happy Birthday michigander

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

hope your birthday is GRAND!
Happy Happy Birthday to you michigander!!!!

birthday wishes

Thumbnail by notmartha
Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh yes it is your Birthday...thread in the Birthday fourm too..hope you have a fine day..sun is shining here..must be for you..ehehe..

Enjoy...smiles Diana

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

happy late birthday

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Happy belated birthday!!!!!


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great day!


Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday!
Hope you had a good day.

Thumbnail by Cottage_Rose
Lachine, MI

Awwwwwwwww...now cut that out! LOL
Thank you to you all! 51 and proud of it!
Is it Spring yet????
I've been so busy getting plans ready for Spring that yesterday was the first day I finally got on the forums!
How did everyones garden grow last season? We had a terrible hail storm that took off all the flower buds and lily buds from my bulbs. It also smashed in the gazing balls and added holes to all my garden statuary ;-(, took down all 80 of my tomato plants( big pits and holes...stripped the corn plants to the stalks and we had to work over 2 hours to clean the leaves from the driveway and it took down my E-z up that I sell veggies under and couldn't sell any for the 2007 season and this happened in July ! And to add insult to ingury October brought a tornado- yet again to our area behind my house: We've now named it Tornado Alley...wow! what a year 2007 was!

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday to YOU!!
I wish you a better gardening year!! That is for sure!!
Anything sounds better than last year Huh?
I was SOO lucky we had that tornado that hit here in FENTON it was all over the news. It hit the street
above me and then HOPPED over my house and hit the streets south of me!! I swear to you if I hadn't seen it myself I would not have believed it!! So many houses and people broken all around me and not even a gazing ball out of place!! Just some tree limbs broken off. A free trimming!
So I know what you are talking about. It was a sad end to a very hot summer. And a real good vegetable growing season. I'm sure you had some losses.
Well my wish for you then is that you have a better year!! How can you miss!!
I wish I was ONLY 51!!!

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