Question: Oatmeal in compost?

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

hello! It is my first time posting on this forum. I'm hoping my question isn't too wierd.
I have some instant oatmeal that my children refuse to eat. Can I add it to my compost?
Right now the pile is pretty frozen, but I could mix it into the top layer with leaves and then let the weather work on it until things thaw out.
What is ther verdict? Is it good, bad or won't make a difference?
Deb aka Tamberlin

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

why not eat it yourself? i like the maple flavored. uh how many cases did you buy?
i don't think it will do much of anything.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

It tastes terrible! I've tried it - for some reason it is very salty in flavor - both cinnamon and maple (this is the "Weight Control" Instant Oatmeal) . I've only got 2 boxes of individual servings so maybe 8 packages left.
Totally yech
I guess I'll sprinkle it in and see what happens. Can't do too much

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

wow, i didn't think oats were that fattening.

Macon, GA(Zone 8a)


I've read the baby oatmeal (whatever that means exactly) is good for the compost pile -- give it a try. I doubt it will hurt anything and should breakdown quickly (although your earthworms might lose weight, lol).


Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Len and Liane - LOL! it's me that needs to lose weight! Oatmeal is actually an excellent food - lowers cholesterol etc. Maybe i bought a bad batch, but this stuff is really hard to eat.
Into the compost it goes!
Thanks for the help

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

It will be great for the compost pile.

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