2008 hybrid seeds

Louisville, KY

I thought I would share some of the more interesting hybrid seeds
I am getting ready to plants. These are off of plants
I crossed in 2006 and will be sprouting this season.

1 stuttgart hybrid seed
5 black knight hybrid seeds
10 pink sunburst hybrid seeds
8 Ty ty gold variegated seeds
5 intrigue tetraploid form seeds
5 hybrid Musafolia seeds
3 musafolia black seeds
4 constatution hybrid seeds
30 zulu warrior hybrids seeds

I also have a ton of others but they are all crosses
with new hybrids and most of the names are not very
publicly known so most people would not know them if I listed them.
Most are intruge hybrids or dark leaf forms.

In 2006 I did a experiment were I cross breed Canna
pink sunburst with my hybrid Romance. I was able to
get around 75 seeds off of romance and this cross
hopefully their will be something interesting from
that cross. I have heard that it does not send out
variegated offspring but. I figured I would try for
myself and see what happened with a higher number of

I also have about 10 new hybrid seeds off the plant pictured. Should be a good year!!!

Thumbnail by bwilliams
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Sounds very exciting Good Luck with your seeds!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

That photo is gorgeous! Do you have Japanese beetle problems? My flowers and foliage get shredded mercilessly:)

Louisville, KY

They seem to hit every few years. I use seven dust on the plants to prevent them from tearing them apart but you have to put more on after it rains. I have heard of some other chemicals that will transfer into the leaves of the plant and will kill the leaf rollers and prevent the japanese beetles form eating them. I have not tried it myself and I believe it is fairly rough stuff to use because it can soak into your skin similar to how it soaks into the plants system.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good luck Williams!
Dmac, whatever you do to try to stop JB, do not purchase those JB baits!! I repeat, that's a no no!! Those lures attract all the JBs within a 5 mile radius! All but 2 of my roses were decimated.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)

bwilliams - what a beautiful picture and your crosses sound wonderful. I just recently planted 20 seeds from "Red Cherry". I nicked and soaked them for 72 hours changing the water daily. They were planted in a seed starting mix 15 days ago. As of right now, I have 1 plant that has germinated. How long can they take to germinate?

heavenscape - thanks for heads up on the JB bait. My Roses also thank you!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Heavenscape, thank you! That is good to know about the JB traps:)

bwilliams, I don't use chemicals often so that heavy duty stuff sounds pretty scary:lol: I'll try the seven dust--I'll fess up, that one made me nervous too!

Sorry I got off topic:) It really is cool to read all the posts about crossing and seeing the results. Really inspiring.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

You are welcome Don. My MIL hadn't stopped thanking me profusely, as her garden was free of JBs last year.
So, if you have a neighbour whose garden you envy, throw a JB bait in her yard.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)


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