Where have all the PNWers gone (part 2)

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

We came from here
Old tread getting to long, have fun

Kingston, WA

Oops almost posted on the long one.

Pixiedish, Lucky you! I so want a stand for mine and those extension thingies to put under long boards so it stays put while I saw. That saw was the best thing I ever invested in. Next big girl tool I want is a table saw. For my office, I am thinking on building book shelves and a window seat that holds a twin bed mattress so it can double as a guest bed for one. I am not positive if this is beyond my capabilities, but that's never stopped me before.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Haaaay it worked
Thank you Debbie, still learning my way around DG.

No better way to learn than by doing, I always say. It's just a few more straight cuts and corners. You should do it! But buy a stand first. If you are going to save all that money on furnishings by making them yourself, you deserve a nice mitre saw stand. See how that works??
I've been toying with the idea of a table saw for at least two years. I would love to have one. What has stopped me so far is my15 year old son. the thought of him using a table saw chills my blood. He wants one very badly, and so do I, but if I don't have one, he can't get hurt by one.

Kingston, WA

LOL! I like how your mind thinks! I have all kinds of elaborate plans like some cabinets under bed (argghh that thought is scarey!) Trim work around the whole window seat area with inset tile. I will paint it so if I have gaps, caulk will be my friend. That and lots of trim pieces. We shall see if I even accomplish it.

Yes even though he's your son, I felt chills just thinking about it too. He can take wood shop at school and learn the safety use of these tools first, maybe?

Tilly'srat you look like a pro to me.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Ohhhh, Deb! Build the window seat/bed! One of my favourite early married memories - DH went off to work one morning - we were absolutely skint we had a mattress on the floor instead of a proper bed - so I got out my work book, made some measurements and bought some wood - no car at that time, so carried it home in three lots - 8' lengths through the middle of Oxford! Me and - wait for it - my mitre saw spent the day constructing a bed - by time he came home it was done, fresh sheets, plumped pillows and it was with us for the first 15ish years! DH always remembers coming home that evening and all the lights on in the house - we were living in a 4 floor house owned by the college, he panicked thinking something was wrong and ran to rescue - just found me covered in sawdust and sweeping up - lights on to him, now, means PROJECT ZONE. Never looked back - when we moved I just kept making: wardrobes, my studio, hung doors, and eventually a chain saw certificate! Go on, try it!!!

(Pix, I went for the certificate because chainsaws scare me too - I really wanted instruction before I pulled that cord).

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Laurie post pics of some of your handywork girl! Have you ever seen the bumper sticker girls kick a*#! Well that's you girl!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I love that you carried all the wood home yourself, now that is serious conviction! (and I didn't have a car in my early 20's either, and had to carry everything home, I remember walking home with paint cans)

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome! Yeah it's me with those crazy lab pups! Moose and Brute are really growing, I took them to town with me yesterday and through the car wash. Scared the beegees's out of them but I figure if I take them now while they're young, then the next time I go when they're older they won't tear the car apart (Ford Explorer).
Kayte, you know the geography well, we're out by the airport, 1/2 mile west of the runway.
Susybell, took the hint, here you go!
Susan, Moose & Brute

Thumbnail by gardener105
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Here's another.

Thumbnail by gardener105
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Have to go put the bull and older calves in so DH can plow himself a road so he can feed the cows. Talk to everyone later.

Thumbnail by gardener105
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

The sun is out for a minute or two - do I dare try to pull a few weeds? Or should I just pick up the weeds I threw on the grass yesterday when I had a short time outside? Or should I take a nap?

Susan, welcome and how I love your dogs!!! And your gorgeous snow photo - calendar material!

Steve had a bad day yesterday and I was about ready to take him to the hospital last night, but he calmed down and today ate a big breakfast (he had to force himself, but at least he got it down).

I wish I was braver about power tools - Steve has a ton of nice stuff, none of it being used (even before he got sick). But for now I am just one big chicken. I admire those of you who just jump right in! Laurie, what a great story!!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Susan!
I'm really a Susan, too but almost no one calls me that. Love the pictures-that's a great portrait of the puppies! And you, lol! Lovely arbor in the snow. I love that area-met my DH on a trip to Mt Bachelor, in fact.

Murmur, I'd love to be more comfortable with the power tools, too. I'm OK with drills, but not so much the saws. Our setups have to be temporary due to space restrictions and that makes me even more nervous-seems less safe to me. Maybe if your Steve would be OK with it, some of our tool pros could give us all tips when we come to your house for the garden party?

Kingston, WA

A tool time party, where we can all make weird grunting noises with a dress code of flannel shirts and hard hats?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Nah, a Tool Time Tea party with chocolate cakes, planter plans, and ladybug boots.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Will green frog boots do? I bought them for my two grandsons a number of years ago and got myself a matching pair - they thought it was a hoot! They've both outgrown theirs, of course, and my SIL made little planters out of one of each size for me! Mine still fit, but are in pretty bad shape.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Absolutely! Bumblebees, too! :)

Definitely frogs! Definitely!
Excellent snow/dog photos! I love it. Makes me wish we really had winter here. But only for a moment.

Laurie, that is is single most romantic story I've heard in such a long time. It practically had me in tears thinking of you bringing the wood home by yourself, and secretly building a bed for the two of you. What a woman. Your dh is so lucky to have you. And YOU've been holding out on us about that mitre saw!

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

Laurie ~ Every post raises you up a level on the pedestal I have built for you. You are truly AMAZING! YOU GO GIRL! CHICKS RULE!

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Thanks susybell, I wasn't TRYING to get in the pic REALLY! LOL!
Pixydish, come on down and experience it for yourself, then you'll REALLY say ONLY FOR A MOMENT! LOL!
Murmur, thanks for the welcome and the compliment on the pics.
susybell, we have a friend that grew up in Lake Oswego we call susybell as her name is Susy and her maiden name was Bell. Our DD lives in Vancouver, and one of her best friends lives in Lake Oswego. Is your DH from Bend?
rachierabbit, yeah we have a boat load of animals and I love everyone of them. Two of the chickens are real pets as are the Barbados sheep. We just got them to keep the weeds down around the pond, most people eat them but not us.
Here's some pics of DH plowing a road in the pond pasture so he can get through with the quad to feed. He has both the quad and tractor chained up as we're supposed to get an additional 4 - 8 inches tonight.
I'll send a pic of the boys too!

Thumbnail by gardener105
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Another. That's the pond behind him. Mainly snow now, there's water in there but it's frozen over and covered with about 6 in of snow. I keep the sheep shut out of there when it's like that, they have the area around the cistern and a calf shed to get into if it's real nasty.

This message was edited Feb 2, 2008 3:07 PM

Thumbnail by gardener105
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Yet another and the next one will be of the boys on their bed in the utility room. NO MORE CRATE!

Thumbnail by gardener105
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

As I said no more crate and they're doing real well. Haven't had any accidents yet! That's the dryer on the left and the summer fan portion of the old oil furnace we used to heat the house with before we got the Monitor stove. It's also where there crate was, it's a perfect fit for them both.
BTW susybell, most people call me Sue.
Susan, Moose & Brute

This message was edited Feb 2, 2008 3:03 PM

Thumbnail by gardener105
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Susan,
Yes, most people call me Sue, as well. Susybell for me was a nickname that DH used a long time ago. It became my username out of desperation after I couldn't think of anything else (at least that wasn't already taken). It's funny that you actually know one, and in my area, (more or less) too. If she decides to join DG, let me know and I'll surrender it to prevent extra confusion... Your DD is here in Vancouver! Small world. It's not a bad drive from here to Bend, either. Both DH and I are from Seattle. We met on a ski trip and ended up down here after DH got transferred for work.

More cute puppy pictures! Now I'd like to see a picture of the pet sheep! I don't know that I'm cut out to be a farmer. I'd be turning everything into pets, I think-even though I'm not a vegetarian. It would be nice to have a tractor, too.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Very nice Deer! You have a beautiful farm! How many acres do you have? Love the pics of the "boys" too. Rachel

Aren't they adorable?? Such sweet little faces. I want sheep photos, too! And other animal photos as well. Bring on the animal photos!

Okay, the link from the other thread still does not work for me! Obviously the link likes Rachel better.

In case Amber shows up at this thread, I'm copying my answer to her post here. Sorry, I know it's a bit out of context.

Three or four times a week? Girl, you will be lucky if you do not have to check it every day at least once. You are dealing with plant addicts on this site.

Okay, in terms of your butterfly bushes, how long have they been in the ground? First year they sleep, second year they creep, third year they leap. That's the general rule of thumb with most everything. It's hard to kill them, and as long as they are getting enough sun, just give them time. The species ones are invasive here, that's why you see them growing all along the highway. Not good. You probably have cultivars like the rest of us. If you are not seeing little seedlings in your yard, you don't need to worry about it.

In terms of a place to buy rose trees, try Portland Avenue Nursery on Portland Ave in Tacoma, Watson's in Puyallup, Edgewood Flower Farm in Edgewood. I'd call them and tell them what you want first. By August the pickings are getting slim. It's best to buy rose trees in June, give or take a couple of weeks. Then keep them blooming yourself. You will have a better selection. You might want to see what the others people who grow roses around here think, but I'm wondering if you need a 'plan b', if you want them covered in blooms. Greatly depends on the variety you buy. You should have blooms in August for sure, but maybe not as many as in June.

My rugosa loses most of its leaves in the winter, even though the very tips of the branches continue to have green leaves. The rest are yellow.

Yes, your soil is acidic. Everyone around here has acidic soil. But have you amended the soil in any way? Since you live in Dupont, I'm guessing that you live in one of the newer developments there? If so, you would not have much topsoil left and you'll be wanting to amend your soil rather heavily with compost. Most of us in this area have glacial till: clay and rock. If you can't stick a shovel down into your soil without hitting rock, you probably have glacial till, too. The clay is okay in terms of nutrients, but the plants cannot get at them. Also, the clay drains poorly. Amending with compost is the best way to fix that problem. Everything will grow better. Do you have a truck? If so, the best place to get compost is LRI in Lakewood. It's certified organic, which is important around here because some compost still has weed killer in it if it's not certified. My sister thought she got a great deal on some compost until she realized that she had killed her roses with it.

Definitely stick around DG if you have questions about just about anything pertaining to the garden. There is a wealth of experience here.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Somehow I lost my post "Darn"
Just got home and to say Hi, Welcome and trying to keep up with it all the treads, you all been busy.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Today was Scrappy's first day of "super puppy" class, last week the class was just for the parents to learn how to be good "handlers." He was the "star" pupil, well at least that is what his mom and dad think! Here he is with his dad practicing the "sit" and "down" commands.

Thumbnail by rachierabbit
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Here he is just being plain cute!

Thumbnail by rachierabbit
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Looks like He's got it down, LOL

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Here he is playing with his big sister Cinder.

Thumbnail by rachierabbit
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Here are he and Cleo right before they started wrestling on mom and dads bed!

Thumbnail by rachierabbit
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Gotta get more pics of Tyler (Bunny Butt)
Love the pic Rach

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Here they are in full rastle mode!

Thumbnail by rachierabbit
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Yes you must post more pics of Tyler and all of your furbabies!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Forgot to to let you know Ester is doing much better almost back to herself.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I know havent be taking to many pics lately, havent had much time. will work on it.
Almost time for bed, and tommorrow will be friday for me LOL

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

So glad to hear that Ester is better, warms my heart! I bet Tyler is thrilled to have his pal back in action!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Will post some pics on day off

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