New Clematis - How long before they bloom?

Brentwood, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm a newbie to Clematis and I recently ordered 6 of them from Brushwood Nursery to begin covering about 40ft of ugly chain link and stockade fencing. One each of:
Belle of Woking
and Sounvenir du Capitaine Thuilleaux
They're a mix of Group 2 and 3. On the website it said that some clematis will bloom the first year they're in the ground, others take longer to establish. Can anyone tell me if the ones I've purchased will bloom this year or will it take longer? I don't much mind either way I just don't want to rip them out thinking I killed them because they didn't bloom the first year.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It varies. Much depends on the maturity of the roots though I've had babies bloom. Some just might bloom but there are people who won't let them bloom the first year and won't let them grow beyond two feet tall so they clip them back to force more root growth in lieu of flowers.

The general rule is the first year they sleep, second year they creep and third year they leap. Don't give up on them because you don't see a lot of growth. Make sure you plant them deep (yes, covering the green growth if necessary) and keep the roots cool but don't kill them by drowning them. They do want COOL roots, not sodden.

Will you be growing them on roses or through shrubs or on trellises?

This message was edited Feb 27, 2008 8:05 AM

Brentwood, NY(Zone 6b)

Planting deep was heavily suggested by the site so I planned to do that. They'll be growing essentially on trellises. The way my fence is I have a chain link fence about 5 foot high and then about 2 inches behind it is a 7ft stockade fence. I'm looking to cover both of them eventually. I figured the Clematis would use the chain link as a trellis, the thorny vine that I've almost finished ripping off seemed to like it well enough. If necessary I'll install a trellis between the two fences to help them up the stockade.

I admit I'm a little leery of roses just yet. One of my first outdoor gardening attempts as a kid was a rose bush. It never grew or sprouted. Granted I think I planted it in clay-y soil. Beyond that I've always heard how hard they are to grow. Maybe next year I'll give it a shot. I'll see how everything else goes first.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That's good thinking with the roses. Some of mine are lovely and others are just survivors.

The clematis probably won't need any additional support beyond the chain link fence. They'll find the stockade fence. They'll also bloom on the opposite side of that chain link fence if it's sunnier over there.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello LiGlad,
A couple of your selections are not as hardy or vigorous as others. Florida is not for our zone or if it has been sold as such needs a lot of protection and is not as vigorous. The multi blues I have had ( I have 2)
are also what I would call hardy but "not vigorous". The are Floriforous but not Vigorous. The clematis that are more vigorous are going to be Viticellas, Atragenes, and some other catagories which have prolific leafer outers!! Plants that WILL cover something. Tanguticas are small flowered but will cover ALOT!!
I think you should at least look to replace those two choices if what you are indicating is true..
1) that you want something to COVER a fence
2) that you live in N.YORK (I have thought zone 5 but maybe I am incorrect). Florida is only viable to zone 6. I know cause I have always wanted one!
If I can help you in any way I would be happy to. I have 70+ clems and by NO way an expert. But I can relate my experience!! Another lady here Jeanne knows alot about Clematis!!
She gives invaluable info too!!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

LIGlad is in zone 6. We're only about 60 miles east but we're zone 7 and the clematis do fine here. I've tried Florida twice and though it did live over one winter I made the fatal error of moving it and obviously killed it. I will try it again.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh so sorry!! I thought most of New York was in zone 5 or 5b I had no idea you are in a part of New York in zone 7 I will have to look into the source of my misinformation!! MYSELF!!! Good luck i hope they all grow well for you!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Today it feels like zone 4!

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

While i have you here, i saw a picture of a rose someone said was yours..Dorothy Perkins? Is that a picture of YOUR rose?? It Is stunning!!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks. I never had Dorothy Perkins but posted 'Tuscan Sun' to Kell's birthday thread. Is it the one you're thinking of?

Thumbnail by pirl
Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

That's a beauty too! No there is a thread wishing Kell a happy birthday and someone posted a picture of a rose they said they took from the plant files that they said was attributed to YOU!!!
I think! well if you come across that thread maybe you can help me out.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

How did I miss that? I'll go look right now.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That was Kell's photo of Dorothy Perkins, not mine, sadly!

Brentwood, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Jazzy for the info even if you did have the wrong zone. :p The Gulf Stream generally keeps LI a bit warmer than the rest of the state. I realize that the 6 clematis I bought probably won't cover more than about half to two thirds of the fence but a. I know I went way overboard ordering other plants so I had to limit myself somewhere and b. I wanted to get a feel for them before I ordered more. With my luck they'll either cover half the expected area or overrun each other like crazy; like my up to 12" Artemisias that grew to be almost 36" wide.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Clematis montana var Grandiflora really will cover a fence as it has here on the dog's fence.

Thumbnail by pirl
Brentwood, NY(Zone 6b)

That is nice, pirl. I'll put it on the list for next year or the next time I'm feeling weak when looking at plant sites. LOL Lucky for me my landlord is insisting on paying for all the topsoil, mulch and a third of the plant costs.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey did you check Koi Gardens Clematis sale?? I bought 20+ new Clems from him. he said he will keep his half of sale on for all Daves garden people. I spoke with Tim the owner and he gave us last falls half off price on all his Clems! OUTSTANDING! i could not pass it up!! Yep! I bought em all!! Well the ones I don't have.
Thanks for the info about the rose. That bush looked almost fake!! I have almost given up trying to reach the beauty other zones can achieve with roses. I stay with a lot few varieties and pray!!!! i do have 100's of roses but probably 100+ knock outs,about 100 carpets and then the rest are all sorts of TRIALS!!!

Richmond Hill, GA

I bought 20 clematis from Koi during the winter and planted each in a 1 gallon pot. They are growing like crazy wintering over on my deck. Today I planted The President with a climbing rose. It has two buds that will open soon. When I was looking them all over this evening I noticed several others have buds. I'll be planting several of them this week into their new homes in the yard.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

OH Arlene you are making me Jealous!!!
I am freezing. It is 25 degrees a veritable heat wave compared to the last few weeks of -10 degrees. You southern people make me want to MOVE!!! LOL!

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

I bought about 15 clematis from Koi late last summer, then put them in the ground last fall. I covered them with straw for the winter and today I saw one poking about 3" of new growth thru, so I checked them all. All but one are poking little babies up from the ground! I'm so excited - these are my first clematis!!! :))))

Richmond Hill, GA

My Koi purchase Dr. Ruppel bloomed today. Will try and post a picture tomorrow. The bloom is huge.

Richmond Hill, GA

Here's Dr. Ruppel from Koi purchased in fall.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Wow, how pretty is that!?!?! And you just let them sit on your deck in planters thru the winter? Do you get many freezes?

Richmond Hill, GA

We had a few nights in the low 30's. I had them all on a bakers rack so I just covered with a sheet on the coldest nights.

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Ahhh.. you're warmer there than I am, then. We went into the teens a few nights - in fact, we're supposed to be in the upper 20's one night this week, so I don't want to completely uncover mine yet.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Glad to report ALL the Clematis that I got from Koi Gardens last fall are budding out!!...Jeanne

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh Jeanne Your Killing Me!! We just got 3" of snow last night. i was making plant tags and i went out to get one off abush and ...well it's impossible to find the dang bush!! It's burried!
Oooooohhhhh! Think Spring, Think Spring, Think spring!!!!!!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Julie..poor baby!!..I am wishing Spring for you SOON!!@!..Hugz..Jeanne

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Hold on, Julie! We'll get there eventually and be out gardening like crazed people. There are many times I wonder why we even talk about temperatures. Either we can go out, like lucky Jeanne, or we're hermits regardless of snow or cold.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

You said It!!
But i am sooo jealous! I also like many of you have new plans, new screens, new trellis's dancing in my head!!! I can't wait!
I have 30+ new little clemies coming in the spring between Silver Vine, Koi Gardens, Yahoo buying group, and.... Oh gosh I hope that is all!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Mark your clematis well as you plant them and NEVER give up on them. I've had invisible clematis plants for a long time and when you least expect it they pop up.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Pirl and Jeanne,
First Pirl,
I wanted to tell you how GORGEOUS your Montana looked!! WOW! I have one growing now for 3 years.
I am not sure what will happen this year. It is out of it's zone( It's zone 7 I am zone 5!) But i try to find
micro climates in my planting areas and see what will flourish!!
So here is my problem. I know Montanas FLOWER on OLD wood. So.. I have been waiting for a great Flowering from it. I have had some but not anything like yours. I thought this 4th year would really tell!!
But I fear all my "Old Wood" may be winter wind damaged. Thereby not killing the crown or roots but not allowing me to ever have a big beautiful flush of flowers?? I can't wait to see because this year will tell me what is possible!!
I had so much vining!! This plant went beserk! But most of the plant went outside of a terrace rock wall
and I think the freezing rock wall may contribute to a death of the vines taking the budding back to the points closer to the crown/roots. I guess I'll have to wait to see but I have been told of course not to prune. My winters here maybe doing that for me!
What do you think!! I have Montana Rubens. What can you tell me about it?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks. It was purchased as one of five Duchess of Edinburgh clematises in a big box store so it was a happy accident that it ended up on the dog's fence, the best possible place for it.

I wouldn't cut back your montana. See what happens in spring. Right now mine looks like an awful gangle of messy stems but May will change that and then it remains robust and full until after frost. Why not ask in your regional forum what experience others in your zone have with it? You may be thrilled at the response.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I will ask but truly most people (and I am one) do not like to waste money on plants out of our ZONE. I have asked in my garden clubs and my local extension office. I seem to be one of the only ones I know growing this here!!
It is 2 zones out of ours!! Well I will take your advise of course and wait 'til it blooms. That will tell if it stays or goes!!
I had ordered another Montana called "Broughton Star" it looked stunning but decided to change it for something else as I was afraid of exactly what I might encounter . After waiting 3 yrs. for a great bloom I wondered if I would actually get that considering winter die back!! Oh well I guess time will tell!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

There are so many fans of clematis that others in your zone had to have tried it and could let you know how well it's currently growing for them ... or not. Let's hope it does fine. Often, if you can get them through the first two winters they'll survive but it's never a 100% guarantee.

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