Mold sensitivity problems with worm bins???

Macon, GA(Zone 8a)

Greetings, all --

I'd finished reading "Worms Eat My Garbage" and was zipping through "The Worm Book" when I came to a abrupt stop at the word MOLD. "The Worm Book" warns that indoor vermicomposting may not be a good choice for those with mold sensitivities. Well, I am sensitive to mold and right now the basement is not an option.

What do you folks think? Are any of you sensitive to mold? Have you had mold issues with your worm bins? I was ready to order my set up but now I'm worried…. Help!



Helena, MT

Liane, Lived in Kansas for a number of years and use to get seasonal headaches...some rather nasty. Never really pinned down the source but the seasons were spring and fall and correlated to moisture content...i.e. mold season. Since moving to Montana (very low humidity and mold counts), not a single headache. So I would precluded that I have issues with molds as do you.

As to vermiculturing...I do three things that should keep mold spores down: frequent stirring of the media, keeping moisture content at a minimum, and a four foot florscent light strip, with four bulbs, over my four bins. My methods of vermiculturing dend to go against the norm in some cases, but they work just fine for me, and I don't see any evidence of mold growing in the bins.

Liane, for what it's worth I'm in Flordia at my sisters, and they are having very high pollen counts right now. Patio chairs are covered in yellow dust! My sister said that they had to take showers before they went to bed to keep from getting pollen on their bed/pillow sheets. Duh! Made perfect sence since many of us gardeners have problems with both mold and pollen. Just thought I would toss that little tidbit into the discussion.


Macon, GA(Zone 8a)

M --

Thanks for your response. I suppose I'll just give it a try and see what happens!


Helena, MT

Liane, my methods may be a bit unorthidox but if you want some more detail check this's from my blog.


This message was edited Feb 20, 2008 6:12 PM

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Liane, you may want to consider using EM in your wormbins and through out the house. A good probiotic culture in your living area will help keep the molds away.

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