Indoor worm bin

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

For those of you with indoor worm bins, can you post your setup here?

Here are a few links I found: for kids


Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks, Maggie.

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

You bet.


Eureka, CA

Thanks Maggie ~ I'm so excited to see this new forum, and your links provided (as well as the existing threads) have answered many a question for me.

I have maintained one of those black plastic compost bins outside for years. That's where all the kitchen scraps have gone, and I feel like I've been wasting all that good worm food, although I know they're out there being happy. (Along with slugs, pincherbugs, sowbugs....) So now I have some answers as to how to keep what I'm making!

Thanks again!


Eureka, CA

Hey! Another question? Since I have maintained that one outdoors for a long time, do you suppose the worms I might find in there would be suitable/okay for me to use for my indoor bin? Probably the same kind of worm, right?

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Here are some links that may help. I personally don't know much but I know where to find things.

HappyDranch has some excellent articles!!! They are research based but include variations of personal experience. If you get a chance to read anything from KELLY SLOCUM- do. She's just that good. I do not post links to her input on other forums but it is worth researching them AND THEN COME BACK HOME. Kelly led a decampment from GW when their terms became untenable. She saw to it that the faithful became established on a new forum (that has since won net awards of no small stature) and then went on to other things. DG is a wonderful home. Research the web and bring the info home folks!



Eureka, CA

Thanks Maggie! You are a wealth of info!

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

You're very welcome. The short answer (which I accidentally edited out) is no. Compost worms and earthworms can't be interchanged. Here is the link I meant to send you


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

I checked out GW for more info on Ms Slocum per your post, Margaran. We are so spoiled here on DG. It took me some time to get to her posts, broken links which are being fixed, etc., etc. Just not impressed, and it's a shame. Love Dave's and really like Allen Bishops' Homegrown Goodness site, but that's primarily veggie growers. Great information on seed saving and more information than I really understand yet about developing your own hybrids. Fascinating though. And he raises worms in huge bins, pretty cool tips and info there. :)

This message was edited Feb 4, 2008 7:36 AM

Eureka, CA

Well, thanks to everyone's help here and other research, I'm gonna get my worm bin started this weekend!! Well, that is if I can find a local source for the worms..... if not, I guess I'll at least get the set-up ready for worm delivery later. I can hardly wait!


Eureka, CA

Okay ~ got them started! I only bought 300 worms.... my local supplier wanted 2x the price of what I could get online, but I really wanted to get this started this weekend. I think I've spent about the last hour just watching them, refluffing the paper, watching them.... right on the kitchen countertop! I'm jazzed......


(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Show us your worm bin!

I'm so happy for you!

I think this is such a cool thing to do for our environment and our gardens. I love these guys, they're so tolerant of us excited humans poking around in their bins. I don't think mine got any sleep the first six weeks I had them. Our local paper had an article on living green yesterday- starting a worm bin was on the list of recommendations to decrease landfill use.

So glad you're having fun,


(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

Ok question cause I ma stil new to the worm bin.
DH made me the bins where they both had holes in the bottom and one is to sit inside the other one. I have had one of them going since right after x-mas.
DH and son have been putting orange & banana peels and the coffee grounds in it along with vegetable peels but none of it was "ground" up so it hasn't been decomposing alot and I read on one of the topics things would do better if they were ground up in a blender then added in.
So question even though I already did it LOL I took and ground up the stuff in one of my inside bokashi compost bins (no meat in it) ...just coffee grounds and peels and a lil bread and the crushed up egg shells... then took the second bin that was not in use yet and put shredded newspaper and the ground up stuff mixed it and made sure ti was damp. Then took the old bin and mixed it in with the new one and all the worms transfered into it.....things should be okay right?
Dh was commenting about the pain of having the bin in the laundry room so I thought combining it into one and putting it in the garage by the house door would work.

Now once this is working I should take the empty one and fix it with the paper and put it on top of the first one so they can move into it when done with the bottom one? or should it be the one they are working on on top and the empty one on bottom?

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Sannajane, you could be shocked by doing all that worm watching. See these and for a discussion on worm porn..........ROFL

Helena, MT


Mimbus2...I may have be the source of the use of a blender for slurrying vegetable and fruit peelings. I have used shredded newspaper as a media in the past and have had problems with moisture control. I use peat moss exclusivley as a media for a number of reasons, but mositure control is one of the main ones, and I NEVER poke holes in the bottom of my bins. Too many bad experiences with that one.


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

ROFLMAO...welcome back MRaider..........this is another Worm GURU!!!

(Phyllis) Flint,, TX(Zone 7b)

I have shredded newspaper mixed in with some potting soil and crushed eggs and the rest is the blended scraps most of the scraps were form the fermented bokashi compost that was int eh a larger for extra moisture that has dripped down through the holes in the bottom onto the lid that is under neath and I have 2 boards for space.
I figured I could collect that and use it when I water my plants or save it up and use it outside as a spray?

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