said he wanted to come over and look at it anyway..that's good because I get to tell him all about your wonderful surprise...

Know for sure they can't beat this!

Called my brother to get update, no answer, guess he's off to Sick Kids Hospital..told him to call me if he gets the message no matter what time of day or night it is..anxiously waiting...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Just as Greg got here my brother telephoned about Mathew..I'm not understanding this at all, he said he spoke with Ross (my nephew - Mathews' father) and he said that during the 9 hr. operation last night/early morning that they cut him from ear to ear, took out, now I know nobody would lie about this - maybe he misunderstood, said they took out his brain????? cleaned it with alcohol, set it back, didn't fully sew it in because Mathew is creating a lot of 'puss' and they don't know why so may have to keep going in to rid you think this could happen??? I never heard of it, but Bernie says that's what has happened and the next 24 hrs are critical..he's in intensive care..4 i.v.'s, tubes draining in his head..etc. etc. so please keep him in your prayers..was going to put this on the prayer line, but then if I say they took his brain out and washed it, they may think I'm making up stories...hmmm

Anyone of you have any insight into this...

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Hang on betty..let me check somethng.....

Victoria Harbour, ON

Went and keyed in 'brain washing' and the 1st thing I found was something they did for alzheimers so perhaps it's something similar

copied this section..

This is how it works: A shunt -- or a type of drain -- is implanted in the brain to divert spinal fluid, which bathes the brain, into the abdominal cavity.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Night all...

Best..getting to tell my boys all about my 'birthday party'

Worse..getting calls from Greg/Mom/Jeff/Bernie about Mathew

What did I learn..not really learn, but sometimes you can be on such a high and then tragedy can creep in...

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

sounds as if your nephew has cerebral meningitis, which means it is located in the brain. In that case they do clean the area, wash it out, keep it draining. As far as removal of the brain, only parts really can be moved, I think and NEVER disconnected. It is a loose organ, which is why it has the linings and the heavy skull to protect it as it bounces around. I would think that the wording of that is what is so scary, but using a drainage tube, a shunt, etc is exactly what can be well as flushing out the infected areas.

Not sure, I have a friend who is a surgeon in Louisville, but can't get hold of him yet....think he is on call, so not sure how long it will take.

It is very serious, though, terribly serious, and I am sure the doctors there know what they are doing.

Prayer helps.....about all anyone can do at this point.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thanks Shar, no need to call your's just that when they said they took parts of the brain out to wash with alcohol and left the motorskills part, it terrified me...

You know I've live a life of good and bad so really am ready to hit the road, not sure of God's plan, but surely there should be a way to trade...

Glenview, IL

We are challeneged and tested in so many different ways.
The good thing is we have each other for support and prayer.

Worse thing is...We feel awful for all the bad things, but I think the good think the good things are meant to help pull us through.

Learned...As long as we TRY and Pray, and work on what we can...Tomorrow brings hope. still re-learning this myself.

So tonight we will pray for your little nephew and all of your family as well as the medical team.

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh my! Prayers flying to Matthew now!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thanks guys..rather tired so this time I'm really off to bed...will update as soon as I find out knows to call me night or day..each hour critical now..know the big GUY up there is listening...

Pacifica, CA

evening all, betty praying for mathew hope he is ok.
lol got three tables oh but of corse i heard pleanty im going to give one to my boss now see if you all lived closer there were 5 tables oh a pic would help lol still not packed lol geez washing things and just diddle daddling washed the dog and thats about it guess i'll be up late late still have to go over details with dh's daughter i feel bad for her all the neighbors will be spying on her....

well i'll miss you all i'll let judy know whats going on so be safe all have a wonderful weekend see you tuesday

Thumbnail by lizrainey
Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Cool tables, sweet Liz...
I can think of tons of things to do with them. am sure you can too.
Have a safe trip.

Victoria Harbour, ON

wow, that's a fine..Liz, think your husband enjoys this just as much as you do, they just like to hear themselves as not to seem to enthused...

Roger would go on and on and on, and then as soon as someone came over the first thing he'd do would be to bring them to see my new endeavour..funny men!

Will be waiting for an update..

Very cold out there, so thankful my furnace is working..Greg put a new filter in, checked it over and couldn't understand why it went pilot light..said sometimes with wind, it sucks the air and starves the gas..I don't know, but I do know I've 'heat'...

Greg was so impressed with my 'birthday box' he was laughing out loud..take a lot for him to laugh because he's so very serious all the time..

Better get ready, only work till 1:00 today..going to try and get my hair cut on the way home, go get materials to repair Greg's floater pants and drop into the Stained Glass Studio and post office so likely I'll get not not much before my regular know me, I'll be gabbing/gabbing...

Talk to you all when I get to work..

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

harem, did someone mention harem. that was a great picture and i am happy just to be in the company of young, beautiful. wonderful woman. alright, let me honest, hot woman belongs in there also.

hve a great day

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Morning all..
Special wave to Herbie...LOL

It is snowing again!!!!!!! will it never end....hope Betty's drive in is ok.
Betty, I am sending good thoughts for your nephew Mathew ..what a scary operation.

Liz..have a safe trip..great't that the best!

Well I don't have a photo of my grandaughter.. my daughter tried to get a photo..but I haven't seen it yet.
I got a little video with my camera but I was too far away..can't even see her face. I tell is so cute to see all the children. She sang well and was so pleased afterward..big smiles...
I did get my daughter to take of photo of me wearing my "Secret pal" scarf to the talent show.....thanks again... is your back feeling?

Hi to all..Judy you calmed down a bit now..good to hear you got a good night's sleep after all the excitement.


Thumbnail by Starzz
Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, got to work late this was playing while we were travelling saying chances of light flurries, HELLO, we can't see in front of us...lordy, where do they get their forecast from..

We're here safe though, another 2 1/2 hrs..then homeward bound..very quiet here this morning so I'm off to the Ezzewear shop for a half hour or so..

Be back shortly..

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Can you take another picture of the painting with us all on it? The one you posted is all blurry--like, maybe your camera moved when you pressed the shutter...PLEASE!!!

Have you mailed my glass angels yet???? I am soooo waiting to see them....

Thanks, Gita

Cardiff, ON(Zone 4a)

Betty, I'm so sorry to hear about Matthew. I do hope he comes through this alright. I think one of the problems with meningitis is a buildup of fluid surrounding the brain. If this is not relieved then it makes too much pressure on the brain. It's this pressure that can lead to damage. DH's younger sister had meningitis as a baby. MIL said that the main reason she knew something was wrong was because her fontanel was pushing up (she was young enough that it hadn't closed yet). Thankfully, she pulled through well.

Judy, I hope things improve for your DC. A similar thing happened for us with DS. We thought that once he was formally diagnosed with autism then it would improve things at the school because they would be obligated to provide services to accomodate him. It had the opposite effect. It basically gave them an excuse to do some things that we were very opposed to (like keeping him out of school in the afternoons for the first few months of school and calling it a 'transition plan'). It's really hard to fight with the school about things like that too. I'm in the process now with having the issues resolved and making it so that it won't happen to anyone else. It's just so irritating because I have better things to do with my time and energy.

Laura, you must feel awesome, being all waxed. I used to wax my legs and underarms. I don't bother anymore though except for maybe once at the beginning of summer. DH prefers the 'natural' look and can't figure out why we women want to get rid of all of our hair. Since I wear longjohns and pants for the winter, I figure why bother.

Liz, those tables look really cool. Do you know what you're going to do with them yet?

Carol, you look great in your scarf. I bet it was so nice to hear your GD.

Now, to my exciting news! I got my secret pal gift!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. Here's a picture of the wrapping.

Thumbnail by gillibean

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