The Beautiful Meadow Pink.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Meadow Pink, Sabatia campestris, is a lovely annual wildflower native to Texas and a few other states.
The color can vary from light pink to magenta, and it is a favorite of mine.
A field of them can be amazing. Here is a close up of the little flower.

This message was edited Feb 20, 2008 7:03 PM

Thumbnail by frostweed
Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

A little clump of them.

Thumbnail by frostweed
Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

And a field full.

Thumbnail by frostweed
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Pretty! I see lots of sabatia when I go hiking. I think they're Sabatia grandiflora but I wouldn't swear to it. I always enjoy seeing them.


Thumbnail by mellielong
Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Very pretty Melanie, and I think you are right, here is the link to Sabatia grandiflora;

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Isn't that pretty? That color is glorious. They must be hardy, too, since they're also found in Conn. and Ill. Thanks for sharing.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

You are welcome Hart, I think wildflowers are wonderful, and it is good to know they are spread far and wide.

With the fields of pink and fields of blue I think Texas is fantastic! Very beautiful!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

that is pretty and i just love the field of them. hmmm may have to visit texas one day.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Angele, I am sure New Mexico has a lot of beautiful plants too.
It is nice to see other peoples natural landscapes, do you have pictures some of your area?

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, all of you are welcome to come, and I will be glad to be your guide for this area.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Angele, my brother spent a summer working at the Philmont Boy Scout Ranch and he told me how there were just fields and fields of sunflowers. He said it looked like something you see in a movie.


Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Malanie, where is the Philmont Scout Ranch?

Melanie, it is very rare for me to see a field of flowers around where I live. Once in awhile I will see a group of sunflowers or a canyon with one kind of plant in full bloom after a rain.
This photo was taken in September 2006 after an unusual period of summer rain so the scrub desert was more lush than usual. I love the purple Muhly grass mixed in with the yellow flowers and prickly pear cactus. All are common but this really was uncommonly lush.

Thumbnail by angele

that photo was taken on a jeep trip and was probably about 20 miles or so south of where I live.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

That is beautiful Angele, I hope more people will post scenes of native plants from their area. It is so nice to see the different natural landscapes.

Thanks Josephine :-)
This is a photo taken from along the interstate just north of my home. One of my favorite spots beacuse of the mountains. The sunflower were growing against a barbed wire fence.

Thumbnail by angele
Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow, those mountains are beautiful, and the sunflowers too. We don't have mountains in my area, but do have some very nice hills, and also lovely prairies,our mountains are more to the west and south west.
We have a virgin prairie, that is land that has never been plowed or cultivated, here in Arlington, right in the center of the city also, we are very lucky that our founders were so thoughtful and foresighted.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Jospehine, Philmont is near Cimarron, NM in the northern part of the state.

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