Red blotches on scape

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

This morning I discovered red blotches along most of the scape of my Elvas, otherwise a healthy looking plant. I searched the topic on this forum. Is this a case where a fungicide would help?

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

This time with photo...

Thumbnail by Peckhaus
Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

This photo is of Wedding Dance. Before it bloomed I noticed the scape bent fairly badly (don't know why - it wasn't very tall at the time). I staked it and the scape now stands more or less straight, but the red spots are just about where the knick would have been.

Are these red spots from the bending or is it the same issue as the Elvas above?

Thumbnail by Peckhaus
Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Red spots or none, the blooms are beautiful! This is Elvas.

Thumbnail by Peckhaus
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The information I've come across and my own experience seems to say that this a response to injury in Amaryllis, whether the cause is fungus, disease, mites, or -- as I think in the case of your bent 'Wedding Dance' stalk -- mechanical injury. If I don't see mites (which hide in the dry layers of the bulb), and if the bulb is firm and the plant seems healthy, I don't worry about a little red color such as you have here.

I certainly don't have the expertise of some on this forum... I'm just going by my experience the past few years and the information I've come across so far. But I don't think you should be alarmed.

Aschaffenburg, Germany


By the way, your soil seems way too moist...Some would only water from the saucer and keep the protruding part of the bulb dry...I am gradually won over to that method of watering, too. However, sometimes it can't be done because of the nature of my containers, argument is also that it always rains from above...however, I avoid pouring water on the bulb, I water just on top of the 1 inch edge between bulb and pot.

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, gofast. I should be able to bottom water with the pots I have. Good tip.

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