Need ideas

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Those are beautiful pictures. You live in a great area. We have that grass up here also it grows in my artificial creek. It's a good wet ground holder.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I planted 2 of those beautiful trees on my ex wife's property. Now you got me wanting to go see them. Fortunately she has moved.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

goodness warm sun looks good - I don't want to rush the year, but hmmmmm, I could just smell and feel that warm air.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

well Laurie, we've had our spate of warm February weather the last few days. So pleasant & warm that I keep writing "April" in the date column of the checks I write!

The weather will return to its typical late winter mode, but we have been touched by the sun & it has awakened the gardening addiction that we nurture so lovingly!!!

I keep hearing the rumbling of rumours: "Spring is coming to Narnia again!..."

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Spring is here too and it got up to 34 F today. Bathed in sun and beautiful snow. I am organizing how to lable on computer all of my garden plants so when all of you keep asking me I will know. I told Dan Hinkley he can have all of those names in his head I can't. I have more important things to do in the garden.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I had the best 2 days off in awhile, A whole 50F and SUN. But had to go back to work work today, darn.
The fur kids went to the parlor to day for a good scrub, they were so happy when mom got home to see them.
The look on Esters proves it, I have to laugh when I down loaded them. I think she was trying to tell me something?

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Good laugh caught pixy. Or she needs to go outside and finish the toot. LOL
I played with my camera tonight on the moon.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

When I planted the ceder it was in a 1 gallon pot. Wish you could see yours. I only have a acer but with all the openess seams like I have more LOL
This is the little water fall my DH made he loves to play in the water, I made it my screen saver.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL to funny love it.
Great shot.

Tills, that waterfall is super! It looks completely natural. Good job to your dh.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

All guys like to play in the water. It is our refreshment in living.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

tils - ESTERS! That pleased as punch dog - she looks like she is carolling for christmas! And Tyler is hummming along too. Good doggie photo.

good waterfall - a few primula veris, and a couple of spring bulbs and it is set for the next hallmark easter card - gorgeous.

I had no idea that men liked to play in the water! Perhaps I need to point that out to DH since the pond needs some work. I figured it was up to me!

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Pix, I would take that comment about men and water with a pinch of something - Sofer is talking about immersing himself in just above freezing water and timing how long he can stay while trusting another man with the beer to pull him out when he loses consciousness. Let me think, is this normal man behaviour? Not in my household.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

What I met with my DH, about playing in water, Is more like a child playing in a puddle of water, He likes to move the rocks around, to make them play music.
Not to go out and put his life on the line.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I couldn't stay in for more than 30 seconds. It was horrible. I will do a little every day to get the courage (stupidity) up. Juneau is cloudy and cold. Tomorrow is another day. I shivered for only 30 minutes. Thats pretty good.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

My DH has to have the house at 80, I think he would shrivel to nothing at that temp.
Had to laugh at my self on that.,
Of course he is 62
Have fun injoy/

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

'Opps sorry' going to be 64 in march, lost track of time.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

64 is very, very, very young, Tills. (Can you guess how old I'll be on my next birthday?) And will you still love him when he's 64? (All you Beatles fans chime in please!)

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

One of my thoughts, a small trellis along the deck to hang pots ( of haven't decided yet) that would be from the steps to the house.
The Shepherds hook in center, so the cats cant get the Hummers.
I like the idea of the cypress, but was thinking of a Nadina bamboo (spell wrong)
as a back ground. Don't want to cover the windows, I have 2 cockatiels who like to look out. you can see the big cage in the window, wanted at one point to expand the deck and but a outside area for them but to costly and did not want to put the deck over Buddy.
The English daisies will be moved to the other side of the walkway.
And fill in from there.
This is messing with my mind, such a small spot, and I just can't for the life of me get it in focus.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry carol I was never a Beatles fan, I was in to Hank Snow, Charlie Akins, Hank Williams,And many more, I was all country. And still are
My DH was in Vienam at that time.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry carol I miss it, after I reread it. I got it , and no I wont guess, because thats just bad manners. But as a guess I would say ( don't hate me if I wrong) not more than 5 years from my DH.
But I thought you where close to my age?

This message was edited Feb 21, 2008 9:06 PM

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Tills, the Beatles son was a fun one "Will You Still Love Me When I'm 64?" In my family, everyone gets to hear it on their 64th birthday!

And I will be 64 on September 29th. And today I feel at least 10 years OLDER than that! Being a caregiver is not good for one's mental outlook - lol!!

I love that you're doing something special for your Buddy's memory. I really get that. I have a little "kitty memorial garden" where two of my darlings are buried. The cat I lost last summer disappeared - and I'm kicking myself for not saving the tiny little bits of fur that I found . . . I know in retrospect that I didn't keep them because I was trying to fool myself into thinking he'd show up. But I knew down deep that something that gotten him. That happened June 30th and I'm still having trouble dealing with it. And I wish I'd saved that fur to bury alongside the others. Oh, well! I will still get a statue to represent him (I have them for the Jake and Abbie already).

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry Carol, just was never in to the Beatles, never thought about the song, Sorry about your Fur babies and I know how you feel, I have many that I have put to rest over the years and some I will never Know what happened to them.,
Love my fur babies, all of them.
Need to go to bed, glad you are back with us, and all my love to Steve. And all my prayers to you both

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

'...will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm 64?' that is such a great song, great song! I'm going to hum that all day (and probably well into next day, and next.....hmmmm, am I still thanking you Carole?) I think it sounds like a very good age - as long as I can still wheelbarrow (and occassionally be queen). And you are absolutely right about being a caregiver - NEW DECREE: women of the world, put caregiving on an as and when basis! Reciprocity reigns supreme (and if any of you figure out how to make that work, patented it - you will become richer than Mr. Gates!)

Glad to have you back Murmur - we have missed you.

Well soferdig, you said it, we didn't. Go ahead and become hypothermic! 30 minutes of shivering, indeed! Makes me want to 'tut tut' you. Is there something in the male psyche that requires these feats of stup...I mean... strength? Must you people have feats of daring-do in order to prove man's superiority over nature? Ah well, we forgive you. It's so entertaining for us, after all! Maybe life's to short to stay warm. On the other hand, I've always believed that life it too short to be cold. I guess life is just too short, period.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Ohhhhh, Sofer, you got the stern Pixiness. And she has the posturing to back it up!

Oh no, Laurie, Not really stern. Just finger-wagging in a fairy sort of way. I do love men and their need to prove themselves as master of their environment, or something like that. And, again, such good stories!! I do hope yon friend was available quickly with a warm blankie to stop all those shivers! No brewskies for you until the shivers stop!

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Yes, Pix, but I bet your un-stern sterness and faerie wagging fingerness gets more attention than most of us who do hands-on-hipness and have husbands who just grin (have I told you my DH has the deepest, cavern like dimples - utterly disarming when you do hands on hips and he smiles - NOT FAIR!!)

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

No I just proved that men do not like cold water. It sometimes is a question in a good poker game. I think that if you know how quick you get cold and how long it takes to warm up, your chances of survival in the cold Canadian North is higher. I have during my past kayaking trips built many a warm fire in the pouring down rain to learn the same issues. It is just that I am going solo and need the info to process now rather than later.

You are going solo? enough said. Please reference my comment above regarding the males of the species and their innate tendancy to pit themselves against mother nature. A very big, hearty wifely sigh to you! Let your wife know that we sigh in your general direction for her and with her. This is the exact same sigh I use when my own dh decides he needs to single-hand the sailboat in what I consider gale force winds. I gave up pleading the case long ago.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Arrrrrrrrumph! Arrrrrrrumph! Uggg uggggg. ooooooooow, ooow, yeah! This is monosylabic man talk around a campfire. I won't translate.
Anyway got to see 'Les Mis' tonight in Juneau. Well done high school production. I had fun.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Uhm, monosyllabic campfire talk......and Les Miserables, the musical.......Do I sense a contradiction?

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

I'm really laughing!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Steve, that dog is about as cute as they come . . . exactly what I want - someday!!! For a couple years I wanted a King Charles Spaniel (still wouldn't turn one down), sometimes I want a Yorkipoo, sometimes a Shitzue, etc. - obviously I want small, very small. My daughter has an obnoxious Papillion, and he is about the right size at 4.5 lbs. (if he would just shut up!).

For now, I will just make do with my two cats who think they are human.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Carol, What dog Or did I miss something? Which wouldnt be the first time! I get lost easy.
Still need so more ideas.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Tills, it probably was a different thread, but it was Steve's darling dog, Kip. I do get my threads (and my thoughts!) confused. Often.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I thought is was Your Steve you were referring to. I get confused too. I ask a question on one thread and get an answer on another. Thank you MM for the compliment to Kip. He will appreciate it. I am in AK so can't relay it for a couple of weeks. He moans a lot when you pet him and crushes his head into your body when getting attention. Quite quiet most of the time except when he needs to be assured he is loved. They are kind a lot of work to pull their hair. You can't cut it or it gets fuzzy. So between my Jack russell and Karen and I we continually pull it when he is playing or getting attention.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I fell better now I havent lost my mind/ or have I? Or better yet do I still have one?
Only I will know, I think?

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

We have to handstrip our terrier too - but I just hand him over to the doggie groomer. He can be annoyed with her. He does look handsome when he comes back - for about 15 mins, then its is whiskers rubbed everywhich way, a roll in something fragrant (the compost is always good), and some good good mud up the legs and tummy. Now that is better - where's the sofa!

Funny Sofer - our dog does that pushing his head up tight too - and the groaning. He is a champion groaner. And muttering. Its a terrier thing.

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