Lichens too :o} ?

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Hope I'm not a nuisance in asking if Lichens could also be added in the Category list ?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Can we combine mosses & lichens into one category?

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Sure! That would be fine. Thanks!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Best not to - mosses are more closely related to flowering plants, than they are to lichens. They're in different kingdoms!


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

That's an excellent point, and I'm red-faced I didn't raise that objection myself. (I knew there was a reason we had shied away from lichens in PlantFiles in the past ;o)

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Resin, you made a good point! But then do Lichens belong to the same kingdom as the Fungi ? I know that these are not considered to be plants!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Lichens are a symbiotic combination of alga and fungus, so in theory, they fall into two different groups in one go. Not sure how their formal classification works out! Try checking the Tolweb site:

What could be grouped with mosses is liverworts, they are fairly close (I think! - best check!!)


Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Thanks Resin, I do understand (feel intuitively) that liverworts are closer to the plant kingdom...and not the lichens I feel are more closely related to the fungi world...

But, alas I think the scientifical nomenclature used in the sites is beyond me...

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