Anyone use bat guano?

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I recently bought some bat guano and I am going to use it in the garden. I was wondering if anyone else had experience using it in the vegetable garden. It is 11-4-1. I'm using it for my greens, but I'm unsure about my onions.

(Zone 7a)

I have used bat guano for a bunch of years with fine results. I usually only use it to increase the nitrogen in my balanced vegetarian fertilizer for nitrogen-hungry crops like greens or corn. As I recall, onions are more a low-feeding crop that draw more potassium (although I didn't check this so I could definitely be wrong). personally I wouldn't add guano to anything that isn't really nitrogen-hungry, and even then, it only takes a little. Good luck!

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks, mudpiegirl, which kind do you use?

(Zone 7a)

I've got Garden-Ville's 11-4-1; I ordered online. I lived in Austin for a few years and have a soft spot for them. I have gotten some other brands along the way, too, and I don't think I've noticed a difference, but I like to support Garden-Ville. Is that what you are using? Of course you can just drop by there...

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Gardenville is what I use. I looked into guano on the internet, but after shipping it's quite costly. I find the local seller cheaper.

(Zone 7a)

There is a hydroponics company in Albuquerque that sells a bunch of different bat guanos from all over the world, some fossilized, so that you can pretty much choose the exact N-P-K you want. I haven't gone that much into it, though. Garden-ville is a great store! They are also really helpful w/ info if you ever have questions. I miss them.
i just added them to the database here- I was surprised to find them missing.

Good luck!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Dean, son, talk to docgpipe. I believe he mentioned he uses bat guano in his mix to grow giant pumpkins. :)

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I may contact him if I think of any questions. I guess my main concern was the N-P-K ratios. I don't want to put to much nitrogen on my onions. However, they are green onions so I guess vegatitive growth wouldn't be bad.

(Zone 7a)

Well, I don't grow green onions, but I have never fertilized my onions beyond my standard soil preparation, (homemade and cottonseed compost and manure) and I usually end up with too many onions! Do you have a book you can check about the needs of onions, or maybe post on the forums about that? If I remember right, your sweet Texas soil is pretty well suited for onions already! (Don't tell any of the New Mexican members here I miss Texas, it's considered very unpatriotic!)

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL! I wont tell any one you miss Texas. Maybe I'll do a little research on onions.

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