New to the Forum, with a GH in renovation

Hot Springs National, AR

Hello all! Was delighted to find this forum, and read of your experiences. I am in Hot Springs, Arkansas, on Lake Hamilton. My GH is supposedly 1,200 sq ft, but I am doubting it is that large. Difficult to measure, it is all angles. For now it is a COLD GH by the GH Experts standards (temps have been down to 28°). End use to be a place for relaxing and entertaining - potting, propagating, etc. We have a large sun room that stays a nice 68° year round, for keeping container plants off season. Am trying to keep enthusiasm levels from going into the 'obsessive zone'. Lots of fun stuff to do - have started the blog here, as well as a journal. Strictly a hobbyist!

Thumbnail by lainygardens
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Welcome to DG! What a cool GH... I saw your photos in the daily blog. It will be fun to watch your progress with the ideas that evolve. Suffice it to say I am jealous... lol.

Hot Springs National, AR

Thanks, Podster! Good to be made welcome!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

If you have questions or ask for ideas, you will be overwhelmed with help. Same is true if you need plants to fill it up!

Do you plan to heat it?

Johns Island, SC

Good luck, lainygardens! I think all of the addicts here started as "strictly hobbyists"! I know I did...

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Well, I think that looks like one cool greenhouse.. and I want to know what kind of plants you are interested in putting in there..

How tall is it? What are your interests? How big is that pond, water fall? Where does the water from the stream go? Is there a larger pond at the bottom..

Are those glass walls? Is the roof glass?

Is this home a new acquistion for you?


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

lainygardens, That is an awesome room!!!!

Lots and lots of cool things to do in that room.

I look forward to other pics.
I'll check out your blog too.

thanks for sharing your progress and ideas.

Hot Springs National, AR

Thanks for all the terrific responses. I moved here to take a job as a live-in personal assistant, and kennel manager (8 Japanese Chins, some retired Champs, a couple of up and comers - and one barky Papillon). The owner of the house has lived here 5 years, and travels extensively judging dog shows - thus, needing someone to live in and hold the fort. She wasn't interested in the GH, and had all the doo-dads turned off.
Have some turned back on, but don't want auto sprinklers while I am doing brick work.
The walls and ceilings are translucent panels, with large and small windows. On the roof is a sprinkler for cooling it during summer months. I do want to heat it, and have been planning the terracing around heating only a portion of it. The tallest part of the ceiling is 30 feet! The rest, except the entry, about 15 feet. At the entry, which is under decking above is probably only 7 feet. Plans will be to heat the entry area and the seating area, after putting in structure to place bubble wrap, or pool cover on top to create a false ceiling, just in that area, for winter.

I'm still trying to decide on plants - In September heat got up to 120° (not using the sprinklers or fans). Having lived in Imperial Valley - temps from 25°to 130°, I know that with irrigation some lovely landscape plants survive the extremes. I was recently there, but had so much fun visiting family and friends, I forgot to go to the nursery! And obviously, banana trees survive - as some made it up to the last freeze, tho I expect them to come back. If they survived 5 years without any care, no doubt they will make it. I WELCOME any suggestions! Also any tidbits about the water plants for the two ponds - small as they are, they need something growing in them. The upper pond will be in the heated area. Would be happy to keep it at 50° in that area.

Am including a photo of the lower level, which still needs cleaning of some of the dead weeds.
The lower pond is very small, about the size of a bathtub - and the "waterfall" not very attractive. I hope to do some cement sculpting do improve it's appearance. The lower level floor is very sloped. Still trying to work out what to do....maybe concrete planters near the walls to create a retainer between more dirt and the walls/windows.

Thumbnail by lainygardens
Hot Springs National, AR

This is a photo of the lower level long wall

Thumbnail by lainygardens
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Awesome -- So Much Potential!!!!!

I'll be watching this one. :^)

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

That is a very cool building/space! Is it my imagination or is it particularly dark in there? Does it get very much light? It seems like every picture has a lot of dark spaces in it, and I wasn't sure if you had just taken the pictures when the sun was going down?

Hot Springs National, AR

It's dark in the entry area, that is covered by decking above. And the winter light was low when I took the photo's. Ordinarily it gets good light in all but the entry area.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

what a fascinating place, I can see the potential, keep showing photos of your progress please, I love reading and watching as these lovely spaces come together, and with plants :) oh my that will be just lovely

Evergreen, CO

Man that's cool! I bet your going to be one buff cookie by the end of the summer. Please keep us posted on your progress. My only suggestion is find yourself a neighbor kid to help.

Good luck!

This message was edited Feb 9, 2008 7:31 PM

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