Nyctanthus Arbor Tristis. vVability of seeds?

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

My NAT tree is seeding very well. At this stage, all the seeds are a healthy green. If anyone has experience as to the viability of these seeds and when to pick them, I'd appreciate hearing your comments.
I believe the seeds have a very short life span. My own experience has been a 'dead' seed when left on the tree to brown, then held for a month or so. If they are sold in catalogues, they must be 'fairly old'!

Maybe they should be picked when still green?

If anyone has a tree, I've had excellent results with 'air layering'.

Thumbnail by bedouin
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Hi, I have a very small seedling myself. How old is yours that it's even producing seeds? I can't wait! Is there anyway you can post a picture of the full tree? It would help me figure out where to plant it. Thanks.

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Mine is about 15', plus minus 5 years old

Chichester, NH(Zone 5b)

I had lots of green seeds this year also, but they just fell off green and never turned the brown they are suppose to. They would split in half (still green) and then just fall off. I tried planting one green but had no luck. Next year I will try putting a white sheet underneath to catch any that fall since I have mulch under there now and it's hard to tell if there's anything seed worthy down there.
Good luck to you.

Thumbnail by astcgirl
Chichester, NH(Zone 5b)

Just a note....
I had asked Jnana (a fellow DGer) the same question just recently, and was kind enough to give me these directions....

"That oval pod is the seed. You have to let it turn brown before you pick it. It germinates very easily, just plant it in some light soil just below the surface (1/4 to 1/2" deep). It should sprout in a month or less. Make sure that you set the pot in a warm shady place. Putting a cover helps with the germination."

Hope you don't mind Jnana for posting the information, it was so helpful I wanted to pass it along, in case someone else can get their seeds to turn brown.

Also, wanna_run_fast I purchased mine from Top Tropicals this past's only 3' tall and in a pot and it already had many seed pods.

Thumbnail by astcgirl
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

The NAT tree is difficult to see as is in the middle of 2 Cananga Odorata trees (Ylang Ylang). The highest part of the NAT is just below the electrical lines.

Thumbnail by bedouin
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

a few branches of seeds

Thumbnail by bedouin
Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

astcgirl, thanks for the info. With your info, when the seeds are ripe, (brown) I'll post them and whoever is interested can send a small SASBE for some seeds.

Again, thanks for the info, via Jnana

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