source for non GMO sunflower seed

Orwell, VT

I was wondering if anybody knows of a source of non genetically modified sunflower seed. I just was told that 40% of last year's crop of sunflowers were genetically modified. Is this of a concern to others? What are our options?


Marlton, NJ

Well this is news to me; I haven't heard this before.

I'll keep my ears open for you.


Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'd certainly be concerned, though fortunately for me, GM produce on sale in the EU has to be clearly labelled as such.

For info, it appears that the GM sunflowers in production have a gene for insecticide added, thereby making them toxic to insects, and thus resulting in the loss of food resources for insect-eating farmland birds such as meadowlarks, etc.


I am not recommending Park Seed because I have never had any dealings with them this is just an example of what I found by doing a search for organic seeds:
from the Park Seed homepage:
"Park Seed has always been committed to offering only untreated, non-genetically-modified seed, and now we are proud to be a source of professionally-grown Certified Organic seed."
I did a search for sunflower on their site. There were 4 pages of results

Marlton, NJ

Thanks angele!

Orwell, VT

I have found a number of sources for organic seed to grow sunflowers but what I'm hoping to find is a source of bulk sunflower to feed wild birds. Yesterday I was at the feed store to get some and asked about non GMO seed and the very nice folks there are going to do some research. I fear that I'm not going to find a supplier that lists their product as non GMO. I wish that this country would label all food and feed so that the customer can make the choice as to how we wish to expose ourselves, our pets and the environment to this danger. I have read that 90% of Americans would like labeling....... big business must have a different idea about this.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Maybe some info here…

(though a bit dated).

This message was edited Feb 13, 2008 11:34 AM

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)


As I mentioned in our DMail, I edited above to say that this information was dated. However, I see there is a link on the bottom of that site to their email. Perhaps it is worth attempting to contact them for updated information.

Also, maybe these people could be helpful if questioned.

Orwell, VT

I contacted Blue Seal to find out if their black oil sunflower seeds were genetically modified. They told me that they could not guarantee that the seeds that they sell are not genetically modified. In response I wrote the following letter:

"Thank you for your quick reply. Unfortunately we will not be able to continue purchasing your sunflower seed. After hearing the news about the introduction of GMO sunflowers and hearing of the potential environmental damage as they cross breed with wild sunflowers we are committed to avoiding the use of GMO seeds on our farm which is organic. I would be very pleased if you could inform me when you have resolved the issues with your suppliers and growers and can guarantee safe non GMO sunflower seeds.

"Unfortunately I feel honor bound to spread the word within the organic farming and gardening community that Blue Seal can not guarantee that their sunflower seeds are safe and free of GMO's.

"I look forward to your speedy resolution to this problem and promise that once your issues with your suppliers and growers have been rectified that I will spread the word that your sunflower seeds are not to be GMO seed.

"Looking forward to your reply, David"

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Nice one!


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