Has anyone grown Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)

Milton, NH(Zone 5a)

I'm considering planting Black Chokeberry. As far as I've researched my location and soil type should be okay. Sun-part.sun, moist well drained, Zone 5. What can I expect for growth, problems, etc. Thanks

Hi Sarah, I haven't had any experience with that but Plantfiles has some info if this is the right plant.
Looks like a nice plant & not finicky.. my kind of plant
Maybe someone will come along that has actually grown it.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

I wish I could help, but I don't know anything about it either.

Nashville, IN(Zone 5b)

I have a steep, clayey slope where I put in about 6 Aronia. The variety I planted is Viking, developed in Scandanavia, and a supposed delicacy there. Well, they don't call them chokecherries for naught in this part of the world. Imagine a bitter currant. But, the birds love'm. I also planted another species that has red berries, but the name escapes me. It tastes even worse. They are truly indestructable plants. They might be growing better if I watered them or fertilized them. Year 3 I finally mulched them...the soil they are in is so poor, no weeds will grow. I just felt sorry for them. They really responded, and most grew over 2 feet this past year, even with our drought. They stand about 4-5 feet tall, with the melanocarpa a little shorter than the...ah, got it!..arbutifolia. Hoped I'd remember. The arbutifolia is native to Indiana and the east. Not so sure where the melanocarpa is native to. Good, no fuss plant, but with care they might be stellar.

Milton, NH(Zone 5a)

Great it sounds like the low maintenance, multi-seasonal, bird attracting shrub I'm looking for!

Northeast Harbor, ME

I've grown many Aronias. They're slow to reach maturity and when they do, you might find that it has exceeded your height expectations. It might require a sort of rejuvenating pruning someday.

Otherwise, It's a swell plant. Your turkeys will love it too. Ever see a 20 lb. bird sitting on a shrub?

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

That sounds like a sight not to missed.

Milton, NH(Zone 5a)

I've seen flocks of turkeys in Casco, ME. So I just might plant a few just for that view. Height is okay.

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