Chayote Squash

pensacola, FL(Zone 8a)

What is the secret to growing this squash? I am successful at getting it to sprout on a shelf, but as soon as i plant it, it dies. I have sprouted 5 and every one has died.


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I'd suggest starting it outside and just letting it go. Merliton seems to thrive in hot weather. They might have a problem with being disturbed. You certainly have enough HEAT in Florida, so it has to be something else. Also, I hear they have an extremely long growing pattern before they produce any fruits, AND you need to have a male and a female plant for reproduction. Google Merliton, Chayote Squash, or research the plant files here. There was an entire thread at one time, discussing merliton. I love it. I'm from New Orleans, and one day I'm gonna grow my own here. They are expensive in our stores!

Good luck!


Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh, this just $#@&$! I think I have all the squashes covered, and y'all have to remind me of this. grumblegrumble. Now I need to find seeds. grumblegrumblegrumble......

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Okay, well, I just learned a lot. Like, Ya have to plant the whole chayote, not just the seed. Here's an article that explains it very well....

So, unless I can find it in the store (probably not in this town *g*), I'm outta luck. Might be successful at the local swap meet, there are vendors who carry tropical fruits. A new challenge!

Thanks, I think.....

pensacola, FL(Zone 8a)

Well, i started a new one, i just put in in a pot with the tip sticking out and am checking it daily.Catmad, you should check Walmart or a more upscale grocery that carries exotic stuff. They are plentiful around here and are only about $1 ea. If you cant find any i can send you some.


Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Carol. WalMart is a great idea, I even found key limes there. We don't get there often, so I keep a running list, and will add it....This is why I love DG. My mind is gone, so I borrow other people's......

Phoenix, AZ

Catmad, if you have a grocery that caters to Mexican or South American immigrants, you'll for certain find chayote there. Probably in a Chinese market, too.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Okay, confession time. I did find a chayote, in a nice little plastic bag, and promptly lost it. Well, I found it this morning, and it's growing (which only confirms my opinion that anything i ignore has a much better chance of success), so what do I do now??
The roots and stems are coming out of the same scar, so do I plant so the shoots are underground, too" Can't see any other way to do it. Do I put it back where I found it untill it really warms up outside, or start it hardening off with my 'Maters? They are going out during the day (56-77), but in at night (40-56)?

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am from La and have always eaten mirlitons but never tried to grow any. They are great pickled with different kinds of peppers and cucumbers. I think I will try to grow one when you guys let me know how. LOL I'll be watching this thread closely to find out which end is up on a mirliton.

pensacola, FL(Zone 8a)

update....i planted in a pot in feb and forgot about it. This is what i found growing alive and well in back of the greenhouse

Thumbnail by ctbig
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Which end did you plant up, the narrow end or the fat end?

pensacola, FL(Zone 8a)

plant in a pot with the fat end with the crack exposed to may be able to see the top in the pic

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

So, if I just bury it up to the top, the roots will find their way down over the edge? Okay, I'll try it....

Makes a long vine, rather like melons. Most Caribbean growers let it sprawl on the ground, but I knew one fellow who grew his head-high on a trellis for easier picking.

I keep planting them then moving away, humm. I'm more stable for the next whole year, maybe. I'll have to put one in the ground. Left in a warm place, windowsill, they'll start to sprout. I plant mine on edge, so the split is half buried, and the sprout up, and the root, umm, down.

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