ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 88 - Okayyy, What's Next??

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here : http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/812760/

Rose: Awakening

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I very seldom am lucky enough to be first at anything. I will take this opportunity.

Dusty, so glad that things are working out for you, and hopefully this new job will have no surprises, and that you will put the Grease Pit in it's proper prospective. Good luck.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I was busy looking for my photo and didn't see a new thread had been started. Here's my post again:

It sounds like that new job will be right up your alley, back working with and for vets again. Good for you.

Ric, you make it sound so easy! I wish! If it hadn't been for Keith coming and helping us get the framework ready for the shed's crushed rock pad, I don't know what we'd have done. At least the walkway is separate 2' squares of concrete and not a solid sidewalk. I've often thought shallow, easy to walk steps would be good for coming up the hill. Then again, it's easier to shovel and maintain a solid walkway. A concrete faux cobblestone walkway would be pretty and I could make the curve larger and expand the bed to the right of the path.

Eventually we'd like to have a deck go out across the front of the house, starting where the current porch is and extending clear across it to the left. We'd have the steps in the front and the deck would end up a little lower than the picture window's ledge in the front. My dream would be to have the structure extend around to the right and make a screened-in area below it for my MIL downstairs. Oh, and we'd also have a pergola on the deck. Chump change, right? LOL

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank you sooo Much Bonnie... The perspective is.. after Saturday..Out of sight, Out of mind...

Kimberley...I really love that picture...That must be Nancy... your house is adorable...now that I have finally seen the outside front...LOL..I do see your dilemma however...You need easy shoveling, so smoother, but also something inexpensive...Hmmmmm... A solid sloping walk would never work.. that would be like a ski slope...Not good...I think using cement and molds, and pouring your own stones would be really neat and look fabulous as you can put your own touches in/on them...
Ric had a wonderful idea for the railing...Galvanized is not as cheap as you think...You might also think about the Top rails and posts from 3 foot chainlink...Try posting for it on your Freecycle list...Even if the posts are cement laden... just dig a larger hole and use Quickcrete... Run the rail, and use that Krylon textured paint on it... It would look really Kewel!! They have a dark brown hammered one that Ric has seen that I used on a chandelier that hangs over my table...It used to be pewter... LOL

This message was edited Feb 14, 2008 11:29 PM

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

oowee-baybee! I'd like to be a fly on the wall when the Health folks visit the Pit! I bet he had a "deer in the headlights" look on his face the entire day! I'm so glad you don't have to put up with them beyond Saturday.

Kimberley - I'm glad you posted that pic, I was having a hard time figuring out all the issues - I wholeheartedly concur with Ric's suggestion for the railing (I can't recall the details, but remember it made a lot of sense when I read it), and I really like Dusty's idea of pouring your own stones, you can tint the concrete so it actually looks more like brown/tan stone than concrete. That way you can do a portion at a time, which is another thing I like with projects like that - gives you the flexibility to modify here and there as you find the need.

OK gang - it's past my bedtime and I can't recall the stuff from the other thread already! So, I'll wish everyone a safe and snug night!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I can envision the paint. If we do our own stones, I definitely want to reinforce them with hardware cloth inside of them and use the most durable mixture I can. What might be cute is to put a picket fence corner around the lamp post area, with the fence following the slope up next to the steps. The railing could be attached to the fence or freestanding, hidden by the fence. It's replacing the steps and risers that has me stumped...We're not very good at projects like that and I know everything has to be done right or there will be erosion and water issues. I can't do any heavy work until my shoulder is healed up, either. We'll probably hammer off the concrete that overhangs the risers as a temporary measure. We've got to do some thinking on this. Opinions and suggestions more than welcome! Free meals and lodging for anyone who wants to come up some weekend and help! LOL

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Hey all. Dusty the new job sounds great! I hope you love it!!
Kimberley, I'm really sorry about the steps... I hope you can figure out how you guys want to fix them and hope it's not too expensive. I'm lucky hubby is handy... he's built all of our decks... We'd have never been able to do it if he hadn't done everything himself.

Bonnie, I'm still not 100% positive what I'm making... I can tell you that I have the fixings for the beer cheese and the sausage balls though, and stuffed Jalepenos, stuffed tomatoes, and and and.... LOL I guess I'll just start cooking tomorrow and see what happens. When I picked son up tonight, he said "Coach asked if you could bring a LOT of food." Emphasis on the LOT. LOL Soooo, I'll come up with as much as I can. I've got the broth made for noodles, made 5 loaves of bread, pulled out a couple of bags of pork from our hog roast last summer and have simmered it all day to make pulled pork bbq, and am using the chicken leg quarters I boiled for broth to make bbq chicken. I plan on doing the mmm meatballs, and probably a roaster of Mac and Cheese.Oh, and I boiled 3 dozen eggs for deviled eggs too. I'll probably split those, and take half tomorrow night and half saturday. Oh, and I made 2 sheet pans of brownies. I'm tired so I'm slow tonight... and youngest son is sitting here at the other computer planning his birthday party. (Which isn't until April)

If everyone could keep oldest son in their thoughts tomorrow night and Saturday, I would really appreciate it. He is really really nervous about this tournament... I've never seen him like this. I'm worried that he might be hurt and not telling me... if it's not that, then he's just nervous about his performance. He performed really poorly last weekend, and it's bothering him. He said he thinks that he's over thinking everything.... so if that's the case, just wish for him to have a clear mind and do what he's capable of doing.

Toni, I only use Bob Evans. I visited the farm down in Rio Grande many years ago, it was neat. We have breakfast for supper a lot...

OK, I"m nodding, I need to sign off here and get stuff in the kitchen put away so I can get up bright and early in the morning and cook some more. :)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey, your son's definitely in my thoughts and prayers for him to have peace and to excel at what he loves.

Jules, if you're around, I have to again thank you for the Epson printer. Last year, I wasn't able to get it working for me with the old laptop. Tonight, I hooked it up to the new one and, after a few minutes of trial and error, told the computer the printer was on a virtual USB port. I did a few head cleanings and away it went! There's a little smearing on the test page printouts, but I will figure it out.

This printer will be my best friend for scrapbooking since I can print on 12x12" paper. Thank you SO much.

It's an Epson Stylus Color 1520, for those of you who don't know. Our Canon printer has chipped cartridges, meaning there's a little computer chip on them that the printer reads; if you buy something other than Canon ink, you must remove the chips from your Canon cartridges and stick them on the replacements; you lose the ability to see the ink usage with the status monitor when you do this, too. I don't have to fuss with all of that with the Epson since it's older and the cartridges aren't chipped. Yippee!

I'm getting my little craft area set up little by little and I'm excited about combining my love of computers with my love of hand crafts. :)

I'd better get to bed. LOL

This message was edited Feb 15, 2008 1:07 AM

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Morning ((((((((All))))))))))

Garden your front yard is so pretty. Love the raised walkway.

Just finished washing last nights dishes and I want to get the house in working order cause Momma is coming home today since the ice melted.

Melissa in case I didnt say so thanks for the seed offer! You are da bomb! But then again you all are. Tell your son I am rooting for him in his tourney.

God bless and TTYL!

Oh yeah Robin...meant to tell ya, my friend who fosters senior dogs and i talked on the phone last night and she said she just got on Tuesday a 9 year old chihuahua mix who's owner died. She's a girl though and has quite a few health issues. I hope they can find her a home soon.


This message was edited Feb 15, 2008 7:54 AM

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Morning folks! My apologiies for not getting back sooner, I love all the pics, just wish I could keep up, I miss all the good stuff. lol
I've been running back and forth to the hospital, and try to work and keep things together at home.
Good news, the best news ever!! Abby's MRI and blood work look good! No signs of stroke, MS, tumor, none of the bad stuff we feared. WOOHOO!!
They still don't know what caused it , at least most of the time, and in Abby's case, they just don't know. Scared the heck out of us tho.... Tuesday the neurologist called and wanted to see her asap, no explaination, so naturally we were scared to death. He admitted her from his office, to the hospital for IV steriod RX, because he says the faster we get to it , the better her chances of regaining sight might be. She may/may not get vision back in that right eye. She gets out today.
If she improves, the doc says it may take 2 or 3 weeks.
Now i'm so sick , i don't feel like I can hold my head up any longer to type any more, I'm so glad I have a day off work today. It started in the stomach, and went head and chest. Geez, seems I remember having gone through this already??@$##!!
Love you all , wanted to let you know things are looking up!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Wonderful news Crash! God is good all the time! Feel better!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

((((Sandy)))) so glad to hear the good news! Now, hoping the crud leaves you quickly and you're feeling better soon.

Melissa, keeping your boy in my thoughts and prayers. You have been busy! All that bread, the house must have been smellin' really good!

Kimberly, I love your house and your plans will make it wonderful! Pictorial progress reports expected, lol.

Dusty, I'm soooo happy for ya!

Life has been all about the seeds this week. I've got 85 containers wintersown and 29 in the house under lights, and a few more packs to work on. The crazy thing is I haven't even ordered any seed yet this year. I've been checking my tropicals in the basement and all but one look good, but I'm so bummed about the one Elephant Ear that rotted. It was my big pot of Mickey Mouse that was so gorgeous last year. There's a corner of the basement where it gets wet when we have heavy rain, and of course thats where the pot was sitting. So the cold and wet did the expected. I do still have a little MM that Rox gave me last year at the RU, so it's really gonna get babied this year.

Hugs to all!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Good morning gang!
Crash!! What good news!! We're still holding you both near and dear - I hope the crud leaves you quickly this time!

Melissa - I think you're right in that your boy is remembering his other meet. He'll be in our thoughts and prayers - just tell him to let go of the worry and trust his talents and knowledge, he'll do fine! Don't forget to take care of yourself! Sounds like you've been working yourself silly!

GW- oooooo - STYLUS printer!! I'm jealous!! I've been thinking about that erosion issue you mentioned. It looks like the slope is very stable right now. If you were to replace the existing walkway in its current position (starting from the bottom) you wouldn't be disturbing the plantings to the side (much), and they should hang in there for you. Then, as you decide what and where to expand you can do that a bit at a time. Be sure that if you should decide to do any terracing that you have the proper drainage behind those terrace walls so the water pressure doesn't push them out.

Toni - IMHO breakfast is good ANY time of the day! I'm sorry to hear your friend had to take in a dog on that basis, as the poor thing will be wondering where her mommy is, but if she's got other fosters it will help her adjust. Unfortunately small dogs that come to foster for that reason usually do have health issues as their elderly humans aren't able to (maybe don't know to) provide the proper care. Foster parents do such wonderful things for those dogs - and 9 years may be old for SOME dogs, but not those little chis!! Usually the girls get adopted faster than the boys (that whole leg-lifting thing....) so here's hoping her health improves quickly enough that she can be made available to a new forever home!

Neal - sorry to hear about your EE - this winter has been hard on so many different things, hasn't it?? I just found a corner in our basement that is getting wet - and it's from the water meter...so.....

I spent WAY too much time chatting on DG yesterday, so I really gotta get busy with transplanting some seedlings and putting up a new tray of seeds today. I DID manage to bring up the boxes for all the Christmas stuff so we can get that put away - problem is, that's the corner where I found water, so I'm gonna have to reshuffle the basement a bit today.

hugs and waves to everyone! Have a safe and warm day!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Crash, that is the most wonderful news. I hope all works out and the sight returns.

I hope you start feeling better soon. Sounds like the creepin crud...

Kim, looks like you'll be having a big project, too. I'm anxious to start getting rid of grass at the other house, so new beds can go in there. I may be stripping a lot of plants from the house I'm at now, but MAYBE, I'll just take part of them and leave the rest. I know the stuff I got at the mini RU will be going with me. Speaking of which...Jules, the hellebores that I got from you (BIG CLUMP) just leaned over after planting them last year, but looked nice and green. I went out the other day to see if there were any buds on it and there aren't, but there are new sprouts coming off the base that are about 3 inches tall. Do you think I should trim off the leaning older leaves? I've never had them until this year, and I'm not sure what I should do. I planted two other plants that were small that I got from Berns after flowering last year. They don't appear to have any buds on them either.

Dusty, sounds like you're going to give that pen a boost, whether they want it or not!!! Ha.
They've treated you badly all along. Too bad, they lose.

Melissa, I'll be keeping your son and YOU in my prayers. Sounds like that kitchen has really been hopping. I make those sausage balls with the hot sausage and my kids really like them that way. I can't leave those alone until they're all gone...

That recipe you got on the recipe threads for olive stuffed cheese balls is one of my favorites. What's nice about that one is you can make it ahead of time and just bake at the last minute. I haven't made them for years, but you can bet I will be making a batch now that they're on my mind again!

Another dreary day today... :o( Hubby and youngest granddaughter Emma are coming to have lunch with me. Papaw's trying to think of ways to make his 3 hours watching her go faster!

I hope you're all having a wonderful day. TGIF!!

Melissa sending your son good thoughts and prayers for his meet.
Crash that is great news. So glad to hear it.
sorry your feeling yukky again .Not fun.
Gw cool your doing scrapbooking on a printer . Neat . I have misplaced my Sizzex and i m really bummed. I wanted to get some more cutouts to do whith the kids. :( i got some paper to do paper peicing and punching
Dusty i think that look your manager gave you was not a deer in the headlight but a look of SHOCK of "what do i do NOW " lolol :)
sounds like your back in your eliment :)
still cold and still ice on the driveway. Bummer. doesn't look like we are giong to thaw out any time soon
well we have to go into town and get shampoo and dish soap. I have to also get better eye drops, the ones i got just are not working. for my dry eyes. The air in this apt is bad, all electric heat and wall to wall carpet with no air circulation yuck. no wonder we always feel sick.
check back later

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all.
It's still icey here too. My cement at the back door is really slick. Dave couldn't get it off....and we dont use salt since it is too close to plants. We were using fertilizer to defrost, but when that gets tracked in on my wood floors, it stains them..and I can't get it off! What to do??????
Melissa.....your son is in my thoughts and prayers for sure.
Sandddyyyyyyyyy....FEEL better soon. So glad nothing bad about your daughter's eye. Hope the vision comes back SOON!!!
Kimberley....on the dry eyes....have you tried Genteel? That's what I use...expensive! So I buy the Walmart brand that is the exact same formula. Works for me. Oh...and my dr reccommended Genteel.
Next step would possibly be an ointment.
It seems I am trying to get what Dave has....YUK!!!! Have started the meds though, so feeling some better today.
Hi to everyone out there lurking!!! HOpe you all have a wonderful day. Off to eat lunch!!!!

Waddy, KY

Dusty, it sounds like you're going to have a job that will be much more meaningful than the one you're currently at. I hope it's everything you want it to be.

Crash, we're all hoping that things go well for Abby. I have a niece that developed a pseudocerebral tumor and has lost a good bit of her vision. It's a scary thing for all.

I've got cabbage and broccoli seedlings popping up. Now to keep them growing and not too leggy since I don't have any grow lights to put them under. Reckon it's time to get out the greenhouses and get them set up. Tomato seed planting in less than a month so I guess I'd better start getting my behind in gear. Maybe soon I can get some peas mudded in the ground. A friend of mind does his no till so I might give it a try too. Goodness knows the ground isn't ready to work with a tiller yet.

Take care all!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Crash, Abby and your whole family continue to be in my prayers.

I just saw a product that makes me drool...This is going to be cool. Making Memories Slice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43r8s1ATI0g&feature=related Talk about ultra-portrable and handy. *sigh*

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Crash! I'm so happy for you and Abby! What a relief!

Thanks for the good thoughts for son, I know that he will appreciate them. He was worse today than he was last night... he's not limping, at least not around me, so hoping it's his nerves. :(

I've got Sausage balls made with zesty italian deer sausage are in the oven with the mmmm meatballs, the beer cheese is finished, bread cubed and bagged. I've got to get the pinwheels made, I made little sandwiches of pimento cheese and put on a tray. I don't think the deviled eggs are going to get finished before I leave. :( I've still got to grab a shower .

The paper today has a nice article about one of my son's friends from another school. he won't be in son's sectional, but, he'll be wrestling tonight and tomorrow too. He's a really neat kid. He and son have been friends since Jr. High. :)


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh My Melissa...isn't he an inspiration!! That's just unbelievable. Go Dustin!!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow, that is awesome, Melissa. I'm so happy for all the boys.

Ha Melissa when you said you have suasage balls it reminded me of an Saturday Night Live skit with Shwetty Balls. LOL oh who was the guest host that time doing the skit . Baldwim , yes it was with Alec Baldwin. It was sooo funny.
oh that is when SNL was funny
yeah on the article. How fun for you and your son.
Marcy i hope you start to feel better soon.
Ok its me who has dry eyes. I got an ointment for nightime use.But i got that by mistake ? ! aaahhhh. i will look into the one you sugested. I got a Baush and Lomb it don't work . Big bucks they are too. DOn't mind the $$ but if it don't work . sheesh
take care eveyone

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I hope things go smoothly for her!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Evening everybody. I have been busy today, started stripping wallpaper and border from the second bathroom, have it all off, the walls washed and ready to paint and paper again tomorrow. Starting my spring cleaning so that I won't feel guilty about leaving stuff undone inside, when spring gets here.

Crash, that is great news about Abby. Hope things continue on the upswing, and that she regains the sight. You stay well, she needs you.

Melissa, checked in, and have said prayers for DS today, so hope that he does well. gosh, you sound like you could start a restaurant with all the cooking you are doing.

Janet, just what is involved getting peas put in without tilling? Tell, me as DH always wants to be out planting way too early. I too have broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower seedlings. Course without a greenhouse, I don't know how this is gonna turn out.

Marcy, you just can't be getting sick. Take those meds, and repeat after me, I am not sick, I am not sick!! Did it work?

Kimberly, good looking yard. Since I am not a big project person, have no suggestions for you, but I am sure that you all will come up with something that is functional and pretty as well.

~~~ to everybody else, it is not that you had nothing interesting to say, I just can't remember what it was!!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Whew you guys do talk! I have forgotten most everything I thought of to post while I was reading..lol.. Joycet.. very cool about the horses!..
Weird about the deer eating from the birdfeeders
GW.. be careful on those steps.. You can always get some estimates about redoing them, it might not be as bad as you fear.

Waving to everyone!! ''

THis is my first weekend off in a long long time and I am so excited.. well really tired and excited. I didn't sleep very well this week due to nerves/excitement so am looking forward to a big rest. I think I keep expecting them to come up and say.. Oops.. we made a mistake and this exciting job is not for you! lol.. Even though I am busy I feel like I am goofing off!.. lol.. must mean i like what i am doing. Ask me again in a few weeks.

Dusty!! Congrats on the new job!!! I hope that it's everything you hope it will be,

Melissa.. hoping your son does well and is NOT secretly injured

well heading to bed.,. I get to sleep in tomorrow... woohoooooo

Jazz great news on the job. Yeah . Funny how we love our work it feels like were playing :)
Defoe sounds like your busy. I remember doing wallpaper. not fun to take off
Well today was busy , went to get my glasses and the eye DR. was closed ! grrr
took kids swimming at the ymca
grocerys shopping
cleaned the truck
still cold here
Well i m off to read my book
tomroow off to the mall to get vitamins. help with my body blues.
Take care and big wave

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue what vitamins do you take to help with the blues? I need a jug full.

Jazz, great, that you are feeling like you are playing. That is a good thing, you know you have the perfect job when you feel like that.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Bonnie....yes it is working!!! Along with the brandy for my throat! That has helped a lot!! You ALL take care and be well!!!! I am off to bed here.
Night everyone!!!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

GW you are welcome. Glad someone is using it instead of it sitting on my closet shelf taking up space.

Joycet - I don't trim the old leaves off the hellebores till later in the spring when the new leaves are up. You might ask the experts on the Hellebore forum - I've always just sort of let them alone. But, I am no expert on them! I just love them!

Everyone is in my thoughts, even if I don't get a chance to write.

Chele - are you going to Cleveland symposium? I might try to slide up there for Saturday evening. My Mom's still not well, so can't say for sure.


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Quick check in... I've got to go get the last cake out of the oven. LOL

Son was limping after his first match, but he did pretty well. He won't wear his knee brace because he said it feels like he's slower with it on? Just keep him in your thoughts tomorrow again. His first match will be a tough one, if he would happen to win that one, his second match will be a nailbiter... against a kid who looks like he could pick ME up and throw me across the room. Son won't beat him, I just don't want son to get hurt.

I feel like I could open a restaurant with all this food. geez.... and I STILL don't have noodles made yet. Dough is made, broth is ready, have to roll them out and cut them.... I think that might be a tomorrow morning job.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, All! I've been busy copying documents (I know-- I lead SUCH a thrilling life) for my family tree project. Several of us Flack descendants are trying to break through an 18th century brick wall--- metaphorically speaking. I hope the Lord lets me take my files with me to the next life so I can clean up all those messed us dates and conflicting stories.

Defoe-- I got exhausted just reading your to-do list. You must be getting plenty of vitamins from somewhere!
Thanks to you & all for admiring my kitty. Patch is a neutered he-cat, a great mouser, weighs 20 Lbs, and is abt 10 years old. He is HUGE but also very affectionate for a cat. I have 2 others-- Bruiser, a teenager in cat terms, and Peach, a delicate & neurotic little girl. Then there's my sister's Tibetan terrier, now blind from diabetes and barkier than ever. And my other sister with the mixed breed Great Pyrenees/ German shepherd names Darby and a shepherd/lab mix named Lucy, who visit occasionally.
All those critters, plus the deer trying to break in.

Sue, I can't even think abt the ALec Baldwin bit on SNL without howling. He also had done a bit on an earlier SNL abt a soap opera actor, playing a doctor, who hadn't quite mastered medical terminology. I'd best stop there.

Crash, I am so hopeful that something good will happen with your daughter's situation! Some day when it's all better, please ask the doc why no one thought of doing steroids before then! And then get something for yourself-- hope you feel better.

Finally, speaking of vitamins, I'm taking something called metanx, which is a B-complex thing. My doc recommended that I try it. It's expensive, but the doc said she had tried to find a cheaper way of getting all those B vitamins & couldn't match it for anything cheaper, and it's only one pill, not a handful. I heartily recommend it.

Blessings to all: (((((( +++ )))))) & to all a good night.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Good morning everyone!
MY y'all have been busy! Melissa, good to hear you son is doing well, although I do hope his knee isn't a problem. We'll keep right on rooting for him! And you, my dear, need to get some rest so you don't get attacked by this bug that's going around. (Thanks for posting that link too, that young man is quite something!!)

Aunt Bons - you doing ok? I've stripped wallpaper and washed walls, I know how that can sneak up on your muscles the next day. On the other hand, it's probably good exercise for spring gardening!

Crash - we're still doing a little happy dance for your DD; I hope whatever meds they decide on helps and her vision returns completely.

Jazz - well, you probably won't be reading this until later since you have an actual weekend off - I hope you're sleeping right now!!! Congratulations again on the new position - and being able to have a more "normal" schedule! JUST IN TIME for you to get ready for the garden!

Pat - I totally empathize with trying to break through those historical-invisible walls...that g'g'grandmother with no last name is a real stumbling point for us. However, we got a LUCKY break - a letter from my uncle letting us know that a cousin who was the niece of my g'grandmother is still alive (WHY didn't my Mom tell me this??) and sharp as a tack. So I've sent her a card, and will be calling, to see if she would mind a visit from me - she lives "up the road" in Berne, IN, very close to where the old family farm was. So I'm hoping she'll remember some more stories that we've not heard.

Vitamins..hmm..I take a fistful of things thanks to my genetics and a clucking doctor :) Calcium, multi-B thingie, one of the "Senior" multi-vitamins, and fish oil because Nora insists (my family has a history of heart issues). I also have found myself continuing to drink The Concoction of apple cider vinegar, it kinda grows on you.....

And every time someone mentions SNL I can't help but remember Steve Martin's dance routine with Gilda Radner, and his King Tut stuff - LOL!

OK - off to get my act together; had a new potential client call list night, which reminded me that I owe a design to another one - EEK!
~~~~~~~waving wildly to everyone! Have a safe and fun day!

Robin Ha how can you forget that dance ROFLMAO LLLLLLLL He's an Egyptian .Mel
man that was when it was funny.
defoe i will post a link of the site i found about BOdy Blues
basically you need to bump up your Vit D and your B's
I found it very intersting and helpful
Robin i can't believe your taking senior pills ? pphhhtttt , you don't look senior :)
Gosh i think i missed that one :( i bet it was funny. Ha, Baldwin a Dr. Ha . He cracks me up. To bad i saw him on Celebrity Rehab and he really is weird kinda. sheesh
Melissa what weight group is your son in ? sorry if you've said it in the past posts.
wow your baking like a mad person. homemade noodles too . ooohhh .
take care everyone
looks like we re going to thaw out yeah

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Howdy! Checking in and running out.

Jules, I'm sorry to say I can't make it to Cleveland next weekend. Too much going on, too little cash flow. LOL I'm even missing our local meeting today and Dan Bachman, a member of our club, is the guest speaker too.

We have basketball tournaments at 12:30 and 3:30. The first is high pressure as it's Lynchburg against Lynchburg. I hate when they pit friends against friends. In another month, they'll reallign them on soccer teams, all mixed up. Grrr.

Yesterday, I busted buns on the kitchen some more then ran some errands. After that, one of the coaches and her kids came over, vegged, watched a movie and the kids had a good time playing. They left around 11pm. I remember hubby coming home then woke up in a chair at 5am. LOL I hopped in bed until 8am then was back at it.

Crash, I am SO happy to hear your news and hope the meds work quickly. I'm sorry to hear you are still ill. This bug is taking awhile to run it's course. Of course Mom's can't take care of themselves and when you finally have time to feel it, you REALLY feel it!

Good luck getting that act together Robin. Take notes and tell us how you did it. bwa ha ha

Melissa, good luck on all of the food and the match. Too bad you don't live closer. I've mastered the homemade egg noodle. LOL

And shame of all shame, I think I may have left Velnita off the list of Roundup people. I jolted awake with the thought this morning and will have to look and see. If I did, I'm sorry Velnita!! Where are you hiding?

Pat, I was calling extended family a few weeks ago to let them know about my Father's Death. It led me to finding out who keeps the geneaology for my Dad's Dad's family. I told him I would be getting back to him and he said he may call me later too so we can compare notes.

I'm sure I did not address everyone and I apologize. I gotta hit the shower and get. You all have a nice day!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Morning Everyone!..lol.. I have been up for a while but just vegging and drinking coffee and sitting on the couch with the DH and catching up. Wow it's nice to hang out with him in the am. Now he's off doing errands and I am trying to decide if I shoud do my workout.. wellI don't have to do that really.. I SHOULD do my workout. it's just WILL I do my workout?? I am supposed to meet a friend for lunch at 1pm and that cuts it close.. but If I don't do it before I probably won't do it at all.. and i like the results I am getting.. wah wah whine whine.. sorry.. lol

OK.. Chele I see you are busy as usual! Is the Kitchen at a place where you can take a pic yet? I really want to see!

Melissa.. hoping everything goes well with the matches.. Sounds like you are providing the majority of the food but if there are hungry teens involved.. males I can see how it is needed!

Dusty.. Last day of work at Dots!! wooohooo!!! Hope it goes smoothly but if it doesn't, you can just say to yourself all day.. "Last time I have to deal with THAT"

I had to choose a quote for my supervisor bio yesterday, so I picked this one:
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. " Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

Anway.. Big waves to everyone..I need to go plan my day.. yay.. a weekend.. yay

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Opps.. Hey Jules, I will be at Cleveland.. If you come make sure you find me..I will be keeping an eye out Sat night just in case. I tried to convince Chele into coming but it was nothing doing. As a mother of 6 children, she is pretty impervious to wheedling.

I like the quote Jazz , its a good one. I might have to make a t-shirt that says that . LOl :)
well were back
no excitement here
just went to the job sight and a bit of the driveway is done and the culvert by the woods in laid by #2 rocks. So that is a good thing.
Rain tomrow but at least it will be in the 50 im told
well not much else to report
Yeah for Dusty
Chelle good luck on the basketball
oh i have to talk to you on the cattle panel GH again i got a question so i will dmail you.I know your busy, no hurry.
take care

Waddy, KY

Bon, my friend works his ground where he wants his peas in the fall and lays out his rows. When he 's ready to plant in the spring he just sows the seed and takes a rake and pulls the dirt over the seed. It can be pretty wet outside and he's planting his peas! Dad said my grandfather used to just take his mule and plow and plow up a few furrows and plant peas. After having planted and got a very nice crop of okra and squash last year without tilling I've decided that you don't necessarily have to have a tiller to garden. After all, before tillers there were hoes and shovels....

Went to a meeting for GAP (good agricultural practices) this morning. It's almost scary what they want us to do. No more dogs and cats in the garden or field!!! I can see all of us market growers soon having to sign statements that we do this and don't do that. I think I'm going to print up labels and signs for what I always thought was obvious. "Wash before eating."

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I liked the old "land shark" routine, too. BTW, I'm also watching Celebrity rehab. Dr. Drew reminds me of a psychiatrist I use to work with. But the Baldwin on Clebrity Rehab is Daniel. The Baldwin who's on SNL so much is Alec. And there are 2 more!

Good luck with the elderly cousin, Robin. I really wish I had started putting this all on paper before everyone started keeling over. Now I just have to decide what to do with all the stuff I've collected or inherited. It's looking like I'll be the end of the line as far as 1st cousins, grandchildren, etc. Maybe I'll give it to the library in Middletown or something.

I'm off to the grocery, & maybe rent a video.


I always get them mixed up those Baldwins brothers.
i don't know why i watch that show it just seems to get me interested .
Yep landshark is a classic. So is the old one with Jon Belushi when he is a samari or the Bee
but the best is Cone head family lol
well today was sunny yeah
went out to look around the property
mud and yuk just washed my truck too

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