Look what I woke up to after the BAD storms!!!

Louisville, KY

The tree guy can't come until next week to get this 50'-60' tree out. If it falls it will smash my beloved greenhouse.

Thumbnail by forevereden
Louisville, KY

...I don't want to do anything but watch out the window when the wind blows!!!!

Muskegon, MI(Zone 5a)

I think it's very sad to lose a big tree like that. Sure hope the tree guy comes before it has a chance the hit the gh; now that would really be tragic. Helen- newbie

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Oooh...that doesn't look good! I will keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't fall on your GH. The one thing that may help you is it looks like its branches are somewhat entangled with that other tree, and that could help prop it up for longer than if it was just there by itself.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


Any chance the tree guy could save the tree (and your greenhouse) for you? Sometimes they can cable it back into place and use wires to hold it in place till it establishes itself again.


Louisville, KY

I am not sure if it is an option. The roots are pretty much gone on one side. I will get his opinion. That was one of three huge trees that shade our house in the summer time. I want to count the rings and see how old it was. Poor ole tree. They can't get a crane back there right now with the ground being so wet. They said it would get stuck. They are supposed to come cut some of the branches by the end of the week to lighten the weight on the other tree. It sure is a site to see.

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