Can I grow ginger in NZ?

Gisborne, New Zealand

I am interested in growing a piece of cooking ginger. I had a piece in a plastic bag so it wouldent shrivell up . It has grown a nice shoot with 2 more
leaf buds next to it and afew strong roots as well. We do have a ginger that grows too well here it is terribly invasive and classed a noxious weed.
When it flowers it's perfume is lovely. There was a huge clump of it where I worked as a gardener a few years ago. I still haven't forgotten how
hard it was to get rid of it. Working there cured me of growing a lot of things that I used to like. Because this has shot out such a strong growth it made me wonder if it is invasive too. I really don't need heaps to cook with it would probably be easier to buy it, but I'm a gardener so can't throw it away without asking first. I will await you knowledgable a input. Lesley.

Not invasive at all ...stick it into a pot in the warmest place you can find needs warm semi shade. Good luck with it.

Melbourne outer east, Australia

Grows like a weed here. I think it just needs a temperate climate and some water. Having said that mine grows where ever I put it and I don't water


Gisborne, New Zealand

Thankyou sounds good to me, its still sitting on th bench and now has 3 shoots so into a pot it will go, tomorrow. Lesley.

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