Where have all the PNWers gone (part 2)

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Thank you murmur - good luck tomorrow, hope you get some helpful information for Steve.

And thank you cocoa and susie - all praise gratefully received. those pebbles felt endless!

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

But those pebbles made the project...not just a run of the mill patio! Great patience too Laurie...

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

thank you thank you thank you - praise glorious praise!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Carla,

Good luck! But really, they've got to be easy-mine are doing great. I only keep houseplants that do well for me, and I don't like fussing with them. Truly, they are happy in my east window. One thing that might come as a surprise (or maybe you're more familiar with these than I am?) is that they trail. They grow up for a while and then arch down and over. I think it would look great in one of those planters with a face-then you'd have a "Rasta" planter.

Laurie, Carla's right-it's the pebbles that really set your patio apart. It's good you don't have furniture yet-then you can just enjoy looking at it and being proud of it for a while without needing to explain why all the furniture is in a pile in the corner... ;).

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Susan, your fur and feather babies are lovely! Thank you so much for sharing them!

Laurie, WOW that is phenomenal! Absolutely gorgeous!

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

Susan ~ wow...what a great fur/feather family. The kitties look pretty stressed out though...

Laurie, Laurie, Laurie. What can I say. WOW! What a GORGEOUS patio and steps. You have the patience of a saint to hand set all of those tiny little pebbles. Incredible. I can imagine the summer soirees that will take place. You'll have to send pictures so we can live vicariously through them!

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Thank you everyone! I had to go to town this afternoon as we're expecting more snow this week, so I just kind of posted all those pics and dropped out of sight! LOL!
Yes susy, there's a story behind Koregon's name. DD, SIL and GK lived in Kentucky for about 5-7 yrs off and on, 3 TIMES TO BE EXACT! Anyway the second time they moved back to Oregon they brought this 5 week old kitten with them that the one female cat they had gave birth to. He was the only male and the only one that survived. On the way here the oldest GD and our DD decided to name him Koregon (K for Kentucky and the rest oregon as they were coming back to Oregon). And that's the story about how Koregon got his name. Speaking of Koregon, he decided he was a dog this afternoon while the boys were outside. Think he can eat those rawhide chews?!! LOL! I call him my puppycat as he thinks he's a dog most of the time AND when he walks across the room you can hear him, so I also call him Stomper. When he gets real antsy he STOMPS through the entire house and you can even hear him on the CARPET! LOL!

This message was edited Feb 4, 2008 7:51 PM

Thumbnail by gardener105
Kingston, WA

Laurie, Your patio is fantastic, I am in awe and turning green.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Susan! A stomping cat! Now, that I have never heard before. Thanks for the Koregon story. I was wondering about the "K".

Beautiful animals! I love them all, even the chicken who will lay no more eggs. She's a dear little chicken. And glad you found a home for the rooster. He's so proud looking with all his glorious feathers!!

Yes, Skippy is an aussie through and through. So completely disgusted by the entire thing. It's funny, he has more of an aussie temperament than Fran does. She will love on anyone who wants to admire her. Skippy doesn't give most people the time of day after the first sniff. Except Rachel. they both adore her!

Laurie, you have completely done it with that patio!! Completely worth all of the effort, time, and money that was put into it - it's a piece of art! Who needs furniture? Didn't you say that you once built a bed with a mitre saw? Get busy! you can do it! A dining room table is only a few more cuts above a bed.

Well, my son does not have the flu. He has pneumonia. I've never seen him so sick. He'll be fine, but he's one sick boy right now. It's a good thing that I am reasonably sure that I'm a good mother, because when we took him to the doctor today he reported what sounded like hallucinations due to high fever. Evidently this was last night during the night and he didn't awaken us. First thing I heard of it was when they asked 'what are your symptoms' and he starts reporting roller coasters on his bed. Then the doctor gives me one of 'those' looks, so I give Andrew one of 'those' mom looks and say 'dear God, son! Why didn't you come wake me up?'. He said 'I was too busy trying to figure out what to do with the roller coasters on the bed'. It would be funny if it were not so scarey.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

What was that television show "kids say the darnest things".

Ohhhh, Susy, am I so transparent??? Yes that is me, making everyone stand in the smallest corner to admire without cluttering the space - I love it love it love it! AND its done. tick, one thing. Let the rest of the garden live in gentle anarachy, I have a done patio.

Hmm, table - the problem is Pix, that left hand lean I built in to everything - its hard to stop the platescutlerysausagesglasses from rollllllliiiiiinnnnnggggg off the table. But a bench might be possible. In a corner. If it only takes up 6 1/2" space. And can be removed when not in use. DON'T SIT THERE YOU'RE CLUTTERING THE SPACE - poor DH.

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

I know nothing about that plant you sent, I am a lover of cacti that grow outside in the desert. In Az. I grew house plants with substance, there was so much desert I wanted some green! Now there is to much green and I want some desert, lol isn't that the way it always is!

You have a "cat" dog and I have a cat "dog", my new one the chihauhau acts so much like a cat. She loves to play but uses her front paws just like a cat, she is tempermental, and loves to explore on her own. But she does have pack mentality and has already moved up to dog #2, I doubt she will get the min pin to back down, but she has accomplished it with the rott...he just moves aside or gives up whatever she wants.

To all you "lefties" didn't anyone have a teacher who worked on changing you to right hand? I did and now I am very ambidextrous, 2 year later my brother went through and they did not change him, nor did they change my brother who is 8 yrs. younger...I guess I had an old teacher, she was also my moms teacher when she was in 1st grade...lol

Here is a picture of the "big" and "little" after a nap.

Thumbnail by cocoajuno
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Yeah susy, I hadn't either until dear Koregon came along, I swear he sounds like a dog walking through the house even the pups don't stomp like he does. Sometimes they even walk up behind me and I can't even hear them, but I always know when Koregon's coming! LOL! I can even hear him come up on the porch and trot across it to the door, then he REALLY stomps. He's a funny boy.
Thank you Pix, I've always wanted to live on a farm since I was a little girl. My GP used to live next to a farm in Beaverton and the people had cows. I would go out and pull grass and feed them (I was 6 or 7). It always scared my mom but I did it anyway, we had a fence between us gees! LOL! DH thinks I'm crazy cause I talk to the animals (even the chickens), but if you don't talk to them they'll always be afraid of you (it's called COMMUNICATION)! LOL! I hope your son is going to be ok, pnuemonia is pretty serious. My oldest GD and GS suffer from asthma real bad, whenever they have a bad attack it scares them to death, she's 9 and he'll be 7 next month. Our D is an excellent mom she knows they're having an attack just by how they sound when breathing. The GD was having an attack at school and the teacher called our D and told her that the GD was saying she couldn't breath, the teacher didn't believe her but decided to call our D anyway. She explained the situation and our D said put her on the phone, all she did was listen to her breath, she told her to give the phone back to the teacher, when she did our D said "I'll be right there she's having an asthma attack". The teacher didn't argue, DD was very angry to put it politely. So whenever our GD says she can't breath, the teacher takes her to nurses station so she can use her inhaler. Our GS's teacher does the same thing when he has an attack.
I'm sure you're an excellent mom too, you don't know what's happening to them if they don't tell you!
Cocoa, now that's funny and that's a pic you can adore forever, HOW CUTE!
Have to feed the pups and chickens, talk you ladies later!
Byeeeeeee! Susan

This message was edited Feb 5, 2008 8:14 AM

This message was edited Feb 5, 2008 8:16 AM

Oh, too cute that photo of the rottie and the chihuahuaI I would love to see that rottweiler give way to the little dog. What a hoot!

Yes, Susan, asthma is no joke! I had it all growing up and well into adulthood. It's really too bad that the kids cannot carry their own inhalers at school. Kids who have asthma quickly learn when they need to use one and precious minutes are spared when teachers allow the kids to be responsible for their own inhaler usage. I'm sure the teachers would prefer it that way, too. Thanks for the words of encouragement. Andrew will be fine. He just needs lots of rest right now.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

You're welcome Pix, my brother had asthma when we were kids and poor mom didn't think he would live to be 10 he had it so bad. Their doctor at the time told mom and dad that the best place to live for asthma was where the climate was dry and told them Bend would be perfect for DB so we moved up here (yes I said up as I was born in CA) 49 yrs ago (so I'm a BENDITE, OREGONIAN)! LOL! I'm the only one out of us 3 kids born there, dad was born in Monmouth and mom was born in Elwood, Nebraska, DB was born in Dallas, OR and DS was born here. So I guess I'm the black sheep BAAAAAAAAAAA! LOL!
Moving here DID help him, by the time he was 14 or 15 he had very few attacks and now (59 yrs old) he doesn't have any and hasn't have for many yrs.

Thumbnail by gardener105
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Carla,
Sorry, thought you might have been familiar with the Duvallia, as I did buy it in Phoenix at the Desert Botanical Garden. To compensate for all that green, here's a desert-y picture for you-This was at Joshua Tree NP, New Year's Day '06

Thumbnail by susybell
Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

What a great picture! Thanks for sharing, have you driven through that area at night? It really looks like a lot of spirits are roaming the desert, it is one of my favorite night drives.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Sue, neat Cactus! Now that's REAL DESERT!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

gorgeous Susy

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

LOL forgot to say, nice contrast between that picture and the post above it...great combo without the planning!

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

You're right Carla, that's what OUR desert can look like OBVIOUSLY! LOL!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

lol, Guess we're all needing a little dry right now, huh?
Carla, I've driven through the valley in the area at night on the freeway, but not the park. There is a little bit of a spooky feeling to the whole valley at night, I think. Still, the whole area is gorgeous. I've also visited Anzo-Borrego State Park, which is on the west side of the valley. It's beautiful as well, but I don't think I have any pictures from there. Darn, now I'm thinking about it and want to go back-now!!

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Yeah dry and GREEN! LOL!

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)


It is a very spiritual area both in CA and in AZ where it also grows, they have been used for many years to make things and to eat by the natives. I had a pair of sandals made from them in the early 60's, my grandmother got them for me in one of her many travels among her peoples.
I really do miss the desert and that is why I go home every summer, I long for the 100 plus temps. My grandmother is long gone but I have so many great memories from childhood, of her 40 grandchildren I was her favorite. I have always felt special because of this, I was so much like her and that is why my mom said we bonded. Her and my mom butted heads and mom and I did too! I was lucky to have the multi cultural guidance from her!
Thanks for some great memories and great pictures! Until I joined Dave's I was never much for taking pictures (some superstitions there) I am learning to bring the camera with me more often. You all share so many pictures I have to get in the groove.

Again Thanks a bunch for the desert pictures and the cacti starts,

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Carla,

Thanks for the background. You are lucky to have had that kind of guidance and really special connection with your grandmother. My GP were halfway across the country so I only ever saw them every few years for a week or so. Plus, my mom had head-butting problems with my GM, too. Some I think is just the mother-daughter thing, but my mom is quite different from her mom, as well.

I do understand about pictures, at least on some level. I find I take far, far, fewer of them than I did when I was younger. I'd rather experience a place than just record it, if that makes any sense? (Harder to share later, though!) I also really don't care for having my photo taken. DG is having me get the camera out again more, though, too. I like having something to share, but I don't want that to replace my experiencing a place.

I've got to admit, too, that I do love the SW part of this country, all of it that I've seen. I'd like to spend more time there just being in the desert. Oh, I've got to stop-makes it harder to look out the window here when I'm thinking about that sky and those rocks...

Thumbnail by susybell
Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)


I have just made that picture my background...love it. The saguaro's in the picture are beautiful when in bloom too. The flower is AZ's state flower, there are not as many tall ones as there were when I was young. They are so tall and it is hard to tell from a picture unless there is a human standing next to one.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow, I'm honored! Let's see, this was taken in the hills outside Phoenix to the east in Feb of '05. I don't remember exactly where we were, though.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Holy cow, Carla!! 40 grandchildren? Now there's a legacy.

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

LOL Katie,
I have lots of cousins, 1st, 2nd & 3rd!
Granny had 8 boys and 3 girls that lived to adulthood, she loved her boys! I was the first and only female child she truely bonded with, but I was a bit of a tomboy.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

The Joshua Tree pic was great. I love them. I spent two summers in Victorville, CA in '56 +'57. And in '93 we started going to Palm Spring in Feb-Mar. We always turned off I-5 at Gorman and went out across Antelope Valley, through Lancaster and Palmdale. It is such a beautiful area. I will really miss it now. 2007 was our last year.l Laurie you are an amazing person. Your house is a dream also. Everyone says I live in an English cottage and my garden is "English" also.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Willow - your post reminded me of a song my cousin and sang for my grandmother (many times) when we were traveling through Great Britain in the 70's. She was 86 and wore a wool coat the whole trip (in June). :-)

Anyway, it's called English Country Garden and I just looked up the words. I'll probably be singing it for a few days now . . .


Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I think I remember that song. :)

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, man, I'm still singing it. At least now I know there are two other verses that I can learn. And the first line of flowers I didn't know before, so I don't have to hmmm hmm them. :-)

I'm forwarding this to my cousin, too. I'm sure she'll get a kick out of it.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

willow, post pics, I would love to see your english cottage and garden! How exciting.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I will get pictures asap. I must learn to do this slowly. I did just take a picture of my cat Shadow. At least it is in the camera and there is also a picture of my dog in there. Now to get them in the computer and out again is the puzzle. I'm working on it.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

You'll have fun once you get started, I'm sure. They come up with ways to make it more and more intuitive.

Looking forward to seeing your cottage garden - I'm still working on mine. Most of my yard is shade and clay and the sunny parts are in the front where the deer can get to them, so I'm having to be creative . . . LOL

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Willow, I just learned how to do this. We have a little contraption that you put the picture chip into, which in turn plugs into the computer. Then a screen pops up which gives you instructions and tells you to click on "next" and "finish" All you have to do is choose a place for your pictures to go to on your computer. There may be another way to hook the camera directly to the computer, but I am unfortunately unenlightened about that method. Take the plunge! I avoided it for many months and was amazed how easy it was.

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

Don't be scared Willow...we're dying to see the pix!

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Okay! Thanks for the encouragement. I was just browsing thur a thread about what deer do or do not eat? It was a while since anyone was there so I will say that I use Bone Meal and just sprinkle it over plant I don't want the deer to eat. They really don't like the smell. It is a good fertilizer also so no problem with it. You must remember to do it once in a while and don't inhale. I have a yearling this year who is obeying none of the rules. Eats everything! But it has this little baby-face. Soooo cute. They come to the dining room door everynight and eat the birdseed. I generally don't feed them but I've been over feeding the birds because of the weather here. We've had snow on the ground since Xmas. My 90 year old mother really enjoys them also. They look right in the window and wait while I throw out more seed/

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Congrats to your mother on achieving 90!!! My dad's 89 - will be 90 this August.

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