February- Superbowl Sunday Walk

Abingdon, MD(Zone 7a)

Football is a great team sport for those that play...and often a fun spectator sport for the many that watch.

But today...around my part of Maryland was a better day to spend outside than staring at the TV.

If you were moving aound the yard (I was cutting wood mostly), it was T-Shirt weather, a bright sun, crisp air and lot's of good old mud from the rains we had last week.

Almost heaven! (For me at least)

I hope it was for all of you too!


South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Ray and Welcome to the N.E. forum!
It was not T-shirt weather here in Maine yesterday, as a matter of fact we had snow showers off and on. I'm really not a football fan but did watch the game due the fact that I wanted to see the Pats make history, but they lost so it was a waste of my time! LOL

My brother lives in Maryland, he always tease me about the fact that he has daffodills 6 weeks before me. So I send him snow pictures when we get a foot or 2 dumped on us. He said he doesn't miss the amount of snow we get!

I still waiting for 'almost heaven', it will be at least 6-8 more weeks before it arrives! Enjoy your weather!!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I remember one year when it got to 47 on Superbowl Sunday - that was t- shirt weather here.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi Ray,

Not that nice here. Wed is supposed to be in the 50's, but rainy.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Ray,
Cloudy, damp & rainy, I'm leaning toward Pixie's 'guesstimate',
a T-shirt would get you a nice case of pneumonia up here!

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

We probably hit 39 - it was a bit cool on my walk, but I stood still for quite awhile.

South Milwaukee, WI

The weather was really yucky here, but the SuperBowl game was Super Exciting! What a great game!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

but I stood still for quite awhile

please elaborate Debi.LOL

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I was hand feeding the birds. I would have stood in the same spot longer but I ran out of food.

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