Attracting Bluebirds

Buffalo, MN(Zone 4a)

OK, I just wrote this all out and it disappeared on me. I hate it when that happens!

The other thread on Bluebird houses prompted me to ask about this. Our cabin is on the edge of the woods on a dirt road with little traffic. Bluebirds come to the open area across the road from us to catch bugs so I would like to put some meal worms out for them in a tray feeder on my side of the road-what can I do to make the wormies more noticable? I have other bird feeders in this area-seed feeders as well as nectar, fruit and grape jelly for hummingbirds and orioles. Squirrels and chipmunks are also around. Would they all play nice together or would this be too busy for the bluebirds?
Thanks, Deb

Of couse I would wait until spring :-)

Marlton, NJ

Some of the other birds might also eat the meal worms. In that same sticky I was talking about earlier you can either make your own caged feeder to keep out the larger birds or buy one. Theres also a link to a caged Bluebird feeder.

Put them out in a dish first close to the area where you see them then gradually put them into a caged feeder if the larger birds are too much competition.

The squirrels shouldn't be a problem I hope.

Lawrenceville, GA

Deb... I don't know how they find 'em, but they do... start with a few mealies in a dish until you notice they're all gone so you know they've found them. It won't take long for you to get them trained... and vice versa!
I told a friend at work to just put a few in a dog dish on her patio table until she noticed them gone... it didn't take but a few hours for them to find the worms.... especially if they're already in the area.

Buffalo, MN(Zone 4a)

I could put a small pole with the tray/mealies on top slightly away from the other "critter traffic" at first (have you seen those little teacup feeders-a teacup and saucer on top of a little pole-maybe I coudl do that with just the saucer . . .

Marlton, NJ

They have great eyesight; I'm sure they'll see it.

Lawrenceville, GA

The mealies will crawl off of a saucer, I'd think... you need something with around a two-inch side... like a bowl, so they can't crawl out. Nothing flat

Buffalo, MN(Zone 4a)

Maybe a 8-10" plastic plant saucer would do the trick-maybe if I can successfully attract them to feeders this year I could try a bluebird house the next. Now I'm really excited for spring to come!
Thanks all!

Lawrenceville, GA

A saucer would sure work! I used a clay plant saucer since it was heavy enough to not blow away and the sides were tall enough to keep the little buggers from crawling out! Have fun!

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