Cont. Homemade bator (thread was getting too long)

Glenwood, IA

This is a continuation to thread

I used the same pic so it is more recognizable. :)

Thumbnail by mcamden
Glenwood, IA

And there are times when you can help...just not often. If you humidity is not right then it could be that the chick doesnt have a problem. Sometimes the humidity is too low causing the shell to dry out befor they can hatch. If that happens the shell gets too hard, and that thin skin dries. If that happens then they cant get out. Likewise...if humidity is too hight it could cause problems like what I had.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

eewww- yes. the bacteria can get in eewwww. I am hoping
the aussie's and new zealanders can join us soon. They
are probably sleeping. Your bator thread has been so
educational and helpful. I know I've learned a lot.

may the princess sleep late

Wellington, New Zealand

Good morning all well I heard peeps this morning under my two girls outside :) I think I've got another two under there... I'll bring them in later on this afternoon... I feel mean taken them away from the other two hens who have also put in the hard yards...

How long do I keep them inside for...? Im going to go and get a red light today...The hard work come after the egg doesn't it... LOL

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Hey truest, I just read the other thread and posted an answer there, but I will repeat it here. I also have dial-up so I am in sympathy with you. What you are supposed to do while you are waiting for it to load is get out your knitting needles and yarn and knit the girls new sweaters.

Glenwood, IA

Good morning! What time is it in New Zealand? What is your daytime high?? The chicks need to stay around 96 I think. I will keep mine in the living room until they are about a month, then they will go out to the garage with a large heat lamp until they are about 2 months...then they will move into the coop (still with a heat lamp). I will keep them seperated from the adults though until they are about 4 months. They will have access to the outdoor enclosed run, but not to free range until they are 4 months.

I guess I am lucky that I at least have it is pretty quick.

Glenwood, IA

The chickens finally came out into the snow today...just thought I would share some pics.

Thumbnail by mcamden
Glenwood, IA

Here is a slightly better pic of my roo...

Thumbnail by mcamden
Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Or, granny, with the time mine takes to load I could
knit them a wardrobe to last through grade school.

NZ, the chicks can't regulate their heat til they get
feathers, and of course it helps if they have other
chicks to keep each other warm. I know you must be
thrilled to have some chicks. Yes, much work, but
very rewarding.

may tammy have lots of chick friends

Glenwood, IA

Last one...

Thumbnail by mcamden
Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Awww, how pretty. A window to the world...of chickens!

may the princess' windows always be clean

Glenwood, IA

Hahaha...I used to do a lot with video/picture editing. I have also made a few movies...I miss that stuff. Another possible business endeavor. :)

Wellington, New Zealand

Okay Im going to keep the chic's inside with a heat lamp... do what mel said in a nut shell... I want living chic's not going to worry about the feelings of the hens lol... when i posted my good morning message at 244pm it was my 7.45am 8feb has for the high between 26-30d we're in summer well kinda summer...

chic number twoooooooooo yippy :)

Thumbnail by nzgirl
Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Truest, is your speed higher than 31.2kbps? That is the highest I can get since I moved my computer from the bedroom to the living room. :-<

nzgirl, yippey is right...cute as a button.

Wellington, New Zealand

we have another chic :) mother nature has blessed me three times so far :)
I had 4 different breeds going and it looks like i've got 3 of the 4 so far... The breeds were Lavender Araucana, Barnevelder, Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock...

This message was edited Feb 7, 2008 7:20 PM

Thumbnail by nzgirl
Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Good for you..hello little chickie.

Glenwood, IA

Awwww....they are SOOO cute! That red one looks just like our RIRs!

Glenwood, IA

Ok...ok...I think Christmas will have to come early this year! Hahaha...I was just going through my OTC catalog...and I thought I would order one of these for everyone! Hahaha...

This could be like our official club hat!

Thumbnail by mcamden
Luther, MI(Zone 4b)


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

ROFLMAO!!! Yep, Mel, there's nothing that puts a smile
on my face faster than having my head up a chicken's butt!
I must have one!

Aww, NZ, your chicks are adorable! How cool you get one
of each, so far! They look very happy. Go chicken Mom!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

ok, I am out of edits, and I goofed on that post, so here's my
correction right under it!

may the princess walk on clouds

This message was edited Feb 8, 2008 7:45 AM

Wellington, New Zealand

I love that hat...!!! I needed a laugh :) I've got another one now so a total of 4 yes mother nature has blessed me 4 times :) 2 more eggs to go... I'm going to leave them under the hens for another 2days then it would have been 25days at that point and im guessing the other 2 have not made it... What are your thoughts...?

I'll post a picture later on tonight when all four are out eating, playing, drinking hehe very happy :) I've got one of the hens in with the chic's at this time I've bought a heat lamp today I'm goint to set that up tomorrow.. Good thing about having a mother hen in with them is she's teaching them how to eat etc hehe...

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Blessings to you NZ. Sounds as if the hen has adopted
them for her own. You may not have to wait to put them
with the others if she is there to look after them. I would
think that after 25 days, those chicks are slow at best,
and not going to make it. If she is very attentive, she may
also do the job of keeping them warm for you.

may the princess always be warm

Glenwood, IA

hahaha....I am glad you all like your Christmas present. :) I am very excited for Maree! Hopefully your last two eggs will hatch, but if your hens havent kicked them out yet I would give them a little more time.

I am heading to KC with my brother soon...then coming to Texas to put up a new coop real quick!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

WooHoo! Can we wear those hats while we work on the coop?

NZ said hugs to Maree- are you Maree NZ? or-is Lucky

may all the princess' days be bright

Wellington, New Zealand

hello everyone well I didn't have to wait another day as both hens left the nest and the eggs were stone cold this morning so out of 12 eggs I got 4 beautiful babies :) life is good :)

One of my banties that was sitting on the eggs isn't looking to good this morning :( she is very pale I've now got her inside and force feed her so wet bread and wet mash, Im not sure what else to do but what and see what happens or maybe she has the baby blues... The other bantie is doing really well with her babies so far...

My little girl is over the moon and just sits watching watching its very cute :) hmmm maybe she'll grow up to be a vet...?

Yes Im in New Zealand

(edited spelling errors)

This message was edited Feb 8, 2008 8:09 PM

Glenwood, IA

Yes, we can wear those hats while we buid. I think I will even wear mine to job interviews. Sorry we didnt make it down yesterday...we ended up hanging in KC longer then expected. :)

Congratulations on your 4 chicks! Those hens will sit on eggs again if you want them to. :) I hope your hen will be ok...not sure what it could be.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I think it's great that your hen's hatched for you, NZ.
How easy is that?! I hope your girl feels better. Maybe
she is blue that her buddy has chicks and she doesn't.

That's ok, Mel. DH and I built the second brooder
instead. Could you give me a link to the chicken hat?
My SIL is a school bus driver, and likes to wear goofy
hats for the kids.(secretly, I want my own) LOL

may princess tammy have mnay goofy hats

Glenwood, IA

Sorry...I dont have a link. I just scanned the page from my catalog. It is on the Oriental Trading site probably though...I will see if I can find it. :)

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Ok, I have ordered from them before. I thought that
picture looked familiar! LOL

may princess tammy live a long life

Glenwood, IA

They are located in Omaha over we can normally just go to the warehouse and pick stuff up to save on shipping. :) I used to work on their forklifts I got to see how they did the order picking. It was pretty interesting. Like going shopping all day! hahaha...

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I ordered a doll house from them for my DGD last year.
it was amazing. It had every piece of furniture you could
think of, all made from wood. It had a bathtub, a water cooler,
fridge, TV stand, TV, beds, lamps, everything! DGD took
a long time, carefully unwrapping each tiny item. It is still
one of her most favorite toys.
may princess tammy have a fully furnished dollhouse

Aren't your chicks less than a week away, Mel?

Glenwood, IA

That sounds fabulous! Yes...our next round is due on Friday. I candled again last night, and to my dismay found that 2 or 3 of them are not doing well. All 10 were developing as expected until yesterday. One looks like it popped a blood vessel..and blood is pooling to one side. Another (from my old english) looks similar to an egg that has gone rotten...except it HAD an embryo as of Tuesday. I am not sure what happened other then forgetting to turn Friday morning before leaving for KC...but dont think one less turn would cause all those problems. I will check again today...but likly leave all the eggs until Friday just in case.

londonderry, Australia

sorry yes i know it is copletely of the subject right know but over here it is on every channel about your elections i was just wondering who exactly do you want in

Glenwood, IA

So funny...this election is going to go down in the record books of all time! I have NEVER paid addention to the elections...but this year I am watching all of it. Do you know why? Every president our country has EVER had has been a white male. This election, the top two candiates consist of a black man, and a woman! It is the like the symbol of the change of this country. People have said that a woman would never run this I think now that Hilary (who is the wife of former president Bill Clinton) is doing so well...I think a lot of woman are voting for her because she is a tough lady...and a lady! I honestly havent decided which I like more...I think Obauma is really good though...but I have to admit that I would enjoy having Hilary win.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Mel and everyone! The chicks are HERE! I have posted
a couple of pictures...soooo healthy and happy! They are
in my Eggs Are in the Bator! thread.

I read in Storey's, Mel, that emryo death occurs at 2 peaks
in incubation. The first at 1 week, the 2nd at the second week.
Causes could be poor parent health or nutrition, or due to
some handling issue..I hope the majority are doing well!

Oh, don't get me going on any current news event, I'll
just watch them all on TV and laugh..

may princess tammy have all good programming

This message was edited Feb 11, 2008 12:56 PM

Glenwood, IA

I check again last night...and I am not sure of the issue. 5 of them 10 are doing great..the other 5 I am unsure of. I would expect to see the same sort of problems in each egg...but that is not the case. I am the only one who has touched the eggs...and I havent handled these NEARLY as much as my first batch. Plus I have the humidity just right now. These are from the same parents (except the 2 from the old lady). One egg seems to be bleeding internally.Another that had an embryo looks to be rotten. I am keeping them in since we are down to 4 days now. I will see what they look like internally if they dont hatch.

I am just hoping that if NOTHING else i get one from my Blast SexLink, and one from my Old English hen. She has one good egg...and the other is the one that looks rotten. But she is also an OLD chicken!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

There's no telling, I guess. 8 of 12 quail from one
supplier are not feretile, or did not do any developing.
I am bummed about this, as these are the big quail eggs.
I candled them last night, and tho I can't see any movement
in any, the background color of the fertile ones is dark, while
the infertile are still turqoiuse.

may all the princess' eggs be fertile!

Glenwood, IA

Wow. that seems like a pretty low fertility rate. is that normal? I hope that your 4 fertile ones hatch! Then you can breed your quail, and get more eggs to incubate!

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